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莫奈名画遭土豆泥袭击?Two activists from the group Last Generation, which has called on the German government to take drastic action to protect the climate and stop using fossil fuels, approached Monet’s “Les Meules” at Potsdam’s Barberini Museum and threw a thick substance over the painting and its gold frame.巴...
著名滑雪登山者遇雪崩?尼泊尔救援人员星期二乘坐直升机在搜寻一位著名的美国滑雪登山者,一天前,她在世界第八高峰附近坠落。伤者之一普尔特·夏尔巴(Phurte Sherpa)说,大约有13-14人被雪崩吞没。15."I am not sure about the whereabouts of the missing climber but her husband (partner) was with us during the search (today)....
意大利将迎来首位女总理?Giorgia Meloni, leader of Fratelli d''''''''Italia (Brothers of Italy), could become the first female prime minister in the history of Italy in an anticipated right-wing surge to the polls on Sunday.意大利兄弟党(Fratelli d’italia)领袖乔治亚·梅洛尼(Giorgia M...
压力不一定只是心理作用。In that sense, you don’t only have a “thinking” and “feeling” brain; you actually have a “thinking” and “feeling” body, too.That’s why some studies have suggested that while therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) are helpful in recognizing that your thinking has been dis...
星巴克召回杯子?美国食品和药物管理局(fda)宣布,百事公司(PepsiCo Inc.)将召回在美国几个州销售的数百瓶可能含有金属颗粒污染的星巴克浓缩咖啡瓶。该机构表示,在阿肯色州、亚利桑那州、佛罗里达州、伊利诺伊州、印第安纳州、俄克拉荷马州和德克萨斯州销售的221箱15盎司的星巴克香草浓缩咖啡受到了影响。文中提到星巴克瓶子被召回的原因是什...
被禁的黑人泳帽如今通过?所以这种黑人泳帽应该被认为是一款能够克服这一障碍的产品。”FINA walked back last year''''''''s rejection this week after "a period of "review and discussion on cap design," along with Soul Cap creators, Brent Nowicki, executive director at FINA told...
But the firm expressed disappointment about the amount of the award, which it said “fails to fully compensate Lone Star and its investors for losses resulting from the Korean government’s wrongful conduct or for the risks Lone Star took in rescuing KEB in 2003.”孤星基金在2012年提出,韩国金融监督当局不公正地推迟了对...
白头海雕过安检?8."TSA officers are used to seeing an eagle on their uniform as they look over their shoulder, but I''''''''m sure the team at @CLTAirport Checkpoint A did a double take when they saw a real one earlier this week," Mark Howell, the spokesperson for the TSA Sout...
审美偏好变化惊人地快,而且经常是在我们没有注意到的情况下。But even the aesthetic preferences of people in the most stable age group undergo at least one major change as often as every two weeks in an aesthetic domain they really care about.So, we get the following picture: On the one hand, we take our aesthetic prefer...
美国几千名教师罢工抗议?For the first time in nearly 50 years, the district''''''''s unionized teachers are striking, the Columbus Education Association (CEA) announced.哥伦布市教育协会宣布,这是该地区教师工会近50年来的第一次罢工。“我们向哥伦布市教育协会提供的服务把孩子放在第一位,优先...
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