
雅思口语 part3 communication之facial expression

 Sharon黄文琪 2021-06-29

facial expression:

1 frowning 皱眉

e.g. Most people frown when they are confused or if they are thinking deeply. 大多数人在他们疑惑的时候或者在深入思考的时候会皱眉。

2 raise one's eyebrows 扬起眉毛(对不起,您要的表情包没有库存)

e.g. If people are doubtful or when they are questioning sth., they may raise their eyebrows. 当一个人觉得怀疑或在质疑的时候,通常会扬起眉毛。

3 gaping mouth + widened eyes张开的嘴巴和睁大的眼睛(请参考封面表) (请注意gape的发音[geɪp]

e.g. When people feel surprised, they tend to have gaping mouth and widened eyes.当人们觉得惊讶的时候,他们一般张大嘴巴睁大眼睛。

4 give a giggle 咯咯地笑(比较幼稚那种,尴尬紧张那种,表情包正在发往您家的路上)

e.g. When we look at each other's eyes, we may feel embarrassed and give a giggle.

5 give a big grin 露出大大的微笑(开朗的阳光美少女那种笑,就是觉得每天都好幸福那种人,oh, sorry 男生是一样的

e.g. When people feel happy, they normally give a big grin. 当人们觉得开心的时候,他们通常会露出大大的微笑。


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