

 mastereye 2014-05-18






[01:21.98]第一季  第八集


[01:34.84]桑蒂诺军事学院  始建于1841

[01:47.16]堆书可控  高效节能 Control stacked, energy-efficient.

[01:48.82]话说  全部馆藏估计 Now, mind you, the whole

[01:49.90]一个电子阅读器就能装下 collection could probably fit on a Kindle,

[01:51.28]至少下雨时学员们 but at least the cadets will have

[01:52.43]又多了个地方躲雨 another placeto get out of the rain.

[01:54.20]你对图书馆设计提意见了吗 Did you have any input on the design?

[01:55.95]我核准了蓝图 I approved the blueprints.

[01:57.24]如果要把我的名字留在上面 If something's gonna have my name on it,

[01:58.61]我得保证那东西建得没什么问题 I want to make damn sure they build it right.

[02:00.81]我丈夫是把他自己当成建筑师了 I think my husband fancies himself a bit of an architect.

[02:03.62]杰弗逊就设计了蒙蒂塞洛庄园 Well, Jefferson designed Monticello.

[02:05.43]他还跟自己的奴隶乱搞 And he also fucked his slaves.

[02:07.25]幸好我没有奴隶 Luckily, I don't have any,

[02:08.54]所以我从没受到过这种诱惑 so that particular temptation hasn't presented itself.

[02:13.04]桑蒂诺(哨兵)学院 The Sentinel...

[02:13.98]南卡罗莱纳最好的军事院校 South Carolina's premiere military college.

[02:16.83]我在这儿学到了荣誉  职责和尊重的价值 They taught me the values of honor, duty, and respect.

[02:20.01]也曾受到戏弄和打击 They also hazed me, tried to break me,

[02:21.90]大四时险遭开除 and, senior year, nearly expelled me

[02:23.84]那年我志愿参与参议员竞选  致使学业荒废 when I volunteered for a Senate Race and my studies suffered.

[02:27.46]30年后  他们还是为新建一座图书馆 But that didn't stop them from soliciting a hefty sum

[02:30.05]向我要了一笔巨款 for their new library 30 years later.

[02:32.66]在权力和财富的笼罩下 How quickly poor grades

[02:34.10]糟糕的成绩就这样被甩在脑后 are forgotten in the shadow of power and wealth.

[02:37.77]你这酒杯才一半满嘛  弗兰克 Your drink is only about half as full as it should be, Frank.

[02:41.09]你想把我灌醉吗 Are you trying to get me drunk?

[02:42.85]灌醉  昏倒在水沟里 Drunk, passed out in the gutter,

[02:43.93]这样我就能把你妻子偷走了 so I can steal your wife.

[02:46.90]你收到邀请步枪手的邮件了吗 Did you get the email about the riflemen?

[02:49.68]-什么邮件  -发自我办公室的邀请邮件 - What email? - From my office about the invitations.

[02:52.21]我还希望能见着他们呢 I was hoping they would be here.

[02:53.46]我去查下客人名单 I'll check the list,

[02:54.21]但我不记得收过这样的邮件啊 but I don't remember any email.

[02:55.53]没关系  只是问一下罢了 Oh, not a problem. I was just wondering.

[02:57.85]真是的  弗兰克  太抱歉了 Well, shit, Frank, I'm sorry.

[02:59.51]千万别上火 Don't you sweat it for a second.

[03:00.73]这样吧  你给我倒点酒  就算补偿我了 In fact, here's how you can make it up to me... freshen my drink.

[03:04.12]没问题 That I can do.

[03:32.86]祝贺你  议员先生 Congratulations, Congressman.

[03:34.91]雷米  很高兴在这儿见到你 Remy. Nice to see you here.

[03:37.62]格里和桑科的所有同僚都向你问好 Gerry and all the folks at Sancorp give you their regards.

[03:40.10]很遗憾他们不能亲临现场 Well, I'm sorry they couldn't make it.

[03:41.74]克莱尔在哪 Where's Claire?

[03:42.63]她一定在哪里婉拒仰慕者呢 Oh, she's here somewhere, fending off admirers.

[03:45.94]桑科对她回绝了他们的捐款感到非常失望 Sancorp was very disappointed she turned down their donation.

[03:48.83]不难想象 I can imagine.

[03:50.36]他们还很关心 And they're also concerned

[03:51.63]彼得·罗素竞选州长一事 about Peter Russo running for Governor.

[03:55.35]你怎么知道的 Now, how do you know about that?

[03:57.12]宾州有四分之三的土地 Three quarters of Pennsylvania

[03:58.40]下面有页岩天然气田 sits on top of the Marcellus Shale.

