

 冬可燃冰 2021-08-01
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San Fang Qi Xiang (三坊七巷) Fuzhou Municipal People's Government
Opening Ceremony of the Extended 44th session of the World Heritage Committee 16/07/2021 Fuzhou Municipal People's Government
Interior of Dacheng Palace Hall/Author: Chen Yingjie
Quanzhou maritime Silk Road World heritage Nomination Center
本期《信使》Focus 栏目将盘点本次世界遗产大会新列入《世界遗产名录》的遗址,并通过泉州申遗成功回顾丝绸之路的在世界遗产历史上的意义。
联合国教科文组织总干事奥德蕾·阿祖莱在开幕式演讲中引用了中国女诗人翟永明关于“未来不确定性”的描述,强调了世界遗产在当下的重要性。2020年《信使》杂志新冠疫情专刊 '女性重构的新世界'中收录了翟永明的此篇文章。 Fuzhou Municipal People's Government
Statue of Lao Tze and Qingyuan Mountain/Author: Chen Yingjie
Quanzhou Maritime Silk Road World heritage Nomination Center
Zhenfeng Pagoda and rain pavilions/Author: Zheng Wengui
Quanzhou maritime Silk Road World Heritage Nomination Center
Wenxing Dock/Author: Chen Qituo
Quanzhou maritime Silk Road World Heritage Nomination Center
—— ”What is World Heritage“
viaThe State of the World Heritage(September 1997)
联合国教科文组织总干事弗雷德里克·马约尔·萨拉戈萨(Frederico Mayor Zaragoza):
—— ”A Legacy for All“
viaThe World Heritage, A Legacy for All(August 1988)
联合国教科文组织出版的《世界遗产杂志》(World Heritage Magazine)上曾刊登关于丝绸之路沿线的文化遗产的文章,展现了丝绸之路文明对当时社会产生的深远影响,以及丝绸之路申遗成功的重要性。
正如纳尔逊·曼德拉曾经所说:'在事情未完成之前,一切都看似不可能。” 在2014年6月在卡塔尔多哈举行的第38届世界遗产大会上,世界遗产委员会将 '丝绸之路:长安—天山廊道的路网' 列入世界遗产名录。该遗产绵延约5000公里,包括中国、哈萨克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦三个国家的一系列33处遗址。
对于保护丝绸之路沿线文化遗产的长期国际合作而言,此次申遗成功是一项重大成就。这一系列合作在20世纪90年代联合国教科文组织开展 '丝绸之路整体研究”时开始。此项研究计划规模宏大,强调了丝绸之路国家之间的共同点,促进了人类共同遗产的概念。
—— ”Safeguarding Cultural Heritage Along the Silk Roads“
viaWorld Heritage: The Silk Roads(No. 93, October 2019)
Aerial view of the Fortified Temple/Municipalidad Provincial de Casma
Extended 44th session of the World Heritage Committee, Fuzhou (China)/Online meeting. UNESCO Paris, Room 1 (23/07/2021)/Eric Esquivel UNESCO
The 44th Session of the World Heritage Committee |History of World Heritage from the Silk Roads to Quanzhou’s Successful Inscription
The World Heritage Committee’s 44th session is chaired from Fuzhou (China) and takes place online from 16 to 31 July, combining current work and issues left outstanding since last year, when the annual meeting was postponed due to COVID-19.
“China, Quanzhou: Emporium of the World in Song-Yuan China” featuring 22 historical sites was successfully added to the World Heritage List on the 25th of July. Among the 56 World Heritage that come from China, Song-Yuan Quanzhou is very special, in that it was an important trading hub in the ancient Maritime Silk Road, with a port that rivalled the port of Alexandria. This Focus article will take the readers on a tour of the latest additions to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Along the way we will celebrate Quanzhou’s success and explore the importance of the Silk Roads in the history of World Heritage.
UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay in her opening address referenced the female Chinese poet, Zhai Yongming, and her description of an “uncertainty of the future”, emphasizing the importance of World Heritage for our societies today. Zhai’s article was published in Courier’s 2020 special issue on Covid-19, “A Whole New World, Reimagined by Women”.
China, Quanzhou: Emporium of the World in Song-Yuan China
The serial site of Quanzhou illustrates the city’s vibrancy as a maritime emporium during the Song and Yuan periods (10th - 14th centuries AD) and its interconnection with the Chinese hinterland. Quanzhou thrived during a highly significant period for maritime trade in Asia. The site encompasses religious buildings, including the 11th century AD Qingjing Mosque, one of the earliest Islamic edifices in China, Islamic tombs, and a wide range of archaeological remains: administrative buildings, stone docks that were important for commerce and defence, sites of ceramic and iron production, elements of the city’s transportation network, ancient bridges, pagodas, and inscriptions. Known as Zayton in Arabic and western texts of the 10th to 14th centuries AD.
TheCourierin 1997 published articles discussing the ways in which world heritage should be defined and selected. The protection of world heritage gained international recognition since the decision was made in the 1950s to build the Aswan High Dam in Egypt, which risked destroying Ancient Egyptian treasures.
What is the World Heritage?
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) seeks to encourage the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity. The idea of creating an international movement for protecting sites in other countries emerged after World War I, but the landmark event in arousing international concern was the decision to build the Aswan High Dam in Egypt, which would have flooded the valley containing the Abu Simbel temples, a treasure of ancient Egyptian civilization. In 1959, after an appeal from the governments of Egypt and Sudan, UNESCO decided to launch an international campaign, and the Abu Simbel and Philae temples were dismantled, moved to dry ground and reassembled.
