
网课群聊【英中对照】|社会学的哪种理论可以解释性产业的社会问题? (Which sociological theory ...)

 翰墨书海 2021-10-24



1 Which approach-functionalist, conflict, or symbolic interactionist-do you believe is most accurate in addressing solutions to problems associated with the sex industry? Why do you believe as you do?

1 你认为哪种方法是功能主义、冲突主义或象征性互动主义最能准确地解释与性产业相关的问题?你为什么这么相信?

2 Whether people make a decision in following their career as a professional prostitute, porn star, etc., or are forced to become one, it is their life, people do as they please with it and we cannot judge those people. In my point of view, the symbolic interaction theory is the most accurate in addressing solutions to problems associated with the sex industry. Just like the book states how symbolic interactionism is understanding human behavior we need to understand the meaning for why those were involved. Everyone has an explanation for his or her own story in becoming involved in the sex industry whether it is being a porn star, prostitute, etc. Why do we need to question when a person wants to become what they want to become. I think people should be able to do what they want without anyone questioning them if it does not concern them. To me, that is the problem with our society.

2 无论人们决定从事职业妓女、色情明星等职业,还是被迫成为职业妓女、色情明星,这都是他们的生活,人们可以随心所欲,我们无法评判这些人。在我看来,符号互动理论是解释性产业相关问题最准确的方法。正如这本书所述,符号互动主义是如何理解人类行为的,我们需要理解这些行为的含义。每个人都有自己参与性行业的秘事,无论是色情明星、妓女等。为什么我们需要质疑一个人何时想成为他们想成为的人。我认为人们应该能够做他们想做的事,如果这与他们无关,就不需要任何人的质疑。对我来说,这是我们社会的问题。

3 I believe that the symbolic interactionist approach is the best way to address solutions is associated with the sex industry. Through this approach, prostitutes are viewed as objects of exploitation, and they have no other means of surviving besides sex work. Many women that are in the sex industry wish to leave but cannot due to how much money they gain from the field. They see this as an opportunity of leaving poverty. With this approach prostitution and pornography are socially constructed as social problems, but others view them as a way of evaluating goods and services. This approach searches for a problem in need of a solution that would help with addressing the sex industry's issues of prostitution and pornography.

3 我认为符号互动主义理论是解释性产业相关问题的最佳方法。通过这种方式,妓女被视为剥削的对象,除了性工作之外,她们没有其他生存手段。许多从事性行业的女性希望离开,但由于她们从这个行业赚了许多钱而无法离开。他们认为这是摆脱贫困的机会。通过这种方法,卖淫和色情制品在社会上被视为社会问题,但其他人则将其视为评估商品和服务的一种方式。这种方法寻找一个需要解决的问题,这将有助于解决卖淫和色情业的性产业问题。

4 I heavily agree with the Conflict Approach when it comes to the sex industry. There is so much inequality on so many levels (gender, race, sexuality, etc.), that seem to get widely ignored as the years go by, and part of their approach is finding solutions to those problems, which then leads to some leaving the sex industry. I can see how people turn to this industry when backed into a corner, with little to no options to have a livable income. If you eradicate the massive inequalities, this leaves many more options for people to maybe choose a different career, and/or have the opportunity to expand their education. This is one of those situations where many look at the sex industry as "bad" or "immoral", but refuse or fail to see the factors that cause many to rely on the sex industry to simply live.

4 我非常同意对性产业问题可以用冲突理论来解释。在如此多的层面(性别、种族、性等)上存在着如此多的不平等,随着时间的推移,这些不平等似乎被广泛忽视,他们的方法之一就是找到解决这些问题的方法,这导致一些人离开性产业。我可以看到,当人们陷入困境时,他们是如何转向这个行业的,几乎没有或根本没有任何选择来获得宜居的收入。如果你消除了巨大的不平等,人们就有更多的选择,也许可以选择不同的职业,或者有机会扩大他们的教育。这是许多人将性产业视为“坏”或“不道德”的情况之一,但拒绝或没有看到导致许多人依赖性产业过简单生活的因素。

This topic is very diverse in opinions and I honestly do not have an opinion on this topic but if I had to pick an approach I believe is most accurate would have to be conflict theory. I believe that this approach is more appropriate because the sex industry is very open to young women and teens and I believe that because of it there is more of a chance of young girls going into the industry instead of taking other routes. I also believe that it can be very dangerous and that is why it links to crimes that occur such as murders and rapes. I believe that the sex industry can easily lure minors and result in bigger problems. I live in a pleasant grove in Dallas Tx and there is a high crime rate and prostitution in my area and I honestly do believe that it downgrades the community.

5 这个话题有很多不同的观点,老实说,我对这个话题没有什么看法,但如果我必须选择一种我认为最准确的方法,那就是冲突理论。我认为这种方法更合适,因为性行业对年轻女性和青少年非常开放,而且我相信,正因为如此,年轻女孩进入这个行业的机会更大,而不是走其他途径。我还认为,它可能非常危险,这就是为什么它与谋杀和强奸等犯罪有关。我相信色情行业很容易吸引未成年人,并导致更大的问题。我住在德克萨斯州达拉斯的普莱森特格罗夫,我所在地区的犯罪率和卖淫率很高,我相信这会降低社区的声誉。

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