
雅思口语 | 助你7分的短语动词

 Sharon黄文琪 2021-06-29

1 play down 贬低,降低

Western diplomats /'dɪpləmæts/have played down the significance of the reports. 西方的外交官们已贬低了这些报告的重要性。

He tried to play down my part in the work and play up his own. 他极力贬低我在这工作中的作用,而拼命抬高他自己的份量。

Still, she is quick to play down expectations, noting that the system is still in development.不过她很快降低了大家的期望,解释到这个系统仍还在研制中。

The boss sought to play down the risk of that project. 老板试图降低该项目的风险。

2 pan out 成功

The project didn't pan out. 这个项目没有做成。

You can’t always expect things to pan out each time, can you? 你不能期望事情总是一帆风顺的呀!

3 make out 理解,明白,看清,听清

I could just make out a tall, pale, shadowy figure tramping through the undergrowth. 我只能看出一个高高的、苍白的、朦胧的人影穿行在矮灌木丛中。

She thought she heard a name. She couldn't make it out, though. 她以为自己听到了一个名字,但听不清楚。

I couldn't make it out at all. 我完全不能明白它。

It is hard to make out what criteria are used. 难以辨清使用了什么标准。

4 lay into 攻击

I saw Jones lay into a man twice his size. 


Why did you lay into your son? 你为什么打你的儿子?

5 kick back 放松

Kick off your shoes and kick back a while. 


I really need to kick back during the holiday! 


Many students kick back, relying on their elite network to smooth a path through life. 许多学生放松下来,他们依靠自己的精英网络悠然走上生活道路。

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