

 东河人 2021-11-24

《伦敦生活第二季》(Fleabag Season 2)讲述了一个简短但格局很大的“小”故事,女主Fleabag整天忙于处理生活琐事以及复杂的人际关系,让观众感同身受。这部剧充满了各种喜剧元素,但它同时又让人沉默、心酸与反思。我们从中感受伦敦生活的美好与糟糕、友谊与疏离,剧中对人与人之间的爱、西方的宗教信仰、以及女性力量的探讨又将其提升了一个高度。



Martin: Do you do a lot of older weddings?

Godmother: I don’t think that’s how we’d ...

Priest: No, this is my first ever wedding actually.

Godmother: You know I’ve always been so suspicious of religion, but I must say there is something rather chic (时髦的) about having a real priest at a wedding.

Fleabag: Are you a real priest?

Priest: Yeah.

Godmother: It’s so nice spending time getting to know the man who’s going to marry us.

Martin: Is that usual?

Priest: No, but I’m new to the parish (教区), and I guess I’m just really lonely. So I appreciate this, thank you very much.

Father: New to the parish?

Priest: Father Patrick sadly died, so I got the gig.

Fleabag: What did he die of?

Priest: Just, um, time. But he was a dedicated man, a brilliant priest.

Fleabag: Sounds like a riot (非常有趣的人).

Priest: He was, actually.

Godmother: Do you know how we met?

Fleabag: No.

Claire: Through Jake.

Fleabag: Creepy (怪异的) step-son.


Godmother: In the church band. Just adorable! And Claire introduced us and we just hit it off. Didn’t we?

Priest: We did, yeah.

Father: They did.

Priest: Yeah. She’s donating a painting for the fete (义卖游乐会); it’s going to cause quite a stir.

Godmother: Oh, it’s just an old one. Listen, we don’t want gifts at the wedding. I mean it’s enough that people slog it over without then expecting a gift. So we’ve decided to ask people to make a small donation, to a charity of their choosing, in our name.

Fleabag: That sounds lovely.

Godmother: Do you want to know what gift I’m giving your father?

Fleabag: Oh, God.

Godmother: It’s a portrait (肖像) ...

Fleabag: Oh, God.


Godmother: I’d only need a couple of sittings (让人画像或拍照的时间).

Claire: Right, can’t you use photos?

Godmother: No, because the lighting is never good enough, and if you’re not very photogenic (上相的), then it does you no favors. And besides, the only photos there are of you two together are of when you were children, and you looked like a boy, so ...

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