

 教授的拐杖 2021-02-04

Abel Antonysamy, a modern Indian painter, paints very everyday scenes from his home. Sometimes it is an ordinary street, sometimes a busy market, sometimes busy people in the work, but also people in the work of singing and dancing scenes.

These daily scenes were recorded by him with a paintbrush and turned into fine works of art. From the paintings we can see that he was a young man who loved life very much.

His paintings are full of bright light, I like his paintings that bright yellow, such a warm tone just like the recent return of the winter sun, people feel very warm and happy. At the same time, he also likes to use a strong contrast of warm and cold colors to depict light and shade, color matching is easy to impress people.

He uses so many warm colors in his paintings, except for the reason of India's long years of sunshine and warm colors, perhaps in his eyes, his life is so bright and beautiful, full of hope.


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