[04:00.53]我连谁在竞选州长都不知道 If I can't find out who's running for governor,

[04:02.33]那我就配不上他们给的酬劳了 I don't deserve a dime of what they're paying me.


[04:04.52]罗素发起的流域法案 This watershed bill Russo sponsors

[04:06.40]对天然气开采有很多限制 places a lot of restrictions on drilling.

[04:08.02]雷米  国会在休息 Remy, congress is in recess,

[04:09.68]这个周末不要谈工作 and this weekend is not about work.

[04:11.47]抱歉  你说得很对 I apologize. You are absolutely right.

[04:13.65]桑科是你唯一的客户吗 Is Sancorp your only account?

[04:15.90]还有不少 I have plenty.

[04:17.68]但其他客户不会为你的图书馆 But my other clients didn't pay for your library

[04:19.26]和我来这儿的机票买单 or my plane ticket down here.

[04:20.64]对你来说正好旅游了 It's a nice little junket for you.

[04:22.66]真心希望你能去看看风景 I do hope you're taking in the sights.

[04:24.58]这不是我第一次来查尔斯顿了 This isn't my first trip to Charleston.

[04:26.46]不是作为我的新闻发言人肯定是第一次 But I'll bet it's your first time not as my press secretary.

[04:29.45]没错 It is.

[04:31.18]你还邀请了谁 Who else do you have coming in?

[04:32.50]我不想请太多人 I didn't want to pack tonight too much.

[04:34.11]要知道  这种宴会通常只招待有钱人 You know, these receptions are usually just for the money people

[04:36.64]比如你 like yourself.

[04:40.29]通常来说  现在我该开始絮叨 Normally, this is where I would start to drone on

[04:42.97]桑蒂诺学院的历史  理念 about the Sentinel's history, its philosophy,

[04:45.37]之类的 its yadda, yadda, yadda.

[04:48.22]但我决定明天正式演讲时再讲这些 But I'm going to save that for my big speech tomorrow,

[04:50.55]这样你们就不用受两次折磨 and that way I'm not gonna bore y'all to tears twice.

[04:53.80]今晚我们要把时间留给 Tonight we're going to turn it over

[04:54.77]一位大家很熟悉的人 to a man who needs no introduction,

[04:57.35]我们都清楚他是怎样一个混蛋 because we all know what a son of a bitch he is.

[05:00.67]言归正传 Seriously, though,

[05:01.84]弗兰克·安德伍德诠释了 Frank Underwood exemplifies

[05:03.49]我们努力灌输给学生的所有美德 all the virtues we try to instill in our graduates.

[05:06.86]我们很自豪拥有你样的校友  弗兰克 We're so proud to call you an alumnus, Frank,

[05:09.72]更自豪将你的名字永远留在校园里 and to have your name as a permanent fixture on our campus.

[05:13.52]有请国会议员弗兰克·安德伍德 Congressman Frank Underwood!

[05:31.64]谢谢你  希金斯校长 Thank you, president Higgins.

[05:33.75]我首先要感谢桑科工业 I first want to thank Sancorp Industries

[05:35.86]为新建图书馆提供资金 for providing the funds to make the library possible.

[05:39.09]我刚成为这里的学员时 When I matriculated here as a young cadet,

[05:42.23]吉米·卡特刚当选总统 Jimmy Carter had just been elected president.

[05:44.80]毕业以后 After I graduated,

[05:46.17]我真希望自己还能待四年 I wished that I could have had another four years,

[05:48.05]吉米也是 just like Jimmy.

[05:50.11]可惜我们都未能如愿 Well, neither of us got our wish.

[05:51.98]但我带着愉快的记忆离开了校园 But I left this campus with fond memories.

[05:54.78]我第一次... The first time I ever...

[05:56.10]  多希望我在棉花之地* *Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton

[05:59.86]旧时光难以忘怀* *Old times there are not forgotten

[06:02.12]看吧  看吧  看吧* *Look away, look away, look away

[06:05.27]我收到你的邮件了 I got your damn email.

[06:06.80]多希望我在迪克西* *I wish I was in Dixie

[06:09.28]万岁  万岁* *Hooray, hooray

[06:11.75]在迪克西  我会表明立场* *In dixieland, I'll take my stand

[06:14.24]生于迪克西  死于迪克西* *To live and die in Dixie

[06:16.64]走吧  走吧* *Away, away

[06:17.93]走吧  走吧* *Away, away

[06:19.16]一路向南去迪克西* *Away down South in Dixie

[06:21.44]走吧  走吧* *Away, away

[06:23.67]一路向南去迪克西* *Away down South in Dixie

[06:31.72]穿过蒙特祖玛的长廊* *From the halls of Montezuma

[06:35.29]去往的黎波里的海岸* *To the shores of Tripoli

[06:38.65]我们将为国而战* *We will fight our country's battles

[06:44.43]宝贝孩子 the honey child...

