

 Amber看世界 2021-05-21

Despite enormous efforts over more than 30 years, HIV/AIDS researchers have yet to develop either a vaccine or cure for the disease.


 But they have made progress in monkey experiments, and two studies reported here this week at the largest annual U.S. HIV/AIDS conference created serious buzz.


Several AIDS vaccines have had some success in monkey models, which typically use SIV, a simian cousin of HIV that causes AIDS in rhesus macaques.


 But one vaccine has long stood out from the pack.


 Designed by Louis Picker and colleagues at Oregon Health & Science University’s Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute in Beaverton, the vaccine stitches SIV genes into a harmless Trojan horse, cytomegalovirus.


 Picker’s team has given the vaccine to more than 200 monkeys and then “challenged” them with injections of a particularly nasty strain of SIV. 


All told, 55% of the animals became temporarily infected and then completely controlled the virus for years or even cleared it. 


Two stubborn questions remain, however: Picker and co-workers have yet to nail down the immune responses that explain the vaccine’s success, and they also can’t explain why it frequently fails.


At the meeting this week—the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections—immunologist Michael Gale Jr. of the University of Washington in Seattle described how his group explored these questions by taking a big picture view of active genes in the protected and unprotected animals. 


Specifically, the researchers identified and compared clusters of genes in the two groups of animals that were turned on high or tamped down low. 


These clusters control the production of various interleukins (biochemicals that communicate messages between immune cells), cell growth, and inflammation. 


They drilled down to 234 genes that had different expression levels in the two groups at day 3 and found that by looking at these alone, they could predict with 91% accuracy whether the vaccine injection would protect an animal.


 “This is the most interesting talk at the whole meeting,” says Mario Clerici, an immunologist at the University of Milan in Italy who long has focused on why some humans handle the virus better than others.




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