
1/17 【美国历史上的今天】艾森豪威尔卸任前最深的担忧

 PeerBang留学 2021-04-06






When: Jan 17, 1961

What: In his farewell address to the nation, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of the “military-industrial complex” that has developed in the post-World War II years.

Why significant: The "military–industrial complex" is an informal alliance between a nation's military and the arms industry, seen together as a vested interest which influences public policy. World War II and the ensuing Cold War resulted in the development of a large and powerful defense establishment. The contractors for U.S. defense would see escalation of tensions as opportunities for increased weapons sales, and have pushed the political system, both directly and through industry lobby groups, to spend more on military hardware. 

Necessary as that development might be, Eisenhower warned that this new military-industrial complex could weaken or destroy the very institutions and principles it was designed to protect. He began his speech by describing the changing nature of the American defense establishment since World War II. No longer could the U.S. afford the “emergency improvisation” that characterized its preparations for war against Germany and Japan. Instead, the U.S. was “compelled to create a permanent armaments industry” and a huge military force. He admitted that the Cold War made clear the “imperative need for this development,” but he was gravely concerned about “the acquisition of unwarranted influence…by the military-industrial complex.” In particular, he asked the American people to guard against the “danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” 

Tags: President Dwight D. Eisenhower, WWII, military–industrial complex, Cold War, Soviet Union

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