
高频英语口语:a needle in haystack(大海捞针)

 英语老师覃冠平 2021-11-12
高频英语口语:a needle in haystack(大海里捞针)

我们今天学习一句英语口语: It's a needle in a haystack


现在的问题是,你以为你用中文“学会”了一句英语: It's a needle in a haystack是中文“大海捞针”的意思,你下次再见到英语 It's a needle in a haystack时,还是只会“说”中文“大海捞针”吗?

下次我们再见到或者想表达 It's a needle in a haystack时,我们必须具备不说它的中文,而说它的英语意思的能力:这也正是我们的英语口语。


1. When we say:It's like a needle in a haystack,we mean:We are having great difficulty finding something.

Have difficulty in finding学过吗?会用吗?

2. Well, it's a needle in a haystack means :Somethingis very difficult to locate,or to find.


1. Well,I lost my key somewhere in my living room and I searched for it/looked for it everywhere,but could not find. It’s like looking for _________!

2. Trying to find my contact lens on the floor was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

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