
TE||Psychiatric illness

 一天一篇TE 2020-12-08






Psychiatric illness  


英文部分选自经济学人Science and technology版块

Who is to decide, when doctors disagree?


A huge international collaboration is attempting to get to the bottom of psychiatric illnesses


DISEASES of the psyche have always been slippery things. Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression and a host of others have no visible markers in the brain. Their symptoms overlap sufficiently that diagnoses may differ between medical practitioners, or even vary over time when given by a single practitioner. In this they are unlike neurological diseases. These either leave organic traces in the brain that, though not always accessible before a patient’s death, are characteristic of the condition in question, or cause recognisable perturbations of things such as electroencephalograms.



bipolar disorder , also bipolar affective disorder , and also manic depression 双向型障碍,躁狂抑郁性精神病简称躁郁症(摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》)

The impulse to categorise, though, is enormous—as witness the ever greater number of conditions identified in successive editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association. That is because diagnosis and treatment go hand in hand. But if diagnostic categories are misconceived then treatment may be misapplied. In this context a paper published recently in Science, by a group calling itself the Brainstorm Consortium, is helpful. The consortium has brought together many research groups who work on various psychiatric diseases, as well as on neurological diseases, and has run their collective data through the wringer.



1.The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders:简称为DSM,由美国精神医学学会(American Psychiatric Association,简称为APA)出版,是一本在美国与其他国家中最常使用来诊断精神疾病的指导手册。摘自百度百科

2. 习语go hand in hand: if two things go hand in hand , they are closely connected and one thing causes the other 密切关联;相连带;栗子:Poverty and poor health often go hand in hand. 贫困和健康不良常有连带关系。(摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》)

3.习语go through the wringer: (informal) to have a difficult or unpleasant experience, or a series of them 受尽磨难;历尽艰难

Through some ordeal, difficulty, trial, or punishment; through an unpleasant experience. Between my mother's boutwith cancer, Jenny losing her job, and the bank threatening to foreclose on the house, our family has really been putthrough the wringer this year. Jake wasn't a great fit for the military, and he was constantly being put through thewringer for disobedience.


In particular, the consortium’s researchers have looked at what are known as genome-wide association studies, or GWASs. In these, thousands of genomes are searched in order to identify places where differences between people’s DNA seem associated with the presence or absence of particular diseases or symptoms. Past GWASs, comparing pairs of diseases, have shown overlapping genetic involvement in some psychiatric illnesses. But, by pooling the work of so many groups, the Brainstorm Consortium was able to go beyond this and cross-correlate the putative genetic underpinnings of 25 psychiatric and neurological problems. In all, the consortium looked at 265,218 cases of different brain disorders and 784,643 healthy volunteers who acted as controls.


Metamorphoses Of the 25 conditions in question, ten are conventionally classified as psychiatric. Besides schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression, these include obsessive-compulsive disorder, anorexia nervosa and Tourette’s syndrome. Neurological problems, the remaining 15 conditions, include Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, various forms of epilepsy, strokes and migraines.



重度抑郁症:Major depression, also known as unipolar or major depressive disorder, is characterized by a persistent feeling of sadness or a lack of interest in outside stimuli.

There were many underlying genetic correlations between pairs of psychiatric disorders. Assuming these are in part causative of disease, such overlaps go a long way to explaining the slippery nature of psychiatric diagnosis, by providing a genetic explanation for shared symptoms.


There were also, however, observable patterns in the data that might help refine the process of classification. Major depression has at least some positive genetic correlation with each of the other nine conditions. Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are strongly correlated with one another, as well as with major depression. Anorexia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia also cluster, as do Tourette’s syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The only psychiatric illness that showed no significant correlation with the others was post-traumatic-stress disorder.


Such clustering was absent from most neurological disorders. In particular, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy all stood independent from each other. Nor, with the exception of migraine, which clustered with Tourette’s, major depression and ADHD, did neurological disorders show much correlation with psychiatric ones. This study therefore confirms genetically the idea that the set of diseases dealt with by psychiatry is indeed distinct from that dealt with by neurology and explains why psychiatric disease is a hydra-headed monster that is difficult to pin down.



1.儿童多动症,又称注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder),为一类神经进行性精神疾病,患儿的智力正常或接近正常,但学习、行为及情绪方面有缺陷,主要表现为与年龄和发育水平不相称的注意力不易集中、注意广度缩小、注意时间短暂,不分场合的活动过多、情绪易冲动等,并常伴有认知障碍和学习困难。摘自网络

2. 阿尔兹海默病(AD,Alzheimer’s Disease),为一类慢性神经退化性精神疾病。该病的早期表现为短期记忆丧失,后期常出现失语、无方向感、心情波动剧烈、抑郁、丧失生活自理能力、以及无法控制自身行为,最后因器官衰竭而死。确诊后预期存活时间为三至九年。常发生于65岁以上老人,又称“老年痴呆症”。

3.帕金森病(PD,Parkinson’s Disease),为一类中枢神经系统退化性疾病,主要影响运动神经系统。早期症状为不由自主的颤抖、肌肉僵硬、行动迟缓、行走困难,随时间推移逐渐加剧。三分之一的帕金森病患者同时存在重度抑郁或者焦虑症。60岁以上老人较其他年龄段容易发病,且男性患者数量多于女性(3:2),确诊后预期存活时间为七至十四年。

4.多发性硬化症(MS,multiple sclerosis),为一类由中枢神经系统神经信号传导病变引发的疾病,症状包括视觉等感官障碍、肌肉无力、认知障碍、平衡障碍等。可能以爆发形式出现,而平稳期症状完全消失。常见发病人群为二十至五十岁,且女性发病率为男性的两倍。MS患者和正常人的平均寿命相比,预计会缩短五至十年。




8.重度抑郁症(MDD,major depression disorder),为一类精神异常疾病,典型症状为持续性心情低落、自尊心低下、对从前喜欢的活动丧失兴趣、容易疲惫、无原因的疼痛、部分还伴有幻听、幻视等。目前认为遗传、环境和心理因素的综合作用可以导致该病,自杀的人群中,半数以上身患重度抑郁症。

9.Hydra-headed monster:九头蛇(hydra)源于希腊神话,是一头长有九个头的怪兽。当切去一个头后,在相同的位置会迅速长出两个头。英雄海格力斯在伙伴的帮助下,砍去一个头后立刻用火把烧灼伤口,阻止新头再生,最终杀死了九头蛇。英语从希腊文中吸取hydra一词,来表达难以彻底消除的弊病、不良事物的意思,也有“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”的意味。

Going from the sorts of GWASs on which the consortium relied to an underlying understanding of psychiatric illness will, though, be a long haul. The genetic differences picked out are often things called single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which are places in the genome where a lone pair of bases, the chemical letters in which genetic messages are written, can vary between individuals. Frequently, such SNPs are not even in the bits of the genome that directly encode proteins. Rather, they are in what was once called junk DNA, because its function was unknown.


Recent research suggests that much of the junk serves to regulate when genes are translated into proteins, and how much protein is thus produced. That, in turn, determines how cells grow and what sorts of cell they turn into. With luck, analysing the genetic patterns exposed by studies such as this will eventually point out where to look in the brain’s microanatomy to find whatever miswiring is causing psychiatric disease. For, though that may not be visible at the moment, even the psyche must somehow be manifested physically in the brain and its debilitations must thus be recognisable. When that moment of understanding occurs psychiatry will truly have taken a great leap forward.



Nikolai,男,小硕, science追随者 




Li Xia, 女, HR, 经济学人发烧友









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