[06:45.90]当她走向... when she stepped out in the...

[06:47.50]在《亚特兰大的主妇》里穿上胸罩 trying on the bra on housewives of Atlanta,

[06:50.05]我取笑你来着 and I teased you about that,

[06:51.48]我说...我叫它宝贝孩子 and I said... I called it the honey child,

[06:52.96]因为她就是个宝贝孩子嘛 because she's the honey child now.

[06:55.16]总之  问题是... Anyway, here's the thing...

[06:57.00]灯像这样多久了 How long has that light been like that?

[06:58.39]不知道  大概一个月吧 I don't know. A month, maybe.

[07:01.24]没人来修吗 And nobody's come to fix it?

[07:02.37]这里没人修任何东西 Nobody don't fix nothing around here.

[07:04.05]你问了吗 Well, have you asked?

[07:04.65]  我在看电视 Shh. I'm watching.

[07:11.09]别管它  我都习惯了 Leave it alone. I'm used to it now.

[07:21.17]好多了吧 Better, huh?

[07:22.02]现在太暗了 Now it's too dark.

[07:30.24]你这是干什么 What did you do that for?

[07:31.48]听我说    我要竞选州长 Listen, ma, I'm running for Governor.

[07:33.47]再过几天我就要宣布了 I'm going to announce it in a few days.

[07:34.87]所以我才来费城 That's why I came up to Philly.

[07:36.64]明天有个社区会议 There's a community meeting tomorrow.

[07:38.04]我要向船厂的人介绍一个计划 I'm going to talk to the shipbuilders about a plan

[07:39.84]让他们重新找到工作 to bring their jobs back

[07:40.73]这样他们就会在竞选中支持我 so they'll support me in the election.

[07:42.29]这些事我一窍不通 I don't know nothing about that stuff.

[07:43.97]我听不懂 It's over my head.

[07:49.88]  听我说  你会在新闻里看到 Okay, listen, there's going to be some stories

[07:52.06]一些关于我的事 coming out about me in the news...

[07:54.01]我的过去 about my past.

[07:55.51]我只想给你提个醒 I just wanted to give you a heads-up

[07:56.45]让你有个准备 so it doesn't catch you off guard.

[07:57.56]我早就不看新闻了  全是垃圾 I don't watch the news no more. A bunch of garbage.

[08:02.22]你想看看凯文和萨拉的照片吗 You want to see some pictures of Kevin and Sarah?

[08:04.32]太暗了看不清 Too dark to look at pictures.

[08:05.75]不不  照片在我手机里  不用... No, no, no. It's on my phone. You don't need any...

[08:07.28]拿远点  我讨厌那些东西 Get it away from me. I hate those things.

[08:10.44]会致癌的 Brain cancer.

[08:29.18]我是个匠人  有把热胶枪 I'm a crafter, and I have a hot glue gun,

[08:31.36]我很会... and I can very well do this my...

[08:32.57]可不仅是在楼上 It wasn't just up the stairs,

[08:33.86]要往上走三段楼梯呢 it was up three flights of stairs,

[08:36.02]科学馆里面啊 in the science building.

[08:38.55]格肯海默怎么说的来着 And Guckenheimer, what did he did...

[08:41.52]"您今天美极了  州长夫人" "Well, you look lovely today, Mrs. Governor."

[08:44.04]然后那畜生竟然大便了 And the thing took a dump.

[08:46.20]没错  他们后来一直没能要回来... Right. And they couldn't get it back...

[08:47.82]牵头牛上三段楼容易 You can get a cow up three flights of stairs,

[08:49.96]牵下来就难了 but you can't get it down.

[08:52.09]所以安迪才问 And that's why Andy said...

[08:54.12]"晚餐想吃牛排吗" "Who wants steak for dinner?"

[08:57.26]-聊得怎么样  -高兴极了 - How are you boys doing? - We're good.

[08:59.16]-你觉得我胖吗  -别理他 - You think I'm fat? - Take the Fifth.

[09:00.63]我说真的  菲尔说我是老来发福 Seriously, Phil, here, thinks I got fat with old age.

[09:03.40]那是宰相肚里能撑船 Ah, you're a big man with an even bigger heart.

