
长点心吧,韩庚同学 | 地道的英文道歉信这样写(干货)

 路易的小木屋 2021-05-12
It is not too late to apologize.

文 | Louie



Apology Letter


Apology letters are of two types, personal and official apology letters. For an apology letter to be effective it has to be sincere and must come straight from the heart.

Writing an apology letter conveys more earnestness than a verbal apology. It is one of the most effective ways of making amends for something which has gone wrong.

It is best to begin your letter with an apology and also take responsibility state the reason for it. By doing this you are not only openly acknowledging the mistake, but are also ready to take responsibility for it. If possible give reasons for the error and the steps you are taking to help rectify it.

Take the opportunity and reassure the concerned person that such a mistake would not be repeated in the future. It is also in good spirit to offer something in order to compensate for the mistake. 

This especially holds well in case of a business apology letter.

Keep the letter simple, straight and sincere. When you are signing off, make sure to repeat your apology in the last paragraph.

Vocabulary Tips:

口头道歉   a verbal apology
承认错误   acknowledge the mistake
承担责任   take responsibility

改正纠正   rectify ['rɛktɪfaɪ]

做出赔偿   compensate for sth.

签字结束   signing off

Sample Letters


Sample Letter 



I feel terrible about the damage John did to your garden. Being a gardener myself, I realize how much work you put into making it productive. I know I would be displeased if someone were to run carelessly through my carefully planted tomatoes. 

John feels bad about what he did, and although he cannot repair the damage, he says he wants to compensate you by doing yard work for you this fall. If you agree, I think this would be a good lesson for John.


Sample Letter 


I apologize for the damage my son did to your screen door. John has delivered newspapers for two years and this is the first glass he has broken. He is embarrassed and understands your frustration. Will you please have the glass repaired and give me the bill. 

John will be over to personally apologize and pay for the repairs. You have been a good customer for John, and he looks forward to serving you as long as he has this paper route.

Vocabulary Tips:

纱窗网门   screen door

送报路线   paper route


Sample Letter 


I hope you will accept my sincere apology for the excessive noise my class made yesterday afternoon. They got so involved with the activity we were doing that they completely forgot about keeping their voices down, and I must admit that I got carried away as well. 

I'm sorry that we disturbed and distracted your class from their lesson. I will make a greater effort in the future to keep my class's enthusiasm within acceptable limits.

Vocabulary Tips:

难忍的吵闹声   the excessive noise

可接受的范围   acceptable limits


Sample Letter 


I apologize for the behavior of our second-grade classes at the dress rehearsal of your excellent show. They were certainly disruptive, and I was only amazed at how well your actors managed to keep going, in spite of the noise.

Their teachers have spoken to them, and the children have prepared cards and pictures for the cast, to express their own apologies. Will you please pass these on to Mrs. Doe and the cast?

In the meantime, I think we have learned from this experience that our second-grade students are too young to sit through a full-length show. 

We will exclude them in the future, if you open dress rehearsals to us again. Our older students and staff certainly appreciate your kindness in this area very much.

Vocabulary Tips:

带妆彩排   dress rehearsal [rɪ'hɝsl]

制造混乱的   disruptive [dɪs'rʌptɪv]


Sample Letter 


I am so sorry the children behaved so badly when you were baby sitting for us last night. It must have been exhausting for you. I really don't know what got into them, though Jane was running a slight fever this morning, so it's possible that she wasn't feeling well. 

I told them that if they were going to be so naughty, you would not baby sit them again, and Eric in particular became quite tearful. You really are their favorite baby sitter.

Eric and Jane have both promised that if you will give them another chance they will be "as good as gold." In any case, this is up to you. Please let me know if you would prefer not to take care of them again.


Sample Letter


Dearest mother,

How are you and dad doing? I hope my letter will ease the disappointment you must be feeling after I called you to say that I will not be able to go home for Christmas holidays.

I am so sorry to miss the family dinner on Christmas eve this year. I have a ton of requirements to finish before the year ends and I could not afford to have a vacation this year. 

I will simply spend Christmas eve with friends here and then go back to the college campus to work on my project and other documents I must submit on the first week of January. 

Don't worry, this is but a small sacrifice for us to make so that I finish my studies soon. I know you will be delighted come graduation day and I will do my best to graduate with honors. I will miss you all!




Sample Letter


Dear Dad,

How are you doing? I hope you are recovering fast from your illness and that you are already feeling better. I want to apologize for not being able to visit you at the hospital. 

I was sent by my office to an international conference in London and I could not leave at the time I received news of your operation.

I am back home and have requested a leave of absence from work next week so that I may visit you there. I am really sorry I wasn't able to accompany you at the time you experienced extreme pain. 

It is fortunate that Linda was able to fly home immediately and see you. I will make it up to you and cook you your favorite food when I get there. We will spend a great week together, doing what we have been doing when I was still a child.

See you soon, Dad.

Your son,



Sample Letter


Dear Mr. Parker,

I would like to apologize for my absence yesterday (November 28, 2015) since I had to urgently go home to our province. We had a family emergency, and I wasn't able to call you immediately. 

I am willing to render the hours lost during my absence as to make up for its effect on our production. Rest assured that you will be immediately notified if such circumstances happen again in the future.


Karen Turner


Sample Letter


Dear Daniel,

I would like to express to you through this letter my deepest apologies for the trouble my dog caused to your lawn and garden yesterday. 

Unfortunately, he has been behaving badly the past days after he fell ill and we have been having problems keeping him on his leash.

I hope you would accept my apologies. I will visit you as soon as I get time off from work to check on the damage caused to your property. 

I am more than willing to pay for the damages and help get a worker to restore your lawn and garden to its former condition. I will bring my dog to the veterinarian soon to make sure that he will no longer act unruly and will not go to your lawn again.








My Dearest fans and friends,

I am really sorry that I did not make a response for the bad influence in time. I am thinking over this matter these days that I really did something terrible related to my friend Bao's wedding party, which makes me feel ashamed and guilty.

Besides, what I did before were so wrong that should not be spread again. H
eartfully, I appreciate and accept all your criticism and blame. 

As a pubilic celebrity, I should have set a good example to the society but not to do the contrary. Therefore, I am acknowledging all my fault and taking my responsibility to rectify them. 

I am really really really sorry.


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