

 新用户1882ga2h 2021-08-18

 英语晨读 ·


本次文献选自Müller C, Reissig LF, Argeny S, et al. Standardized fluoroscopy-guided implantation technique enables optimal electrode placement in sacral neuromodulation: a cadaver study. Tech Coloproctol. 2021;25(2):215-221. 本次学习由王珺楠副主任医师主讲。

The limitations of our study need to be addressed. Weevaluated only one technique of SNM lead placement without conducting a comparison to other surgical techniques.Although a variety of diferent approaches have been published, to date no approach appears to be superior to theothers. Thus, we focused on a novel technique, which wasrecently recommended by a group of experts. In clinicalpractice, motor or sensory feedback during stimulation isalso essential for fnding the correct lead position. Notably, response is also dependent on a close contact to sacralnerves. The main aim of our study was to evaluate the leadposition in relation to the sacral nerves by using x-ray imaging. As we conducted a cadaver study, we cannot draw anyconclusions regarding functional outcome.



A standardized fuoroscopy-guided implantation techniqueenables a close contact between electrode and nerve. It isanticipated that this novel insertion technique will result inan improved clinical outcome.



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