[09:06.05]听到了吧 There you go.

[09:07.14]她是说你很丰满 She said you're chubby.

[09:08.66]弗兰克  我先回酒店了 Frank, I'm going to go back to the hotel.

[09:10.36]玩得开心点 Okay? Have fun.

[09:12.01]-我爱这女人  -是啊 - I love this woman. - Yeah, she...

[09:13.85]可别让他捅娄子 Don't let him get into too much trouble.

[09:15.28]和我们几个鬼混一晚 They'll have grounds for impeachment

[09:16.92]他就该被弹劾了 when we're done with him.

[09:18.87]趁他们没关张再去弄点酒吧 Better get another drink before they close up.

[09:20.73]你跟我去搬 You're coming with me to help carry them.

[09:21.75]今晚你就是侍应生了 You're gonna be a waiter tonight.

[09:23.40]真是懒鬼学员  懒鬼学员 Lazy-ass cadet. Lazy-ass cadet.

[09:29.40]兄弟  等一下 Yeah, hold on a second there, partner.

[09:34.45]你完全不知道我们会来吗 You had no idea we were coming?

[09:36.19]完全是个惊喜 Complete surprise.

[09:37.51]我还以为希金斯会 I thought Higgins might have...

[09:38.64]没有  他装得可像了 No, he played it perfectly.

[09:39.84]让我以为你们压根不会来 Made me think you weren't coming at all.

[09:41.16]开玩笑吧  我们绝对不会错过的 Are you kidding? We wouldn't have missed it for the world.

[09:44.01]图书馆上是写"弗兰克"还是"弗兰西斯" On the library, are they going to put "Frank" Or "Francis"?

[09:46.97]"弗兰西斯"  和我国会大厦 Francis. It's the same as the name

[09:49.23]办公室门上的铭牌一致 above the door in my office in the Capitol.

[09:51.10]"弗兰西斯"确实更适合命名图书馆 "Francis" is better for libraries.

[09:53.28]"弗兰克"更适合作宣传贴纸 "Frank" is better for bumper stickers.

[09:54.83]我还真那么干过 I got a few of those.

[09:56.23]还有人喊你弗兰西斯吗 Does anybody ever actually call you Francis?

[09:58.49]只有克莱尔这么叫我 Claire does. She's the only one.

[10:00.42]她真是位难得的佳偶 She seems like a real prize.

[10:03.05]的确 She is.

[10:04.74]酒吧都关了  但看我拿到了什么好东西 Bar was already shut down, but look what I scored.

[10:35.39]你好  卡洛琳 Hi, Caroline.

[10:37.24]-你来干什么  -保罗在吗 - What do you want? - Is Paul around?

[10:43.98]保罗  是你让他来的吗 Paul? Did you invite this man?

[10:46.49]回答我  是你让他来的吗 Answer me. Did you invite him?

[10:51.14]你说什么呢 What are you talking about?

[10:57.96]卡洛琳  别说了 Caroline, stop!

[10:59.17]  我就要说 No, you're not going to stop me.

[11:09.60]保罗  有时间聊聊吗 Paul? You got a minute to talk?

[11:11.71]没什么好聊的 There's nothing to talk about.

[11:14.61]我想为上次在华盛顿的时候 I want to apologize for when I saw you last time

[11:17.30]我的恶劣态度向你道歉 in Washington, how I treated you.

[11:20.24]就这样吗 Is that it?

[11:22.73]我还想和你谈谈船厂的事 And I want to talk about the shipyard.

[11:25.86]我想到了补救的办法 I got a plan to fix it.

[11:30.02]别把所有钱都放在个人退休账户里 You don't want everything going into the Roth IRA.

[11:32.52]每年只要五千到一万 5, 10 grand a year,

[11:34.03]我帮你做个多元化的好投资 I'll set you up with a nice, diversified package.

[11:37.13]风险小  收益高 Low-risk, high-yield.

[11:38.77]克莱尔和我能打理好 I think Claire and I have things pretty well under control.

[11:42.19]如果连资深国会议员都投资我的基金 If I brought a senior U.S. Congressman into the fund,

[11:46.06]那我在公司可就牛气多了 that would really up my stock in the company.

[11:48.17]你们在那儿聊什么呢 What are you all gabbing about back there?

[11:50.13]我们在聊老图书馆 We're talking about the old library.

[11:51.82]是啊  要怎么处理它啊 Yeah, what's happening to it?

[11:52.77]会拆掉吗 They gonna tear it down?

[11:53.96]不知道   I don't know.

