
每日新闻播报(December 3)

 DonaldKing2589 2020-12-30
Photo taken at Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC) in Beijing on Dec 1, 2020 shows the Chang'e 5 spacecraft landing on the moon. China's Chang'e 5 spacecraft successfully landed on the near side of the moon late Tuesday and sent back images, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) announced. At 11:11 pm, the spacecraft landed at the preselected landing area near 51.8 degrees west longitude and 43.1 degrees north latitude, said the CNSA. During the landing process, the cameras aboard the lander took images of the landing area, said the CNSA. [Photo/Xinhua]

>Chang'e-5 lands on moon
China's Chang'e-5 spacecraft successfully landed on the near side of the moon late Tuesday and sent back images, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) announced. At 11:11 pm, the spacecraft landed at the preselected landing area near 51.8 degrees west longitude and 43.1 degrees north latitude, said CNSA.
On Nov 24, China launched the Chang'e-5 spacecraft, comprising an orbiter, a lander, an ascender and a returner.
At 10:57 pm Tuesday, the lander-ascender combination of Chang'e-5, from about 15 km above the lunar surface, started a powered descent with a variable thrust engine ignited. Its relative vertical velocity to the moon was lowered from 1.7 km per second to zero.
The probe was adjusted and approached the lunar surface during the descent.
After automatically detecting and identifying obstacles, the probe selected the site and touched down on the north of the Mons Rumker in Oceanus Procellarum, also known as the Ocean of Storms, on the near side of the moon.
The lander-ascender combination of China's Chang'e 5 robotic lunar probe has finished gathering subsurface samples and packed them in a vacuum container, and is continuing collecting surface substances, according to CNSA. The drilling and packing process of rocks and soil concluded at 4:53 am on Wednesday.

Visitors photograph a bronze sculpture of a horse's head, looted by invading Anglo-French forces 160 years ago, at Yuanmingyuan Park in Beijing after its return on Tuesday. [Photo/China Daily]

>Lost treasure returns home
A bronze horse head sculpture, a treasure from China's Old Summer Palace that went missing after an Anglo-French allied forces' looting 160 years ago, returned to its original palace home Tuesday.
It is the first time that a lost important cultural relic from the Old Summer Palace, or "Yuanmingyuan," has been returned to and housed at its original location after being repatriated from overseas.
Twelve animal head sculptures once formed a zodiac water clock in Beijing's Yuanmingyuan, built by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).
The originals were looted from the royal garden by Anglo-French allied forces in 1860 during the Second Opium War (1856-1860).
The horse head, designed by Italian artist Giuseppe Castiglione and made by royal craftsmen, is an artistic blend of East and West.
Macao billionaire Stanley Ho bought the bronze horse head and decided to donate it to the National Cultural Heritage Administration and return it to its original home.

Students who are graduating talk with job recruiters at a career fair in Dongguan, Guangdong province, on July 11, 2020. [Photo/For China Daily]

>China sees 9.1M new grads
Amid a global employment winter mainly due to the ravaging COVID-19 pandemic, China is implementing new measures to address the challenge posed by a record number of college graduates next year, the Ministry of Education said on Tuesday.
Roughly 9.1 million students are expected to graduate next year, an increase of 350,000 over this year, the ministry said.
In a video conference held by the ministry and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, both ministries called for strong efforts from local governments and higher education institutions to help more graduates find jobs.
The Education Ministry encouraged local education authorities and colleges to look for more opportunities in strategically important emerging industries and modern service sectors. It also urged graduates to work at the grassroots level and apply to enlist in the Chinese armed forces.
Also, local human resources and social security authorities should encourage State-owned enterprises, and small and medium-sized enterprises to expand employment and offer more support for college students who want to start their own companies, the human resources ministry said.

Health workers publicize HIV/AIDS consulting and screening services in Liaocheng, Shandong province, on Tuesday, World AIDS Day. [Photo/For China Daily]

>More HIV cases in elders
Elderly people have become the group that saw the fastest growth in reported HIV infections in China, with a 500% increase in the number of newly reported HIV/AIDS cases among men aged 60 or above between 2010 and last year, the World Health Organization said on Tuesday, World AIDS Day.
Around 37,000 people aged 60 or older in China were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS last year-77% of them being men-accounting for 25% of the total number of reported new HIV cases, WHO said.
Unprotected sex was the major cause of HIV infections among elderly men.
In all, 150,000 people in China were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS last year, and the total reported number of people living with HIV/AIDS reached 960,000 by the end of last year, WHO said.
Globally, 1.7 million people were diagnosed last year, and 690,000 died from AIDS-related diseases, according to WHO.

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