
April Food's Day主题英文阅读和口语训练

 英语老师覃冠平 2021-11-12

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     April Food's Day主题英文阅读和口语训练

         April Fool's Day换成中文理解很简单,愚人节也!然而,假如你不懂中文,要你直接用英语记忆April Fool's Day,你能记住多少呢?这就成了一种挑战和需要训练的东西(忐忑英语所做的也正是这个)。直接英语记忆时,你有多少April Fool's ay固定的英语表达不通过翻译就直接储存在大脑里?说几个出来看看,做得到吗?


April Fool's Day

Celebrated on April 1, April Fool’s Day, also known as All Fool’s Day, is a day for

tricks, pranks and jokes. Other names include April Noddy Day, Gowkie Day,

Huntigowk Day and St All-Fool’s Morn.


1. Well I know we always say we celebrate April Fool's Day,celebrate April Fool's Day,celebrate April Fool's Day when we talk about April Fool's Day.Or we

observe/mark April Fool's Day,observe/mark April Fool's Day,observe/mark April Fool's Day.(这就叫记词要记短语或固定搭配,不能光记一个孤立的单词及其中文。这样记,你不会说话的,只会嘣单词)

2. Well I know we also call April Fool's Day All Fool's Day, All Fool's Day, All Fool's Day.

3. Well I know on April Fool's Day, people always play tricks, play pranks and play jokes,play tricks, play pranks and play jokes,play tricks, play pranks and play jokes,

April Fool's Day is on April 1 each year.

4.Well I know April Fool's Day is on April 1 each year.

April Fool's Pranks

5.Well I know April Fool's Pranks is we play practical jokes, play practical jokes,

play practical jokes

April 1 is a day for practical jokes in many countries around the world. The simplest jokes may involve children who tell each other that their shoelaces are

undone and then cry out “April Fool!” when the victims glance at their feet.

Some April Fool's jokes publicized in the media include:

6. Well I know on April Fool's Day, we always play practical jokes(恶作剧,不是

tell a joke 讲笑话)

7. Well I know one of the most popular practical jokes on April Fool's Day is

children tell each other that their shoelaces are undone or Your shoelaces are undone! Your shoelaces are undone! and then cry out “April Fool!” 这句话用中文都耳熟能详了。用英文会说吗?


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