[11:54.81]他们可以翻修这地方 They could gut it.

[11:55.82]把它改造成学生活动中心 They could turn it into a student center.

[11:59.30]我们溜进去吧 We should sneak in there.

[12:01.30]就像以前那样 Like we used to.

[12:02.98]-我参加  -就这么定了 - I'm game. - Do it.

[12:05.14]何乐而不为呢 Hell, why not?

[12:11.57]好了  就是这样  能进了 That's it. There you go. That's it.

[12:22.46]安静点  这可是图书馆 Shh. It's a library.

[12:23.86]这里可是桑蒂诺 This is the Sentinel...

[12:42.10]造船厂协会存了三百万美元 The association had about 3 million saved up

[12:44.30]以备不时之需 in reserve for emergencies.

[12:46.35]平分给一万两千人  每人所得寥寥无几 Split that up between 12,000 members, it's nothing.

[12:49.90]仅够几周的食品杂货 A couple of weeks' groceries.

[12:52.42]我在忙一项法案 There's a bill I'm working on.

[12:54.15]大笔联邦政府资金投入修建公园绿地 Major federal funds going towards public parks,

[12:57.46]绿色商业空间  以及清理垃圾场 green commercial spaces, cleaning up waste sites.

[12:59.90]那就有建设工程  公园管理  零售 That's construction jobs, park management, retail...

[13:03.47]-能带来多少岗位  -五千个 - How many? - 5,000 jobs.

[13:04.91]-都不到一半  -这是个开始 - That's not even half. - It's a start.

[13:06.29]-要多久  -一年  或者两年 - How soon? - A year, maybe two.

[13:08.51]要两年 Two fucking years?

[13:10.11]在那之前我们该怎么办 What are we supposed to do until then?

[13:12.11]听着  明天有一场社区会议 Listen, there's a community meeting tomorrow.

[13:13.71]我听说了 I heard.

[13:14.38]我会把一切都详细说明 I'm gonna go over everything in detail.

[13:15.94]-你会出席吗  -没这个打算 - You gonna be there? - Wasn't planning on it.

[13:17.63]我希望你能去 I'd like you to be there.

[13:19.02]大家都尊敬你 Everybody respects you.

[13:19.96]想让我为你做担保 Want me to vouch for you?

[13:22.98]听着  告诉你一件事 Listen, I'm gonna tell you something that

[13:24.55]只有少数几个人知道 only a handful of people know.

[13:28.14]我要竞选州长 I'm running for governor.

[13:29.97]不久就要宣布了 I announce soon.

[13:31.57]但在此之前  我需要造船厂协会的支持 But I need the association behind me before I do that.

[13:33.85]我知道  造船厂的事我让你们失望了 Now, I know I let you down with the shipyard.

[13:35.53]但如果我成功当选州长 But if I win a governor's race,

[13:37.04]我就能让一切重回正轨 I can get everything back on track.

[13:38.65]你跑到我家来  求我原谅你 You show up on my doorstep asking for my forgiveness.

[13:40.45]我都失业了  你想让我给你当宠物狗 Now you want me to be your lapdog after I lost my fucking job?

[13:43.71]这份流域法案仅仅是个开始 This watershed bill is just the beginning.

[13:45.22]如果我当上州长  我能做更多 If I'm governor, there's so much I can do.

[13:47.53]都是胡说  你就是想利用我 It's bullshit. You just want to use me.

[13:50.86]不是那样的 It's not like that.

[13:51.58]就是这么回事 Yeah. It's exactly like that.

[13:53.59]老天呐  彼得 Jesus Christ, Pete.

[13:55.04]你们这群该死的政客 You fucking politicians.

[13:58.03]保罗 Paul.

[14:13.40]克莱尔 Claire.

[14:15.31]没想到你和弗兰克也住这里 I didn't realize you and Frank were staying here.

[14:18.98]每次来查尔斯顿我们都住这里 We always stay here when we're in Charleston.

[14:21.53]你知道的  雷米 You know that, Remy.

[14:22.75]08年竞选 The '08 campaign.

[14:25.02]我发誓这纯属巧合 I promise it was a coincidence

[14:26.44]是我助理订的 my assistant booked it.

[14:29.92]弗兰克在吗 Is, uh, Frank around?

[14:31.58]他不在  去和老同学狂欢了 He's not. He's off cavorting with old classmates.

[14:35.74]过来坐下喝一杯吗 You want to sit down and have a drink?

[14:39.04]他们给我订了蜜月套房 They booked me the bridal suite.

[14:41.20]有冰镇香槟 There's champagne on ice.

