
David Bowie《Life On Mars?》

 E7音乐 2021-01-09


Everyday music



——  [英] 奥利弗·萨克斯《火星上的人类学家》

名:《Life On Mars?》

歌者David Bowie

词曲David Bowie

流派 香颂



[Verse 1]

It's a god-awful small affair

To the girl with the mousy hair

But her mummy is yelling, "No!"

And her daddy has told her to go

But her friend is nowhere to be seen

Now she walks through her sunken dream

To the seat with the clearest view

And she's hooked to the silver screen


But the film is a saddening bore

For she's lived it ten times or more

She could spit in the eyes of fools

As they ask her to focus on


Sailors fighting in the dance hall

Oh, man, look at those cavemen go

It's the freakiest show

Take a look at the lawman

Beating up the wrong guy

Oh, man, wonder if he'll ever know

He's in the best selling show

Is there life on Mars?

[Verse 2]

It's on America's tortured brow

That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow

Now the workers have struck for fame

'Cause Lennon's on sale again

See the mice in their million hordes

From Ibiza to the Norfolk Broads

Rule Britannia is out of bounds

To my mother, my dog, and clowns


But the film is a saddening bore

Because I wrote it ten times or more

It's about to be writ again

As I ask you to focus on


Sailors fighting in the dance hall

Oh, man, look at those cavemen go

It's the freakiest show

Take a look at the lawman

Beating up the wrong guy

Oh, man, wonder if he'll ever know

He's in the best selling show

Is there life on Mars?



今天分享一首David Bowie的《Life On Mars?》。

今天是David Bowie的生日,带来一首David Bowie的《Life On Mars?》。据说今天还是猫王和霍金的生日(感谢阿豪音乐坊的消息),同时也是我们敬爱的周总理逝世45周年纪念日。也许他们都去火星生活了。

我们一起看下这首经典歌曲。这首歌曲最初于1971年以《Hunky Dory》专辑的形式发行,1973年在David Bowie的《Ziggy Stardust》时代鼎盛时期被制作为单曲。后来又重新灌制了几个版本。

这首歌起源于一首法国香颂(法国一种絮絮叨叨的吟游歌曲,一般忧伤又浪漫)。1968年,克劳德·弗朗索瓦(Claude Francois)和雅克·瑞弗(Jacques Revaux)创作了一首名为《Comme d’habitude》的歌曲,但歌词是法语的。鉴于另一位法国歌手Jacques Brel的歌被改成英文歌大火后,他们也决定把这首歌改成英文版。

David Bowie决定尝试一下,写了一版本歌词并亲自演唱,他起名为《Even a Fool Learns to Love》。但是,他的版本被拒绝了。Paul Anka购买了它的版权,Bowie无法自己使用。一年后,弗兰克·辛那屈(Frank Sinatra)发行了保罗的版本,并在全球广受赞誉。David Bowie在采访中非常气愤:“我真的很生气。我以为那应该是我的歌。所以我想,我会写自己的版本。”所以有了这首歌曲。后来,David Bowie在《Hunky Dory》的封底加上了“受Frankie启发”的注释。


这是一首辉煌而奇异的赞美诗,它将激动人心的、令人向往的旋律与生动的、诗意的意象结合在一起,运用了一种歌曲艺术中非常特殊的技巧:既让人完全无法理解,又能与个人的意义产生共鸣。这首歌的钢琴部分由Rick Wakeman演奏,但实际是David Bowie创作,他尝试了各种和弦的变换。David Bowie在采访中说“我演奏了我自己比较单调的版本,Rick把和弦写了下来,然后用他独特的触感演奏。”如果你仔细听第二段,能听到有两个录音机在演奏复调旋律,都是David演奏的。这是齐柏林飞艇(Zeppelin)当年晚些时候发行的《通往天堂的阶梯》(Stairway to Heaven)的前身。请注意,背景还有直笛合奏。

这段MV是由鲍伊的长期摄影师米克·洛克在伯爵宫的后台拍摄的,与单曲一同发布。这首歌在2016年重新灌制了一个略有不同的版本,并作为“2016 Mix”收录在合辑中。

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