

 新用户2399v1uc 2021-04-19


dis-=not,away from,opposite of表示否定﹑远离、相反或相对,与形容词/副词/名词/动词结合。dis-源于di-=two,本意是“一分为二”,由“分离”引申为否定、远离、相反或相对。

1. As a matter of fact, many people have a disability.事实上,许多人身体都有某种缺陷.

2. The soldier disabled by wounds in his leg is buried in sadness. 那个腿部受伤致残的士兵正沉浸在悲哀之中.

3. If you don't speak good English, you'll be at a big disadvantage when you try to get a job.你要是英语讲得不好,找工作时就会处于非常不利的地位.

4. He has the advantage of a steady job. 他有工作稳定的有利条件.

5. To our great disappointment, it rained on the day of the picnic. 使我们大失所望的是野餐那天下起雨来了.

6. I have an appointment with my dentist this afternoon.我已约好今天下午去看牙医.

7. Don't disappoint me by being late again. 别再迟到了, 不要叫我失望.

8. We must appoint sb to act as secretary. 我们得指定一个人当秘书.

9. He looked at her in disbelief.他疑惑地看着她

10. She has lost her belief in God. 她已不相信上帝(不相信真有上帝).

11. Losing your job needn't be such a disaster. 你不必把丢了工作看成是大难临头.

12. He returned downstairs in disgust.他厌恶地转身下楼.

13. Even friends sometimes disagree. 即便是朋友也有时意见不一.

14. .He is an agreeable fellow, but likes to blow his own horn.他是一个随和的人,但就是喜欢自吹自擂.

15. I asked for a pay rise and she agreed. 我请求加薪, 她就答应了.

16. An agreement with the employers was finally worked out. 与雇主们的协议终于达成了.

17. We give (a) % discount for cash. 现金付款, 我们予以九折优待.

18. 7.See how many plates we have, but don't count in the cracked ones.看看我们有多少个盘子,但不要算有裂纹的.

19. My mother dislikes seeing you with me/dislikes our being together. 我母亲不喜欢看到你和我在一起.

20. She likes him but doesn't love him. 她喜欢他, 但并非爱他.

21. They're not twins, but they're very like. 他们俩虽非双胞胎, 却十分相像.

22. I'm going to be a pop star like Michael Jackson. 我要当像迈克尔?杰克逊那样的流行歌星.

23. They are so unlike nobody would believe they were sisters. 她们毫无相似之处, 谁也不相信她们是姐妹.

24. The scenery was unlike anything I'd seen before. 这风景跟我过去见到过的都不一样.

25. Children must not disobey the orders of their father and mother.孩子们不能违抗父母之命.

26. Soldiers are trained to obey without question. 士兵已训练得绝对服从命令.

27. The train schedule was disorganized by heavy snow-storms.大暴风雪搞乱了火车时刻表

28. The armed forces, organized religion, universities and research institutes--all play their part. 武装力量,宗教组织,大学和研究机构都发挥着自己的作用

29. She finds it difficult to stop smoking. 她觉得戒烟很不容易.

30. It was dishonest of you not to say so.你没有这样说是不诚实的

31. Do you like my dress? Please be honest! 你喜欢我的连衣裙吗? 请说实话!

32. Honesty is the best policy. (谚)诚实为上策




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