[14:43.78]天啊  自从离开了弗兰西斯 My, my, you've grown very confident

[14:45.33]你变得很自信啊 since you worked for Francis.

[14:46.69]我一直很自信  克莱尔 I've always been confident, Claire.

[14:48.41]要是从前  你可绝不会邀我上楼 Oh, you never would have invited me upstairs.

[14:50.68]以前没住过蜜月套房 Never had the bridal suite.

[14:52.06]员工都住在四个街区外的 The staff always stayed in the Best Western

[14:53.74]贝斯特韦斯特酒店 four blocks away.

[14:54.78]好好享用你的香槟吧 Enjoy your champagne.

[14:56.94]只是约你喝杯酒  绝没别的意思 I wasn't suggesting anything more than a drink.

[14:59.25]是吗 Weren't you?

[15:00.69]纯属礼貌之举 Purely being polite.

[15:02.52]晚安  雷米 Good night, Remy.

[15:05.24]蜜月套房在最顶层 The bridal suite's on the top floor

[15:06.46]走廊的尽头 at the end of the hallway,

[15:07.90]随时欢迎你 if you change your mind.

[15:16.90]晚安  克莱尔 Good night, Claire.

[15:20.94]山上有个姑娘* *I know a girl upon a hill

[15:27.17]穿着粉红衣裳* *I know a girl all dressed in pink

[15:30.39]-*她害得我*  -*满手味儿* *- She made my... * *- Fingers stink

[15:33.57]奏起军乐* *Sound off, oo-wah

[15:36.28]大声唱* *Make it loud

[15:38.09]    到了 3, 4! Yeah!

[15:43.78]过来吧 Here you go.

[15:46.67]肯尼  我看你胖了一圈  钻不过来了 Hey, Kenny, I think you got a little too big for this.

[15:48.99]是洞变小了 I think the hole got a lot smaller.

[15:54.64]别让腰围阻挡你的脚步 Don't let a little girth stop you.

[15:58.15]到了  快看  快看 Here it is. Look, look, look.

[15:59.57]好家伙  你找到了 Oh, oh, you found it, killer.

[16:08.40]快看 Oh, wow, look at that.

[16:12.57]81届步枪兵  菲尔·兰登  弗兰克·安德伍德  蒂姆·科贝特肯·卡斯维尔

[16:22.60]  仙纳度* *Oh, Shenandoah

[16:26.55]我多想听到你声音* *I long to hear you

[16:29.84]波涛翻滚  流向远方* *Far away you rolling river

[16:36.74]  仙纳度* *Oh, Shenandoah

[16:39.75]只求靠近你* *Just to be near you

[16:43.20]绵延向前* *Far away

[16:46.73]汹涌远去* *Around the way

[16:50.59]跨越广阔的密苏里* *Cross the wide Missouri

[17:30.25]很好  你呢 Good, and you?

[17:35.84]其实我在查尔斯顿 Oh, I'm in Charleston, actually.

[18:00.97]你怎么在这儿 What are you doing here?

[18:04.09]我想给你个惊喜 I thought I'd surprise you.

[18:07.62]惊喜吧 Surprise.

[18:38.94]  带你看看我青春期住的房间 Come on. Let me show you where I went through puberty.

[18:53.65]我完全想象得出你16岁的样子 I can totally see you here at 16.

[18:58.78]在这床上惹了不少麻烦吧 Got in some trouble on this bed, huh?

[19:00.77]吵醒了整个街区 Woke up the whole block.

[19:02.58]跟保罗谈得怎么样了 Hey, how'd it go with Paul?

[19:04.52]他让我滚蛋 He told me to fuck off.

[19:06.41]我妈也用她独有的方式 Which is what my mother told me,

[19:08.17]表达了同样的意思 in her own special way.

[19:10.77]我能去见她吗 Am I going to meet her?

[19:11.81]你不会想见她的 You don't want to meet her.

[19:12.71]我就想顺道拜访一下 I just wanted to stop by,

[19:13.98]打声招呼  见个面 say hey, see her face.

[19:16.47]克里斯蒂娜  你能来真好 Christina, it was really sweet of you to come up here.

[19:19.98]说真的  我完全确定 Seriously, I'm officially convinced

[19:22.08]你是我交往过的最好的女朋友 you're the most amazing woman I've ever been with,

[19:24.17]但这次我是真心想自己解决这事 but I meant it when I said I wanted to take this trip alone.

[19:27.59]明天肯定会闹得很不愉快 This thing tomorrow isn't going to be pleasant.

