

 英文杂志精选 2021-03-15


本文选自《华盛顿邮报》11月22日刊文章。《冰雪奇缘2》是2013年电影《冰雪奇缘》的续集,于2019年11月22日在中国内陆上映,同步北美,上映的首个周末,全球票房总计约3.5亿美元。这部电影毁誉参半,毕竟是迪士尼出品,电影制作功底雄厚,技术可以说是世界顶级水平,整部电影画面美轮美奂、特效精美绝伦,从视觉效果讲,可以说是炫技式呈现。但是与第一部带给人的惊艳相比,第二部在故事和人物塑造上明显缺乏创新,影片中也没有一首歌能与第一部的《Let it go》相提并论。有人说《冰雪奇缘》给人多大惊喜,《冰雪奇缘2》就给人多大失望,你怎么看?欢迎留言。



Sequel brings lukewarm leftovers 续集带来不冷不热的延续
  • lukewarm: 微温的、不冷不热的
  • leftover: 剩饭、残留物
Once-cool concept thaws into a boring and muddled mess
  • thaw: 融化
Once upon a time, Disney sent its subpar sequels to the kingdom of Straight-to-Video — a magical land filled with such titles as “The Return of Jafar,” “Cinderella II: Dreams Come True” and “The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea.” It was a happier time, one that is now apparently over, as “Frozen II” hits theaters. That’s slightly unfair. The sequel to the 2013 animated blockbuster is much better than, say, “Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World.”
  • subpar: 没有达到水准的、低于标准的
  • Straight-to-Video: 字面意思是“直接到视频”,一般是指电影的劣质续集不在电影院上映,带有贬义。


But “Frozen II” is still a disappointing continuation of the story of Queen Elsa and Princess Anna of Arendelle. It’s been a few years since Elsa (voice of Idina Menzel) learned to embrace her icy powers and settled on her throne. Little sister Anna (Kristen Bell) is still with hunky lunk Kristoff (Jonathan Groff).
  • hunky: 结实的、健壮的
  • lunk: 呆子、傻子


And may I say that it is nice to see a Disney princess in a long-term, stable relationship that suggests a real happy-ever-after? Living snowman Olaf (Josh Gad) continues to hang around, though now he has a fixation on the temporary nature of existence, really. Otherwise, things are going well in the charmingly Nordic kingdom, right up until Elsa begins hearing a lone voice singing from afar. Not long after the song begins — although only Elsa can hear it — the people of Arendelle experience some oddities, culminating in an earthquake that sends the entire population heading for the hills.
  • happy-ever-after: 大团圆结局
  • right up until: 直到
  • oddity: 奇怪的事
  • culminate in: 以...终结


Elsa, Anna, Olaf and Kristoff, along with his reindeer buddy Sven, travel even further into the mountains, eventually coming upon an impenetrable mist — impenetrable, that is, until Elsa touches it. Beyond the veil they find two groups who have been trapped, and at one another’s throats, for 30 years: the first being several soldiers from Arendelle, and the second an Inuit-like tribe of magic-embracing people called the Northuldra.
  • impenetrable: 不可穿透的、不可穿越的
  • at one another's throats: 针锋相对、相互争吵、厮杀


Yes, “Frozen II” is a let down when compared with the original. But it’s also a lackluster disappointment on its own — a pale shadow of what it could have been. It’s hard to see how the same team who made something so cool in 2013 could deliver something so — there’s no other word for it — lukewarm.





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