
政观快递 | Comparative Political Studies, Vol 53, No 2, 2020

 政文观止 2021-01-27

期刊简介:《比较政治研究》(Comparative Political Studies)杂志一年出版14期,是从事跨国和国内比较政治研究的专业杂志,它致力于在前沿方法、理论和实证研究等领域进行深度分析,其过去5年的影响因子为4.262 在176个政治科学类期刊中排名第12位。



1. The Lay of the Land: Information Capacity and the Modern State

2. The Authoritarian Wager: Political Action and the Sudden Collapse of Repression

3. The Lesser Evil? Corruption Voting and the Importance of Clean Alternatives

4. Are We All Amazon Primed? Consumers and the Politics of Platform Power

5. Rethinking Democratic Diffusion: Bringing Regime Type Back In

1. 认清实际情况:信息能力和现代国家

题目:The Lay of the Land: Information Capacity and the Modern State

作者:Thomas Brambor,纽约大学政治学系讲师;Agustín Goenaga,隆德大学政治学系研究员;Johannes Lindvall,隆德大学政治学系教授;Jan Teorell,隆德大学政治学系教授。


This article presents new evidence on the efforts of states to collect and process information about themselves, their territories, and their populations. We compile data on five institutions and policies: the regular implementation of a reliable census, the regular release of statistical yearbooks, the introduction of civil and population registers, and the establishment of a government agency tasked with processing statistical information. Using item response theory methods, we generate an index of “information capacity” for 85 states from 1789 to the present. We then ask how political regime changes have influenced the development of information capacity over time. In contrast with the literature on democracy and fiscal capacity, we find that suffrage expansions are associated with higher information capacity, but increases in the level of political competition are not. These findings demonstrate the value of our new measure, because they suggest that different elements of state capacity are shaped by different historical processes.

2. 威权主义者的赌博:


题目:The Authoritarian Wager: Political Action and the Sudden Collapse of Repression

作者:Branislav L. Slantchev,加州大学圣地亚哥分校政治学系教授;Kelly S. Matush,德州理工大学政治学系助理教授。


Authoritarian rulers tend to prevent political action, but sometimes allow it even if it leads to social conflict. The collapse of preventive repression is especially puzzling when rulers have reliable security forces capable of preventing protests. We develop a game-theoretic model that explores the incentives of authoritarians to repress or permit political contestation. We show that rulers with the capacity to fully repress political action create despotic regimes, but rulers with more moderate capacity might opt to allow open contestation. The status quo bias that favors regime supporters weakens their incentive to defend it. Rulers take the authoritarian wager by abandoning preventive repression and allowing opposition that threatens the status quo. The resulting risk gives incentives to the supporters to defend the regime, increasing the rulers’ chances of political survival. Even moderate changes in the structural capacity to repress might result in drastic policy reversals involving repression.

3. 更少的罪恶?


题目:The Lesser Evil? Corruption Voting and the Importance of Clean Alternatives

作者:Mattias Agerberg,哥德堡大学政治学系博士。


Surveys show that citizens in all parts of the world have a strong distaste for corruption. At the same time, and contrary to the predictions of democratic theory, politicians involved in the most glaring abuse of public office often continue to receive electoral support. Using an original survey experiment conducted in Spain, this article explores a previously understudied aspect of this apparent paradox: the importance of viable and clean political alternatives. The results suggest that voters do punish political corruption when a clean alternative exists, even when the corrupt candidate is very appealing in other respects. However, when only given corrupt alternatives, respondents become much more likely to tolerate a candidate accused of corruption—even when given a convenient “no-choice” option. I discuss how these results can help us understand corruption voting and why some societies seem to be stuck in a high-corruption equilibrium.

4. 我们都是亚马逊Prime会员吗?


题目:Are We All Amazon Primed? Consumers and the Politics of Platform Power

作者:Pepper D. Culpepper,牛津大学布拉瓦尼克政府学院教授;Kathleen Thelen,麻省理工学院政治学教授。

摘要:本文阐明了科技公司政治影响的一个独特来源,那就是被我们称为“平台权力”(Platform Power)的东西。平台权力存在于有一定经济规模的公司,它们提供众多消费者获取商品、服务和信息所依赖的渠道。有平台权力的公司会从决策者的差别对待中获益,但这种差别并不是游说和竞选献金的效用函数,也不来自撤资的威胁。有平台权力的公司是从消费者隐性忠诚中获益的,因为消费者能够对不利于这些公司的规章制度产生强大的反对力量。在解释富裕的民主国家中这些平台公司的权力运行时,关注消费者所扮演的重要角色,也有助于我们发现它们特有的弱点。这些弱点来自那些使消费者-平台的同盟破裂的事件,或提示了“公民”而非“消费者”的政治身份的事件。

This article articulates a distinctive source of political influence of some technology firms, which we call platform power. Platform power inheres in companies of economic scale that provide the terms of access through which large numbers of consumers access goods, services, and information. Firms with platform power benefit from a deference from policymakers, but this deference is not primarily a function of direct influence through lobbying or campaign contributions, nor does it come from the threat of disinvestment. Companies with platform power instead benefit from the tacit allegiance of consumers, who can prove a formidable source of opposition to regulations that threaten these platforms. Focusing on the critical role played by consumers in explaining the powers platform firms wield in the rich democracies lends insight as well into their distinctive vulnerabilities, which flow from events that split the consumer–platform alliance or that cue citizen, as opposed to consumer, political identities.

5. 重思民主的扩散:把政体类型带回来

题目:Rethinking Democratic Diffusion: Bringing Regime Type Back In

作者简介:Edward Golding,密苏里大学政治学系博士候选人;Sheena Chestnut Greitens,密苏里大学政治学系助理教授。


Studies of democratic diffusion often emphasize geographic proximity: democratization in a country or region makes democratization nearby more likely. We argue that regime type has been underappreciated; authoritarian breakdown and democratization often diffuse along networks of similar regimes. A regime’s type affects its vulnerability to popular challenge, and regime similarity increases the likelihood that protest strategies developed against one regime are effective against similar regimes. We employ a qualitative case study to generate our theory, then test it quantitatively and with out-of-sample cases. We find that regime similarity strongly predicts autocratic breakdown and democratic diffusion, making both outcomes more likely. Including regime similarity significantly reduces the effect of geographic proximity, although geographic proximity may increase the effect of regime similarity. Reinterpreting democratic diffusion as a regime-type phenomenon calls for revision to conventional wisdom on the role of international factors in authoritarian breakdown and democratization.

编译/审校:康张城 施榕 殷昊 杨端程 赵德昊 吴温泉




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