
重磅快讯 | 2020年将没有德国汉诺威工业博览会

 控制工程中文版 2020-11-07


作者 | CE China翻译

12小时前,德国汉诺威展览集团(Deutsche Messe AG)在其官网发布消息,2020年将没有汉诺威工业博览会。这意味着原本延期到7月13日的2020年汉诺威展将取消举办。好消息则是,一个数字信息和网络平台的在线展览,将很快向客户开放。


HANNOVER MESSE cannot take place this year due to the increasingly critical situation surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic. The Hannover region has issued a decree that prohibits the staging of the world's leading tradeshow for industrial technology. From now until the next HANNOVER MESSE in April 2021, a digital information and networking offer will provide exhibitors and visitors with the opportunity for economic policy orientation and technological exchange.


The world of industry will not be able to meet in Hannover this year. Comprehensive travel restrictions, bans on group gatherings and a prohibition decree in the Hannover region make it impossible to stage HANNOVER MESSE. At the same time, the corona crisis is affecting the economy, and the manufacturing industry – HANNOVER MESSE's core clientele – is already struggling with serious consequences of the pandemic. Demand and sales in German industry are declining, resulting in supply bottlenecks, production stops and reduced working hours for employees. 


"Given the dynamic development around Covid-19 and the extensive restrictions on public and economic life, HANNOVER MESSE cannot take place this year," says Dr. Jochen Köckler, Chairman of the Board of Management, Deutsche Messe AG. "Our exhibitors, partners and our entire team did everything they could to make it happen, but today we have to accept that in 2020 it will not be possible to host the world's most important industrial event." 

“考虑到围绕Covid-19的动态发展以及对公共和经济生活的广泛限制,汉诺威展览今年无法举办,”德国汉诺威展览集团管理委员会主席Jochen Kóckler博士说,“我们的参展商、合作伙伴和整个团队尽了一切努力来实现这一目标,但今天我们必须接受,2020年将不可能举办世界上最重要的工业盛会。”

It is the first time in HANNOVER MESSE's 73-year history that the event will not take place. However, the organizers will not let the show completely vanish. "The need for orientation and exchange is particularly important in times of crisis," says Köckler. "That is why we are currently working intensely on a digital information and networking plattform for HANNOVER MESSE that we will open to our customers shortly." 

 这是汉诺威展览馆73年历史上第一次不举办这项活动。不过,主办方不会让展示完全消失。“在危机时期,定向和交流的需求尤为重要,”Kóckler说,“这就是为什么我们目前正在为汉诺威工业博览会(HANNOVER MESSE)开发一个数字信息和网络平台,我们将很快向客户开放。”  

Various web-based formats will enable HANNOVER MESSE exhibitors and visitors to exchange information about upcoming economic policy challenges and technological solutions. Live streams will transport interactive expert interviews, panel discussions and best-case presentations all over the world. The online exhibitor and product search is also being enhanced, for example with a function that enables visitors and exhibitors to contact each other directly. 


"We firmly believe that nothing can replace direct, person-to-person contact and we are already looking forward to the time after Corona," says Köckler. "But especially in times of crisis, we must be flexible and act pragmatically. As organizers of the world's most important industrial trade fair, we want to offer orientation and sustain economic life during the crisis. We are doing that with our new digital offering." 


Thilo Brodtmann, executive director of Germany's Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA), said, "The cancellation of HANNOVER MESSE 2020 is an unfortunate decision, but it is the only correct one. The mechanical engineering industry must now concentrate on minimizing the consequences of the pandemic in its own operations so that it can start up again. In April 2021, the engineers will be back in Hannover in full force." 

德国机械工程工业协会(VDMA)执行理事Thilo Brodtmann说:“汉诺威展览2020的取消是一个不幸的决定,但这是唯一正确的决定。机械工程行业现在必须集中精力在其自身业务中尽量减少流行病的后果,以便能够重新启动。2021年4月,工程师们将全部返回汉诺威。”  

Wolfgang Weber, Chairman of the ZVEI Management Board: "The fact that Hannover Messe 2020 cannot be hosted is a bitter loss, but it is the right decision. For the electrical industry, the fair is the showcase to the world, which unfortunately remains closed this year. So our companies will use the time until 2021 to manage the considerable consequences of Corona. Next year, they will then present themselves with the latest products and solutions for Industry 4.0 and the energy system of the future." 

 ZVEI管理委员会主席Wolfgang Weber说:“汉诺威2020年博览会不能举办,这是一个巨大的损失,但这是一个正确的决定。对于电气行业来说,展会是向世界展示的场所,不幸的是,今年展会仍然关闭。因此,我们的公司将利用2021年之前的时间来管理科罗纳的重大后果。明年,他们将展示工业4.0和未来能源系统的最新产品和解决方案。”

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