

 lpl求知获识 2021-11-04

英国当地时间2021年10月31日,联合国气候变化框架公约第二十六次缔约方大会(COP26)在格拉斯哥拉开帷幕。11月2日下午,由万科公益基金会与C Team设立的“中国企业馆”(China Corporate Pavilion)正式开幕。万科公益基金会理事长王石以“这条路 不孤单”为主题进行开幕致辞。








图源:Pinterest,Elin Bergman

2013年华沙大会,开始有了“中国馆”和“中国企业日”,越来越多的中国企业组团参会,刚才说到的数字,也从100变成1000,2015年巴黎气候大会, 1000又变成10000,2018年、2019年,中国面孔变得更多,这个数字又变成100万。

企业的责任 落实国家战略 加强国际协作 







Welcome to China Corporate Pavilion! I am Wang Shi.
From Copenhagen to Glasgow, I came to COP every year for the past 10 years. In those 10 years, our planet, our environment has gone through profound changes. COVID even added more uncertainties to our future. But something remains certain – we can always meet old friends in China Corporate Pavilion.
Mr. Xie Zhenhua and Mr. Gore, a sincere welcome to both of you for coming back to the China pavilion again. You brought me good memories from many years back.
In 2009, I attended the COP for the first time in Copenhagen. My biggest impression was the big posters at the train station that carried the portraits of national leaders. They looked 50 years older than they actually were. There was also a message on the poster that said:
“I’m sorry. We could have stopped catastrophic climate change…We didn’t...”  The message carried a sense of pessimism.
In Glasgow, I did not see such posters. If there is another poster, I think the message would be: 'I am proud of saving the Earth because I made the right decision in Glasgow.'
Do we have reasons to be optimistic? Yes, particularly here in China Corporate Pavilion.
Changes of the Image of Chinese Entrepreneurs at COP
In 2009, when we attended COP for the first time, China Corporate Pavilion was nothing like it is now.  Outside of government delegation, few members of the Chinese public went abroad to attend the COP.  My memory was that only three people including myself joined the COP, as representative of 100 companies. We were trying to make an announcement at COP but did not know where to meet. So finally, we decorated the hallway with two balloons and stood there. No audience showed up.
But we never gave up and came back every year after that. We were lucky enough to see the changes every year.
In 2013, the COP in Warsaw had China Pavilion and China Corporate Day. Since then, more Chinese companies organized their delegations to COP. Increasing numbers of companies were represented at COP from 100-1000, from 1000-10000 in Paris. And then in 2019, the number rose up to 1 million.
In 2021, despite the lasting impact of COVID, companies that participated on site or online in the China Corporate Pavilion will cover nearly every sector related to carbon reduction. construction, finance, energy, industry, transportation, internet, retail, fashion and carbon management. Soon, CBCA – China Business Climate Action will make a joint announcement on behalf of over 1 million companies.  
From 100-1000, from 10000 to one million. It is not just numbers. It is changes that take place in China. Changes in people’s mindset.
Chinese entrepreneurs shared the view that this planet will abandon the humanity if no changes happen today. I feel that even Elon Musk can really send some people to the Mars. The vast majority of us can only stay here with no other place to go.
Chinese entrepreneurs have the same awareness on the climate change as the rest of the world.
Corporate Social Responsibility to Implement National Strategy and Strengthen International Collaboration
In these years, the most powerful source of change comes from the national policy. The 3060 strategy of China is our national commitment, and responsibility of the country and people. Responsibility is a simple word. But we can all try to imagine the pressure, challenges and impacts that it means for a 1.4 billion population and fast-growing economy.
We often used two words: systemic and disruptive. Systemic is about the cope of changes. It will include everyone and every company. Disruptive is about the intensity of changes. Regardless, this change is unfolding in front of us. A Chinese official once said: 
'Companies are the backbone of the combat against climate change. Government can make as many goals, laws, regulations, standards as it desires. But it is up to the industry, companies and the society to make those real. And entrepreneurs are bearing the heavy weight.'
We not only adapt to changes, but also find opportunities in them. Here I would like to share a story with my friends.
I started to climb Kilimanjaro as a snow mountain in 2002. Before that time, I read Hemingway’s novel 'Snows of Kilimanjaro', which described a perennial snow mountain near the Equator in Africa. But when I reached the summit, I could not find a single piece of snow. Why? Because the climate change made snow only seasonal.
I was a bit disappointed. What caused this change? But when I did my research at home, it really scared me. One of the causes of the climate change is the loss of forests. And the biggest cause of the logging in the forest is the construction. The company I led Vanke was the biggest real estate company in China. That also means that Snows of Kilimanjaro disappeared partly because of my company. Was that scary?
But I also saw hope of changes that we can make to get it right.
When I was back, I started to meet with international organizations and companies to learn more from their practices. We decided to influence our supply chain to make changes together. We would buy timber materials that were certified as fair traded.
The collective actions were powerful. In 2020, the total sales of the green supply chain in real estate companies will account for the proportion of the national real estate companies’ civil real estate sales from zero to 40%. In many sectors, the green supply chain campaign became the choice of more and more Chinese companies.
In conclusion, Chinese companies are committed to 3060. They will take actions. They will work closely with international partners.
Hope of the Younger Generation
I am 70 years old. I am expecting to see 2030 if I keep my gym workouts. It is hard to say for 2060. What are we working on environment all these years? Why are we making voice to campaign for the national strategy on climate change? Because we know the responsibility of our generation.
I also want to let you know that I chose my graveyard a few years ago. I hope that many years later, people will pass my grave and remember what we have done for the environment. That will make me very happy!
But I want to say this. The hope comes with the future generation.

And it is not just a cliché. Recently, I made a speech at a university in Shanghai. I came across a young student at the break. He said, Mr. Wang Shi, we are alike. I was a bit surprised and asked him why. He said, you love reading, so do I. You love sports, so do I. You work for social cause, so do I.

I said. When I was young, I only thought about my business. I thought seeking social cause would only be luxury for successful businessmen. But now you and your generation start in university. You are better than me.

So it is true what I said 'the hope comes with the future generations.'
Thank you.

时间:10月19日  19:00 - 21:00

杨林苑简介:DFUND管理合伙人,中国最早一批VC转型区块链投资的专业投资人,亚太区最大的区块链专业投资联盟NOVA CLUB秘书长。专注于加密经济学等新经济商业模式研究,在NFT、DEFI、元宇宙等方向有独到见解。

从事区块链投资之前在股权投资领域有10余年经验,历任联想创投投资总监, StarVC投资总监,赛伯乐中国投资总监,英特尔亚太区行业研究员,Leggett&Platt 并购分析师等职务,在另类投资和行业研究领域有丰富的实战经验;毕业于Lancaster University MBA, 北大汇丰商学院。

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