

 hercules028 2021-11-01


视频来源于:译学馆app , 译者:doublejia



Hello, I’m George.And today I’m going to share 4 tips with you to improve your reading comprehension skills.

It’s important to improve your reading skills。because not only will it help you to develop,your vocabulary and grammar,it will also have a positive effect on your written skills too.

Tip number one: Choosing reading materials.
技巧一 选择阅读材料

If you want to read in English,choose something that you enjoy reading in your own language,that’s not too difficult.

Don’t feel like you have to read something academic or clever,because you’re reading in another language,that’s already clever.

So you could read a film script,a magazine interview, a comic book or a cookery book.If you want to read a book,choose one that you’re very familiar with in your own language.
所以你可以读电影剧本,杂志访谈 漫画书 烹饪书。如果你想读书,选择一本母语中你非常熟悉的。

For example, when I was studying Korean,I decided to read Harry Potter。because when I was a child,I was a massive Harry Potter fan,so I must have read this book maybe three or four times.
例如 在我学习韩语的时候,我决定读《哈利波特》。因为我小时候,超级迷恋《哈利波特》,所以我读了大概有三四遍。

This stopped me from checking every single word that I didn’t understand.It also helped me to understand words and expressions from the context that they were in.
这样 我就不用逐个查阅生词,我可以根据上下文语境理解单词和短语。

For instance, look at this sentence。and imagine you don’t know the meaning of the word scar.If you know the story of Harry Potter already,you’ll probably remember what was on Harry Potter’s forehead。Therefore you could easily guess the meaning of the word scar without looking it up in the dictionary.
例如 看这句话,假设你不知道 scar 的意思。如果你已经知道哈利波特的故事,你可能会记得哈利波特的额头是怎么回事。即使不查字典 也能猜出scar的意思

However, it’s important to read various genres too.So you could read some of your favourite novels.And you could read your favourite music magazine.This will help you to familiarise yourself with formal and informal English.
然而 阅读不同题材的书也很有必要。你可以读你喜欢的小说,也可以看你喜欢的音乐杂志,这样你可以精通正式和非正式英语。

Tip number two: Vocabulary.
技巧二 词汇

Don’t look up every single word you’re unsure of.Note down or highlight any unknown,words or expressions that appear more than once in the text.You can try to guess what they mean through their context and then,afterwards, look them up in the dictionary.
不要一遇到生词就查字典,记下或者标注出所有不认识的,反复出现的单词或短语,你可以根据上下文猜测他们的意思,然后 再查字典。

You can also make some flashcards,so that these words and expressions stay fresh in your memory.

Tip number three: Interact.
技巧三 互动

Note down any opinions you might have about the text.Don’t be afraid to write notes in the book or the magazine,unless it’s a library book,in which case you can write on some Post-it notes,and stick them on the pages.
记下你对文章所有的观点,不要忌讳在书本或者杂志上做笔记,除非是图书馆的书。这种情况下 你可以写在便利贴上,再把它粘在上书本上。

Tip number four: Respond.
技巧四 思考

This is your chance to produce language in response to what you’ve read.You might write down your response,and give it to a teacher,or you could upload it online and receive feedback that way.
你可以表达出关于所读内容的思考,写下你的想法,把它交给老师。或者上传到网上 收集别人的意见。

Alternatively,you could discuss what you’ve read with some friends or classmates,or you could even join a book club,and talk about what you’ve read there.

I thought the book was good.The characters were also very good.

Before joining one of these discussions,you could prepare by thinking,of some interesting adjectives to describe the characters and the story.

Let’s summarise what we’ve learnt today.

Number one: choose something you enjoy reading in your own language.
一、 选择母语中你喜欢的材料

Number two: Don’t look up every single word. Only look up the words that frequently occur in the text.
二 、不要每个单词都查字典,只需查阅反复出现在文章中的单词

Number three: make notes.
三 、做笔记

And number four: respond to the text.
四、 对文章进行思考

That’s all we have time for today. If you have any reading tips of your own, please leave a comment below.

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