
For reunion visa applicants

 bennychee007 2021-03-12


For reunion visa applicants:
Applicant who intends to visit China for the following humanitarian reasons:
A. Applicant intending to visit an immediate family member in China (including parents, spouse, children,grandparents, grandchildren) who is in critical medical condition and in need of care, or arrange funeral matters of an immediate family member in China.
Photocopies of a medical certificate or death certificate, proof of relationships, and an invitation letter from relatives in China are required.
B. Applicant who is spouse or child under the age of 18 of a Chinese citizen or who holds a valid Chinese Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card, and intends to visit China for family reunion.
An invitation letter and photocopies of the Chinese Identity Card or the Chinese Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card, and proof of relationships are required.
C. Applicant (including accompanying spouse and children under the age of 18) intending to visit China to take care of or support his/her Chinese parents.
An invitation letter from the Chinese parent and photocopies of his/her Chinese Identity Card, and proof of relationships are required.

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