
健康陷阱(六)- 肝胆冲洗和排石法 Health Traps(VI) - Liver and Gal...

 鸿凯泰收藏 2021-03-12

English Text is further down.













Liver flushes

Liver flushes always sound catchy. They seem like a perfect, easy answer to clean up and clear out. Well they are catchy – in that there’s a catch. Liver fushes are man-made theoryes of protocols that people think should work for the organ. Thinking for the liver is kind of like thinking for someone else. Do you like it if someone puts words in your mouth? Probably not. Especially if it’s about a specific, sensitive subject that could in some way alter the outcome of your life. When it comes down to it – I can’t state this enough – forced liver cleansing comes with a price. If this gets your irritated, I understand. You could be someone who loves your liver flushes. I respect that, at the same time, I’m here to bring you guidance. That’s my job, to look out for you.

It’s no the end of the world if you’ve been doing liver flushes. What you need to know is that the liver has an existence of its own that we don’t rule over. It runs on its own time. if your boss kept you at work till midnight when you were supposed to leave at five to pick up your daughter for band rehearsal, you wouldn’t appreciate that infringement, would you? And if you were having a normal Sunday off when with no notice whatsoever, you were expected to drop you bagel on the plate, stop making pancakes for your kid, get dressed, and rush to work while watching other people in their cars getting to run their weekend errands – and then you were expected to stay at late as it took to finish the project, even if that meant not getting to leave till 2AM, that wouldn’t fit with your life either right? And then say that at the same time that you were being forced to meet these extra scheduling demands, you were also expected to produce volumes of work every hour on the hour, more results than ever before in your career. Does this remind you of something? Is it anything like a liver flush, forcing it to cleanse on an unnatural schedule against its will while you check the toilet hourly for theoretical, make-believe liver stones?(more on liver stones in a moment)

There are a lot of different liver cleanses out there. Some are for the liver only. Some are for the liver and gallbladder. Some are just aimed for the gallbladder. They’re all liver pushers. When you have a child and that child starts to grow up, what’s one of the greatest threats that you fear? That your child will run into a drug pusher? We never want a child’s own will and potential to be overpowered by a force that doesn’t have her or his best interests at heart. We should feel just as protective of our livers.

You get a lot more cleansing work done with your liver and gallbladder when you go with the grain, not against it. If you try to go against it with flushes and cleanses that aren’t balanced, your liver will outsmart you every time. think you are smarter than your liver? No way. You will never be smarter than your liver. Not that you aren’t an intelligent person – I’m not trying to break your confidence in who you are. It’s just none of us are going away with anything. They can’t be controlled. The liver is a programmer, a think tank, all on its own. If you push it, it pushes back and performs less. If you push more, it performs even less. If you keep pushing hard, it throws itself into shutdown mode, running on backup battery, waiting for you to stop messing around with it. It stops cleansing altogether in order to try to normalize and seek homeostasiss. Not until you finally stop does it take a breath and go back to actual, normal functioning. Does this remind you of anything in your life? You push it too hard, it resists, so you have to finesse it? This concept applies in so many situations. 

Your liver holds ancient information from long before you were born. Remember: it also holds data about your life that you don’t even remember. It sense all your crafty tricks because it’s had to save your butt from one episode after another, like when you gobbled a greasy cheeseburger or chugged a quart of beer at a college party. It uses this memory in order to protect you. It knows if you’ve been bad or good, naughty or nice. It knows if you’ve tried to flush a boatload of toxins all at once. In our human minds, we just think, get it all out at once, we think these flushes send all the toxins out through the intestinal tract and kidneys, so that everything ends up in the toilet and we can say goodbye.

The liver knows better. When it’s a flush done wrong, one that pushes the liver hard against its will, the bloodstream is where those toxins end up. the liver knows, even though we’re not aware, that all these poisons entering the blood at once put the heart and brain under direct threat. An onslaught of toxic sludge and debris headed for our heart valves and ventricles is not the liver’s idea of an ideal vacation method. It could cause erratic heartbeats, stress on the heart, inflammation, elevated adrenaline, and electrical confusion of the heart, all while we’re busy looking for stones in the toilet. 

By the way , those stones aren’t stones at all, they’re fatty globules from these oil-filled flushes. The excess olive oil in the colon coagulates and forms jelly balls, which are then expelled and I’m sorry to say, in many cases mistaken for hundreds of stones. I hope this doesn’t upset you as a reader. You deserve to know the truth: that they’re evidence of your body trying to save you from all that oil

Let’s also touch on flushing the gallbladder for a moment, 

Liver stone

While you may hear that the liver can produce its own stones. It’s not possible. There are cases where the duct leading from the gallbladder to the intestinal tract gets clogged with stones. Those are gallstones, and they’re different from the mistaken theory of liver stones, there’re no cases of hepatic duct inside the liver getting clogged with stones – so called liver stones. Because the liver does not pass already formed stones through the ducts that lead bile to the gallbladder. The liver is too hot for a stone to forge there, stones are forged in the gallbladder itself, through the process we examined earlier. With toxins and poisons moving from the hot liver into the cool gallbladder.

The liver’s heat is actually a mechanism that protects you from stones forming there, whether hard or soft. If stones did form within it, the liver wouldn’t be able to pass them through the bile. The hepatic ducts in the liver that carry bile are not as big as anybody believes. Only if you were a surgeon well versed in dissecting the bile duct system in human livers would you have a sense of how think they are: they can’t support stones passing through them, much less the very large liver stones, that people believe they can eliminate during a cleanse. The liver can’t send a stone out of a hepatic vein, either, because it would instantly cause a blood clot or heart attack. There’s no way for your liver to get as stone safely to your feces to be eliminated. If stones really were forming inside the liver, they’d be getting stuck in the hepatic ducts, and people with sick, toxic livers would be in total agony. Hospitals would be filled with millions of people requiring emergency liver stone removal surgery- and there would be a very popular surgery method for it, since surgery is one area where modern medicine excels. It would be just as common if not more so than kidney stone surgery. 

If someone does a liver flush and sees stones in the toilet, it’s really food and debris from the intestinal tract mixed with the oil from the concoctions that go with the cleanse. What about if someone is doing a liver cleanse that doesn’t involve any olive oil flushing and is even entirely fat-free? There are still going to be bits and pieces of food waste coming off the walls of the intestinal linings, mixed with the large quantities of herbal mixtures someone is usually ingesting for a cleanse, and they can be expelled together with mucus from the digestive tract so that in the toilet, you think you are seeing liver stones when you are not.

The liver stone flushing trend has taken on a life of its own, even though many professionals in the field of healing are unaware of how the liver truly works. No one’s perfect, not even practioners and healers, we all make mistakes. The key now is to pick yourself up off the ground, dust yourself off, and get it right. Don’t be afraid of moving past sth that turned out to be wrong even though you once believed in it. 


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第三本书 关于甲状腺




第五本 关于西芹汁是如何能够疗愈两百多种病症的。



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