

 外语行天下 2021-06-11



一、for example

Many species will be impacted by construction; for example, blue jays live in these trees.许多物种会受到施工的影响;例如,青鸟生活在这些树上。

Car prices can vary a lot. For example, in Belgium the VW Golf costs $1000 less than in Britain.汽车价格变化很大。例如,在比利时,大众高尔夫的价格比英国低1000美元。

二、for instance

Gayle is a gifted artist; for instance, she sculpted the statue at Town Hall.盖尔是一位天才艺术家;例如,她在市政厅雕刻雕像。

There are a number of improvements; for instance, both mouse buttons can now be used.在许多地方有了改进,例如,鼠标的左右键都可以使用了。


I can think of many ways for you to help; namely, you can clean up this mess.我能想出许多方法帮助你;也就是说,你可以收拾这些烂摊子。

I want you to know one thing, namely that if you run up debts, we will not pay them for you.我想让你知道一件事,那就是如果你债台高筑,我们不会替你还债。

四、that isThis book isn’t enjoyable to read; that is, it starts too slowly.这本书读起来不愉快;也就是说,它开始节奏太慢了。

I'll be there this afternoon. That is, after about four o'clock or so.我今天下午会到。也就是说,大约四点钟以后。

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