
作家名片 | 苏童:我在远方送上文学的祝福

 CCTSS 2021-05-19









Su Tong

Su Tong, real name Tong Zhonggui, was born in Suzhou in January 1963. In addition to as a renowned contemporary Chinese writer, he is also the Vice Chairman of the Jiangsu Writer's Association and a professor at Beijing Normal University. Su Tong was afflicted by different illnesses for most of his childhood. As a result, he searches for original ways to approach the theme of childhood in his works. Celebrated author Mo Yan once said: "I believe that Su Tong has a natural knack for female characterization, so I think that certain authors really do need natural talent. His precise mastery of the subtle female psyche is something that I can only aspire to." Su's book Yellowbird Story (Huang Que Ji) won the 9th Mao Dun Literature Prize, while his book The Boat to Redemption (He An) won the 3rd Man Asian Literary Prize. Wives and Concubines (Qi Qie Cheng Qun) was adapted into the film Raise the Red Lantern (Da Hong Deng Long Gao Gao Gua) by the esteemed director Zhang Yimou, which won the Silver Lion Prize at the Venice Film Festival, as well as being nominated for an Oscar Best Foreign Film. Su Tong's novels have been translated into a number of languages, including English, French, German, Italian and Japanese.

By evoking the social realities of highly special historical and geographic contexts, Su Tong's works authentically recreate certain passages of history at the same time as critically appraising them from a contemporary perspective. In this way, his works form a uniquely pessimistic view of history based on acute observations of the intersection between history and the human experience. His works speak of members of old establishments who find that their individual willpower cannot resist the inexorable passage of time and the way it erodes certain mentalities — in particular, those concerning women. Su Tong's novels featuring female protagonists tend to minimalize the "forefront" of the zeitgeist to focus on the helpless women who find themselves stuck in outdated institutions. They elegize the way in which these women's stories have been swallowed up by the course of history.

Su Tong's Wives and Concubines tells the story of Lotus, a university student and member of the "new intellectual youth" of 1930s China, who, due to the bankruptcy of her father's business, finds herself forced to become a concubine at Chen Manor, a rich household where the spirit of imperial China is still very much alive. Lotus must learn how to tiptoe around danger and ensure her survival in this stiflingly feudalistic and deceitful household, but she ultimately cannot escape from the tragic historic fate that all concubines eventually faced.

In Rouged Beauties (Hong Fen), Qiuyi and Xiao'e are able to maintain their sisterly relationship despite the uncertainties of a changing world, but ultimately become irreconcilable enemies all because of one man. Throughout the novel, these two marginalized women who struggle at the very bottom rung of society cannot escape the intemporal problem of choosing between a lover and a friend.

The Boat to Redemption evokes a life of hardships in rural China and exemplifies Su's typically subtle and evocative style. In this novel, Su Tong tells a story about beliefs and survival. The novel's protagonist, Ku Wenxuan, is thought to be the descendant of Deng Shaoxiang, a martyr of the Revolution. During this tumultuous chapter in China's history, Wenxuan's true ancestry is called into question, with devastating consequences. The story culminates in Wenxuan's son, Ku Dongliang, jumping to his death in the river, carrying his mother's gravestone. The story is full of mystery and melancholy; of adversity and helplessness.

Yellowbird Story is a complex story — about crime and punishment; about repentance and redemption; about searching for souls and laying them to rest; about despair and hope. The book's title is an allusion to a common proverb that reflects the themes of the story. "The mantis catches the cicada, and the siskin [known in Chinese as huang que or "yellow bird"] is not far behind."

After rising to fame in the 1980s, Su Tong has been consistently active in the literary world. He is one of the most popular and critically acclaimed authors — both in China and abroad.

英文审校 | 咸慧

编辑 | 朱贺芳


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