[19:29.53]所以我才来  来支持你 Which is why I came... to be here for you.

[19:32.60]精神支持 Moral support.

[19:33.49]我了解这些人 I know these people.

[19:34.26]他们不会给我好脸色的 They're going to lay into me big time.

[19:37.67]明天对竞选很关键 Tomorrow's an important day for the campaign.

[19:40.34]别跟我争 Don't fight me on this.

[19:47.89]好吧 Okay.

[19:49.60]我是住酒店呢 So do I get a hotel?

[19:53.54]还是留在这儿 Do I stay here?

[19:55.10]拜托  别这样嘛 Come on. Don't be like that.

[19:57.74]酒店要舒服点 A hotel would be more comfortable.

[19:59.51]不能浪费宝贵的竞选经费啊 But it would be a waste of valuable campaign funds.

[20:04.81]竞选经费 Oh, campaign funds.

[20:08.64]看到天花板上那条裂缝了吗 You see that crack up in the ceiling?

[20:12.60]我以前每晚都盯着它入睡 I used to fall asleep staring at it every night.

[20:18.73]每一寸  每个转折我都熟悉 I know every inch and curve.

[20:32.40]这儿好黑  我好怕啊 It's dark in here. I'm scared.

[20:39.52]小心点  兄弟 Be fucking careful, man!

[20:46.93]亮起来 Let there be light!

[20:53.13]你在想什么 What were you thinking about?

[20:57.22]你和弗兰克为什么不要小孩 How come you and Frank have never had kids?

[21:01.41]你也没有小孩 You've never had kids.

[21:02.53]没错  但我没结婚 Yeah, but I'm not married.

[21:04.16]回答我 Answer the question.

[21:07.84]我们就是不想要 We just decided not to.

[21:10.77]不是什么大事 There wasn't some big conversation.

[21:12.84]你在说谎 I think you're lying.

[21:15.13]随你怎么想 Think whatever you want.

[21:18.42]你真的没考虑过 You've honestly never thought about it?

[21:21.62]也许想过一两次吧 I mean, yeah, maybe, once or twice.

[21:26.90]我并不觉得少了什么 I mean, I don't feel there's some void.

[21:29.77]没有孩子我也很开心 I'm perfectly happy without.

[21:32.70]你呢 What about you?

[21:34.49]你能想象我为婴儿擦屁股  换尿布吗 Can you imagine me wiping a baby's ass and changing nappies?

[21:39.84]不能 No, I can't.

[21:41.08]其实  我刚刚想了 Actually, yes, I just did.

[21:42.41]我要挂电话了 I'm gonna have to get off the phone.

[21:43.99]你破坏了气氛 You've ruined everything.

[21:49.68]我们确实该挂了 Well, we really should get off.

[21:50.92]都一个多小时了吧 It's been... over an hour, I think.

[21:53.90] Okay.

[21:57.27]-你挂吧  -我马上就挂 - Go on then. - I'm hanging up right now.

[21:59.10]  我先挂 No, I am.

[22:34.41]加油  别放弃 Come on. Don't quit on me.

[22:36.50]我忘记做了几个了 Oh, I lost count.

[22:38.91]  别放弃 Don't be... don't quit.

[22:41.04]天啊 Oh... oh, God!

[22:46.76]你赢了 Oh, you win.

[22:48.98]但这不是公平竞争 Oh, but it's not a fair fight.

[22:51.44]你开了家漂流公司 You run a rafting company.

[22:52.94]而我整天坐在办公室里 I sit behind a desk all day.

[22:54.74]我倒想看看你拿着划桨 Oh, I'd love to see your ass with a paddle,

[22:56.79]在四级急流里上蹿下跳 bouncing through a class-four rapid.

[22:59.56]我能让国会俯首称臣 If I can whip congress into submission,

[23:01.46]就不怕那点浪花 I'm not afraid of a little white water.

[23:03.27]你无法驯服急流  弗兰克 You can't tame a rapid, Frank.

[23:06.58]我心脏跳得好快 My heart is beating so fast...

[23:09.55]如果我心脏病发  就是你的错 If I have a heart attack, it's your fault.

[23:11.94]我也跳很快 Mine too.

[23:13.91] Here.

[23:20.73]我得再喝一杯 I need another drink.

[23:26.50]我也是 I think I'll have another too.

[23:47.65]别一人独享 Don't bogart that.

[23:55.99]你觉得是这里造就了我们吗 Do you think this place made us?

[23:58.72]什么意思 How do you mean?

[24:00.97]我今天在校园里走 When I walked on campus today,

[24:02.41]不禁在想  这地方有意义吗 I wondered, "Did it mean anything?

