

 Amber看世界 2022-09-25 发布于重庆

1.Giorgia Meloni, leader of Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy), could become the first female prime minister in the history of Italy in an anticipated right-wing surge to the polls on Sunday.

意大利兄弟党(Fratelli d’italia)领袖乔治亚·梅洛尼(Giorgia Meloni)有望在周日意大利右翼举行的投票大选中成为意大利历史上首位女总理。

2.Europe's attention is trained on Rome, where this potential first is joined by fears that Meloni would restore an ideology not seen in Italy since World War II. 


3.Pollsters expect the Sunday vote to deliver a conservative coalition to parliament, with the government guided by Meloni as premier.


4.The archconservative of Italian politics, Meloni entered politics at age 15 in 1992, joining the neo-fascist Social Movement, a group with pronounced sympathy for Benito Mussolini, the country's dictator from 1925 to 1945. 

梅洛尼是意大利政坛的主要保守派,1992年,年仅15岁的他进入政坛,加入了新法西斯主义的社会运动(Social Movement),这是一个对1925年至1945年的意大利独裁者贝尼托·墨索里尼(Benito Mussolini)表示明显同情的组织。

5.Fratelli d'Italia's party imagery evokes Italy's fascist past, but Meloni has rejected the associations, framing her proposed conservative coalition as a nationalist project that would recover power from Brussels.


6.A Meloni government would represent a major change in tide from the technocrat government held together by former European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi. 


7.Meloni's party was the only opponent to Draghi's coalition, which fell in July after maintaining a hardline on consensus issues in the European Union – including sending arms to Ukraine and sanctioning Russia.


8.Observers say EU battle lines may be realigning, with Italy, one of the bloc's founders and its third-largest economy, cozying more to Hungary and Poland than Germany and France.


9.The collapse of Draghi's government in July threw Italy into a familiar political tumult, and a splintered left wing, including the center-left Democratic Party and the populist Five-Star Movement, has not coalesced with a pre-election pact. 

今年7月,德拉吉政府的垮台让意大利陷入了熟悉的政治动荡,分裂的左翼,包括中间偏左的民主党(Democratic Party)和民粹主义的五星运动(Five-Star Movement),未能联合起来达成选前协议。

10.The Democratic Party leader, Enrico Letta, has trailed consistently in polls and is expected to split ballots cast by liberals with voters for Five-Star and a "Third Pole" coalition.

民主党领袖恩里科·莱塔(Enrico Letta)在民调中一直落后,预计他将与支持五星联盟和“第三极”联盟的自由派选民平分选票。

11.The right wing, though, has joined forces. 


12.Polls indicate Meloni will be the leading conservative finisher on Sunday; her government's junior partners would be Matteo Salvini, leader of the League, and Silvio Berlusconi, the head of the center-right Forza Italia. 

民意调查显示,梅洛尼将是周日保守派的获胜候选人;她的政府的新伙伴将是联盟领导人马泰奥·萨尔维尼(Matteo Salvini)和中右翼意大利力量党(Forza Italia)领导人西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)。

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