

 SHARE IT 2021-05-14


假如你是李华,你校为更加有效地遏制新冠疫情,将在校内给全体老师(含外教)安排接种新冠疫苗活动。你去你的外教老师Mr. Fisher办公室告知他时,他恰好不在。请你写一个便条给他,内容包括:
1. 接种疫苗的背景;
2. 接种的具体时间、地点及注意事项;
3. 建议参加。

Mr. Fisher,
   In order to contain the COVID-19 pandemic(流行病、瘟疫), our school is to arrange a recent vaccination for the entire teaching staff. Im writing to inform you of the details. The vaccination is optional(自愿选择), and it will last from next Monday to next Friday at Schools Clinic. If you want to get vaccinated, the following tips should be kept in mind. To begin with, check up if you are allergic to the vaccine. Secondly, stay at site for half an hour after getting the shot. Additionally, remember to bring your ID card.
   I strongly suggest that you get vaccinated next week, which not only protects you, but those around you.
                                                       Li Hua


well-being n.健康快乐;幸福感           
acute a.严重的;剧烈的
abuse vt.滥用                        
interval n.间隔;间歇
adaptation n.变化;变种;适应            
circulate v.循环
ample a.充足的;充裕的                
cancer n.癌症
wellness n.健康                       
sub-health n.亚健康
digest v.消化                         
carrier n.带菌者;带菌动物
circulate vi.循环                      
enhance v.增强
symptom n.症状                      
coma n.昏迷
burnout n.过度劳累;精疲力竭           
complicated a.复杂的
compulsory a.强制性的;义务的         
contradict vt.与...相矛盾
controversial a.有争议的               
cure vt.治愈
customs n.海关                       
sceptical a.怀疑的
diagnose vt.诊断                      
digest vt.消化
discharge vt.解除隔离;出院             
disinfect v.消毒
dizzy a.头晕目眩的                   
doubtful a.怀疑的;不肯定的
drugstore n.药店                      
emotion n.情绪;情感
empire n.帝国                        
enhance vt.增强;提高
enquiry n.询问                       
epidemic n.流行病;传染病
faith n.信心;信任                     
fatigue n.乏力
foresee vt.预见                      
fundamental a.根本的;基础的
helmet n.防护帽;头盔                
herb n.草药
identify vt.识别;确认;当作             
impulse n.脉冲
infect vt.感染                       
influenza (flu) n.流感
institution n.团体;机构;学院           
kidney n.肾;肾脏
liver n.肝脏                        
fingernail n.手指甲
fingermark n.指痕;指迹               
fingerprint n.指纹;指印
fingerprinting n.盖手印               
fingertip n.指尖
forehead n.前额                     
belly n.肚子;腹部
rumor n.谣言
mourn vt.感到悲痛;哀悼            
numb a.麻木的
parallel n.平行线;相似之处            
physician n.内科医生
plague n.鼠疫;瘟疫                  
pneumonia n.肺炎
prescription n.处方                  
press n.新闻媒体
prohibit vt.禁止                     
pulse n.脉搏
respirator n.人工呼吸器;面罩          
surgeon n.外科医生
sceptical/skeptical a.极度怀疑的        
systematic a.系统化的
statistics n.统计数字;统计资料         
tablet n.药片
terminal a.晚期的;致命的              
thorough a.彻底的;细致的
threaten vt.威胁                      
tissue n.(动植物的)组织
vaccine n.疫苗                       
immune system免疫系统
at random 随意的;随机的
at all costs 不惜一切代价;无论如何        
body fluids 体液
avoid crowds 避免去人多的地方          
out of form状态不好
take sb’s blood pressure量血压           
fade away病重衰弱
out of shape不健康;走样                 
side effect副作用
come down with flu患感冒               
rule of thumb简单有效的方法            
natural host自然宿主
hang one’s head耷拉着脑袋             
run a temperature发烧
Sb’s head spins某人觉得头晕            
Chinese herbs中草药
swing one’s fist挥舞着拳头              
confirmed case确诊病例
close scenic spots 关闭景点               
death rate死亡率
chest tightness/distress 胸闷              
critical conditions重症
close contacts 密切接触者               
dry cough干咳
contact tracing接触者追踪               
fever clinic发热门诊
twist one’s ankle扭伤脚踝              
severe case重症病例
cancel mass gatherings 取消大型集会      
urban areas城区
be admitted to the hospital住院            
virus outbreak病毒爆发
contact transmission接触传播            
disposable gloves一次性手套             
recovery rate治愈率
droplet transmission飞沫传播            
protective suit防护服
daily necessities日常基本生活物资        
suspected case疑似病例
stock up on food囤积食品             
temperature taking体温测量
stop...in its tracks突然止步             
super spreader超级传播者
Novel coronavirus新冠病毒            
mask/face mask口罩
medical assistance医疗援助             
medical inspection医学检查
medical staff医护人员                 
mild case轻症
immune shots打疫苗针                
immune system免疫系统
isolation ward隔离病房                
intermediate host中间宿主
be discharged from the hospital获准出院
under/in that circumstance 在那种情形下
center for disease control and prevention疾病防控中心
community-based epidemic prevention and control 社区疫情防控
first-level emergency response一级应急响应
frontline health workers
health authorities卫生主管部门
bacterial trial/infection a.细菌实验/感染
turn on mankind报复人类;攻击人类
under medical observation进行医疗观察
vulnerable population易感染人群
wipe out彻底摧毁;彻底毁灭
affected areas 被传染地区;发病区域
temperature screening体温筛查
monitor body temperature检测体温
the city went into lockdown封城
symptoms and complications症状和并发症
thumbs up竖起大拇指(表示赞成或满意)
tentative a.
major public health emergency
postpone the reopening of schools
lame a.跛腿的;站不住脚的;不令人相信的
lap n.大腿部;(跑道等的)一圈;(行程的)一段



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