
国庆不打烊||TE||Joining the high revvers

 一天一篇TE 2020-12-08






Joining the high revvers



Joining the high revvers

Makers of very expensive vehicles strive to be seen as luxury-goods firms, not carmakers


SUGGEST to Torsten Müller-Ötvös, the boss of Rolls-Royce, that he runs a carmaker and with a shake of the head, he explains that he is in the luxury-goods business. You are not buying a car but “commissioning a work of art…building a dream”. Whether swathed in leather from pampered cows or stuffed with racing-car technology, ultra-expensive cars are made by firms that have little in common with the rest of the industry. Ferrari, a maker of sleek Italian sports cars (whose chairman, John Elkann, sits on the board of The Economist’s parent company), saw its valuation soar after it was spun off from Fiat Chrysler in 2016. The investors who own Aston Martin, bought from Ford in 2007 for £500m ($1bn), hope to reap similar rewards. An initial public offering in the next few weeks is expected to value the firm at around £4bn-5bn.


劳斯莱斯的老板托斯顿·穆勒·乌特弗斯(TorstenMüller-Ötvös),摇头否认自己是一家汽车制造商,他解释称自己从事的是奢侈品行业。 你买的不是一辆车,而是一件委托我们创造的艺术品......打造的一个梦想”。 无论是精心护理的牛做成的座椅还是处处可见的赛车制造技术,超豪华汽车制造商与行业中其他(汽车)制造商几乎没有什么共同点。 时尚意大利跑车制造商法拉利(其主席约翰·艾尔肯(John Elkann),也是《经济学人》母公司的董事会成员),于2016年从菲亚特克莱斯勒分拆后,见证其估值一路飙升。那些2007年以5亿英镑(10亿美元)从福特手中买入阿斯顿马丁的投资者,也希望获得类似的回报。 未来几周后阿斯顿马丁会进行首次公开募股,预计到时公司估值约为40亿至50亿英镑。


pampered cows:精心护理的牛,说到这个,小编想到的是日本和牛,传说中会对那些饮食过量的牛应每日施以按摩,并播放莫扎特的鸣奏曲以助其睡眠,还要定量提供啤酒供其享用。具体日本和牛为什么那么贵,可以看下知乎无二之旅的回答,链接如下


The numbers alone show how scant a resemblance such firms bear to mass-market auto manufacturers. Six firms dominate the ultra-luxury sector, where prices start at around $200,000: Ferrari, Aston Martin, Rolls-Royce (owned by BMW), Bentley and Lamborghini (both divisions of the Volkswagen group), and McLaren. Along with a few tiny specialists, such as Italy’s Pagani and Sweden’s Koenigsegg, which make track-inspired hypercars (whose prices start at $1.4m), these firms sold 29,600 cars in 2017, compared with sales of 86m by regular carmakers, according to JATO Dynamics, a research firm. As with superyachts, fine watches and the like, sales of high-end cars have boomed along with the numbers of the global rich. Annual growth looks set to stay at around the 10% mark for the next few years, compared with 2-3% for the car industry as a whole.


这些数字足以表明这些车企与面向大众市场的汽车制造商少有相似之处。 六家车企在超豪华汽车领域占据主导地位,其产品起步价格约为20万美元,分别为:法拉利、阿斯顿马丁、劳斯莱斯(宝马旗下)、宾利和兰博基尼(两者均为大众汽车集团的部门)、迈凯伦。 JATO Dynamics(一家汽车资讯业务供应商)称,诸如意大利的帕加尼和瑞典的科尼赛克之类的几家小型专业跑车制造商,打造“专注于赛道”的顶级超跑,售价从140万美元起。上述六家车企连同这几家小型超跑公司在2017年总共售出了29,600辆跑车,而普通汽车制造商则卖出了8600万辆。与超级游艇,名表之类的奢侈品一样,高端汽车的销量也随着全球富豪数量的增加而激增。未来几年,高端汽车的年增长率将保持在10%左右,而汽车行业的整体增长率仅为2-3%。


1. JATO Dynamics : JATO Dynamics, 全球领先的汽车产业信息及咨询服务供应商。公司成立于1984年,位于英国伦敦。历经31年的发展,JATO的业务范围已覆盖到全球45个国家及地区。客户包括汽车生产商、汽车进口商、汽车金融公司和汽车租赁公司等。  选自


2. Sweden’s Koenigsegg科尼赛格汽车公司(Koenigsegg Automotive AB)是一家成立于1994年的瑞典小型手工打造。超级跑车制造厂,是由现任的执行总裁克里斯·冯·科尼赛格(Christian von Koenigsegg)发起创立,以制造出全世界最快汽车为主要宗旨。摘自360百科

3. bear a resemblance:有相似之处

to have a degree of similarity to someone or something 

4. 帕加尼,科尼赛格,布加迪这三个品牌对比下:帕加尼造的车不太追求直线加速、极速 追求操控、追求驾驶乐趣 操控、驾驶乐趣不错,可直线上是软肋;柯尼赛格追求直线加速,但弯道是软肋,上了赛道就不行了 ,布加迪注重舒适性、路面通过性、稳定性,而且直线加速、和极速都很快,毕竟布加迪背后是大众支持

Luxury cars are sold for entertainment, not transport, says one executive. Instead of striving to sell as many cars as possible, production is often limited in order to maintain exclusivity. In 2013 Ferrari even elected to cut volumes slightly, from around 7,400 to 7,000 a year. According to Enzo Ferrari, the firm’s founder, the ideal is to make one fewer car than the market wants. This means long waiting-lists and vehicles that sell at the advertised price instead of with the discounts common in the mass market.