Selection Criteria
To be included on the World Heritage List, sites must satisfy the selection criteria which are explained in a booklet titled Operational Guidelines which, besides the text of the Convention, is the main working document on World Heritage. The criteria have been revised regularly by the Committee to match the evolution of the World heritage concept itself.
—— ”What is World Heritage“
viaThe State of the World Heritage(September 1997)
In 1988, Director-General of UNESCO, Frederico Mayor Zaragoza wrote an article emphasizing the importance of world heritage as a common legacy for all humans.
“A legacy for all”
The cultural heritage of each people is an expression of the thousand and one facets of its genius and of the mysterious continuity which unites all it has created over the centuries and all it has the potential to create in the future. The preservation of this heritage is an activity inherent in a people’s vitality and creativity.
The compilation of the List makes it possible to measure the extreme wealth and diversity of this heritage. Faithful to its mission, UNESCO is thus contributing to the discovery by each of the heritage of all.
—— ”A Legacy for All“
viaThe World Heritage, A Legacy for All(August 1988)
The World Heritage Magazine published by UNESCO features the Silk Roads as World Heritage. The Silk Roads merited this significant recognition because of their profound influence on the societies concerned.
“Safeguarding cultural heritage along the Silk Roads”: The longest cultural route in history
As Nelson Mandela once said:'It always seems impossible until it is done!’ During its 38th session in June 2014 in Doha, Qatar, the World Heritage Committee inscribed The Silk Roads: the Routes Network of Chang’an-Tian-shan Corridor on the World Heritage List. The serial property extends some 5,000 kilometres and encompasses 33 component sites in three countries, China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
The inscription represented a major achievement in a long process of international cooperation for safeguarding cultural heritage along the Silk Roads. It began in the 1990s when UNESCO organized the 'Integral Study of the Silk Roads: Roads of Dialogue’, a large-scale research programme highlighting commonalities among Silk Roads countries and promoting the concept of a shared heritage of humanity.
The longest cultural route in history
The Silk Roads were an interconnected web of routes linking the ancient societies of Asia, the Subcontinent, Central Asia, Western Asia and the Near East, stretching to about 7,500 km east to west but covering over 35,000 km along all the many branch routes. While parts of these routes had been in use for millennia, by the 2nd century BCE the volume of exchange had increased substantially, as had the long-distance trade between East and West in high-value goods such as silk, particularly between the Chinese and Roman Empires.
The political, social and cultural impacts of these movements had far-reaching consequences for all the societies touched by them. For almost two millennia the exchange between East and West helped develop many of the world’s great civilizations and added to the common prosperity of humankind.
—— ”Safeguarding Cultural Heritage Along the Silk Roads“
viaWorld Heritage: The Silk Roads(No. 93, October 2019)
In this year’s World Heritage Committee meeting, which combined the proposals from 2020 and 2021, 33 new properties were added to the World Heritage List; 28 are cultural properties and 5 are natural properties.
New inscribed cultural properties 2020:
Arslantepe Mound (Turkey)
Chankillo Archaeoastronomical Complex (Peru)
Colonies of Benevolence (Belgium, Netherlands)
Cordouan Lighthouse (France)
Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple Telangana (India)
Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt (Germany)
Padua’s fourteenth-century fresco cycles (Italy)
Paseo del Prado and Buen Retiro, a landscape of Arts and Sciences (Spain)
Quanzhou: Emporium of the World in Song-Yuan China (China)
Roșia Montană Mining Landscape (Romania)
Sítio Roberto Burle Marx (Brazil)
The Great Spa Towns of Europe (Austria, Belgium, Czechia, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
The word of engineer Eladio Dieste: Church of Atlántida (Uruguay)
Trans-Iranian Railway (Islamic Republic of Iran)
Himā Cultural Area (Saudi Arabia)
New inscribed natural properties 2020:
Amami-Oshima island, Tokunoshima Island, Northern part of Okinawa Island, and Iriomote Island (Japan)
Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands (Georgia)
Getbol, Korean Tidal Flats (Republic of Korea)
Kaeng Krachan Forest Complex (Thailand)
New inscribed cultural properties 2021:
As-Salt-- The Place of Tolerance and Urban Hospitality (Jordan)
Cultural Landscape of Hawraman/ Uramanat (Islamic Republic of Iran)
Dholavira: a Harappan City (India)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire-- the Lower German Limes (Germany, Netherlands)
Jomon Prehistoric Sites in Northern Japan (Japan)
Nice, Winter Resort Town of the Riviera (France)
Petroglyphs of Lake Onega and the White Sea (Russian Federation)
Settlement and Artificial Mummification of the Chinchorro Culture in the arica and Parinacota Region (Chile)
ShUM Sites of Speyer, Worms and Mainz (Germany)
Sudanese style mosques in northern Côte d’Ivoire (Côte d’Ivoire)
The Porticoes of Bologna (Italy)
The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
The works of Jože Plečnik in Ljubljana – Human Centred Urban Design (Slovenia)
New inscribed natural properties 2021:
Ivindo National Park (Gabon)
The State of the world heritage (September 1997)
A Legacy for all (August 1988)
Cultural sites in China, India, Iran and Spain inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List
WHC: New Inscribed Properties (2021)
World Heritage Magazine: The Silk Roads

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