一位高管表示,豪华车不是用来开的,而是用来”玩“的。 不为一心追求汽车销量,而是往往限定产量,确保其与众不同的特点。2013年,法拉利甚至选择小幅减产,从每年约7,400辆减产至7,000辆。该公司创始人恩佐▪法拉利称,法拉利的理想产量是比市场需求的数量少一辆。这意味着豪华车市场不会出现大众汽车市场常见的折扣促销手段,取而代之的是漫长的等待以及居高不下的售价。

The relationship with buyers is also unlike the “sell and forget” model of other carmakers. Many customers are collectors, each with a garage-full of fast cars. They are often invited to watch their cars being made. McLaren’s factory includes a purpose-built viewing gallery. No ordinary carmakers offer the same range of custom-made accessories, nor do they invite buyers to the factory to select them in person. At Rolls-Royce’s in-house “atelier” customers can fondle a range of rare woods and other fine materials before making a choice. Bentley offers a Breitling Mulliner Tourbillon clock that costs almost as much as the car it adorns. It is all rather like being measured for a Savile Row suit, says Andy Palmer, the boss of Aston Martin.



For the chosen few, ownership buys entry to an even more exclusive club. Spend on several regular models and you might be invited to put your name down for a limited-edition hypercar, such as the upcoming McLaren Speedtail—only 106 of these beasts will be made and each will probably be capable of hitting 250mph. Such fire-breathing road-rockets are constructed at a cost of $2m or more. They are massively profitable and usually in such demand that they can be resold immediately for a big return. To ensure that these cars remain the property of the tech billionaires, Hollywood A-listers and sheikhs who are lucky enough to be chosen to buy one, their manufacturers operate blacklists barring anyone who has previously flipped a vehicle. Other perks include invitations to “track days” where outrageous performance can be properly tested, and the carmakers can find out what their customers want next.



But however much these firms disown the label of carmakers, only Ferrari’s margins, at over 30%, are known to put them in the same bracket as luxury-goods firms (for comparison, Germany’s premium carmakers notch up margins of around 10% in a good year). That is partly because Ferrari has been unusually successful at mastering the trick of the “diffusion line”. Just as Chanel makes a few thousand $2,000 handbags but coins it selling lipstick to the masses, Ferrari also sells cheaper branded goods such as watches and clothes, even down to a $50 baseball cap.




Track days : 一种有组织的赛事,车主可在专业赛道内体验速度与激情。且有专业机器追踪和测试成绩。链接如下


The difficulty of attaining couturier-like margins also stems from the fact that these businesses retain some trappings of the everyday carmaker. A clothing firm needs to worry about changing hemlines; it does not have to bother with emissions regulations. Capital spending is much higher for an ultraluxury carmaker than for a handbag designer. And though most have coped with the growing taste for SUVs, for Ferrari, whose brand is based on hard-core sports models, its plans to make a beefier car, like Bentley’s Bentayga or the Lamborghini Urus, may prove difficult.



Selling cars built for driving pleasure should confer some immunity from industry-wide upheavals like the advent of car-sharing or autonomous vehicles, at least for the time being. A bigger problem, especially for sports-car firms, is the trend to electrification. Hybrid engines can make fast cars faster, but they would also silence those throaty exhaust notes that shout “Look at me”.



Couture or clunker


Aston Martin’s IPO will provide further clues to which category ultra-expensive carmakers really belong. It is planning a new SUV and electric saloon, as well as branching out into other areas such as boats and property. A successful debut might tempt others to do the same. McLaren once considered a flotation and may do so again. VW has bundled Bentley and Lamborghini into a “super-premium” group with Bugatti and Porsche that could potentially stand alone in future. If a series of such brands tap the markets, that would provide a clearer answer to the question of whether luxury cars have more in common with LVMH and Hermès than with Ford and Toyota.


阿斯顿马丁的IPO将为超豪华汽车制造商真正属于哪个类别(奢饰品公司还是车企)提供进一步的线索。该公司正计划推出一款新的SUV和电动轿车,并进军游艇和房地产等其他领域。成功的初次亮相可能会诱使其他企业紧跟效仿。迈凯伦曾经考虑过上市,也极有可能会再次这样做。大众已经将宾利和兰博基尼捆绑在一起,连同布加迪和保时捷一起组建“超高端”汽车制造公司,未来有可能会独立出来。如果一系列这样的品牌进入市场,我们就会得到一个清晰的答案:与福特和丰田这些常规车企相比,豪华车是否更像路易威登LVMH以及爱马仕Hermès 这些奢侈品?


Lili, 女,互联网民工, 榴莲爱好者





Li Xia,女,爱爬山的健身小白, 美食狂人












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