[24:05.54]只是我们度过四年时光的地方 "If it's just a place we spent four years of our lives...

[24:08.27]还是有别的意义 or was there more?"

[24:09.91]我不知道 I don't know.

[24:10.99]但我一直知道  终有一天 I do know you were always the guy

[24:12.49]会有栋楼以你的名字命名 that was gonna get a building named after him.

[24:14.06]我们都是小屁孩 I knew that the moment I saw you

[24:15.39]你却能骂走教官  那时我就知道 cuss out the drill sergeant when we were knobs.

[24:21.25]图书馆是个幌子 The library is a sham.

[24:25.17]希金斯要我帮个忙 Higgins asked me a favor.

[24:26.38]我让别人帮个忙 I asked someone else a favor.

[24:28.39]他们就把我名字放了上去 They slapped my name on it.

[24:30.30]和其他事一样  只是政治 Politics. Like everything else.

[24:32.03]不是所有人都会被请去帮忙 Not everybody gets asked those favors.

[24:34.59]也不是所有人都帮得上 Or knows how to deliver on 'em.

[24:36.27]五十年后  那里也会被别的建筑取代 Oh, in 50 years they'll just replace it with something else.

[24:38.72]就像这里被我的楼取代 Just like they're doing with this for mine.

[24:40.71]你还是造过栋楼  不论它能维持多久 You still built something. However long it lasts.

[24:44.55]图书馆没什么要紧 The library doesn't matter.

[24:46.75]但我希望这里有些意义 But I want to think this place did.

[24:51.22]它对那时的我们意义重大 I think it meant a lot to us. Then.

[24:58.01]那我们呢 And what about us?

[25:00.61]说实话  我没想过那么多 Honestly, I haven't really thought about it that much.

[25:04.64]很久以前的事了 It's a long time ago.

[25:06.28]我们以前那么好 We were so close.

[25:09.68]像兄弟 Like brothers.

[25:10.65]不止兄弟 More than brothers.

[25:12.18]我们当时还小  弗兰克 We were kids, Frank.

[25:14.35]闯过几次祸 We messed around a couple of times.

[25:16.27]我被你深深吸引 I was so drawn to you.

[25:20.08]我总能让你开怀大笑 I could always make you laugh.

[25:24.94]我们怎么断了联络呢 How did we lose touch?

[25:26.50]你上了法学院  我去当兵了 You went to law school. I joined the army.

[25:30.77]你竞选议员  我搬去了科罗拉多 You ran for congress, I... I moved to Colorado.

[25:35.08]三十年过去了 30 years goes by.

[25:36.83]我的孩子都比那时的我们大了 I got children older than we were back then.

[25:40.96]你有孩子吗  弗兰克 Do you have anyone, Frank?

[25:42.88]我有克莱尔 I have Claire.

[25:44.69]除了克莱尔呢 Besides Claire.

[25:47.55]时不时会有 I have. From time to time.

[25:51.63]我想要谁就是谁 If I want someone, I want them.

[25:55.22]魅力使然 It's attraction.

[25:59.15]能让你开心我也开心  弗兰克 Made me happy to make you happy, Frank.

[26:01.92]没什么不好的 Didn't see any harm in it.

[26:06.16]你知道我为什么喜欢漂流吗 You know why I love rafting?

[26:08.13]在水上漂流时 When you're on the water,

[26:09.62]你能想的只有眼前的事 all you're thinking about is what's right in front of you.

[26:13.34]一切尽在这一瞬 Everything is in the moment.

[26:15.17]真没时间回想过去 I don't really have time to think about the past.

[26:25.78]我很在乎你 You meant something to me.

[26:29.12]我深信不疑 I believe that.

[26:46.63]喝光啦 All gone.

[26:55.36]我不太舒服 I don't feel so well.

[26:56.53]要吐了吗 You gonna be sick?

[27:01.25]不是  我只想... No. No, I just...

[27:05.01]休息一下 take a break.

[27:06.74]我们休息... Can we just take a...

[27:08.34]一下  好吗 for a little bit?

[27:09.82]让我缓缓 Until I feel better.

[27:13.45]安心休息吧 Take as long as you like.

[27:17.13]我哪都不去 I got nowhere to go.

[27:37.63]克莱尔  来电

[27:41.83]都快七点了 It's almost 7:00.

[27:45.10]我没打算睡着的 I don't even wanna sleep.

[27:49.23]起来吧 Come on.

[27:53.91]............ One... Two... Three... Four...

[27:57.70]一二三四 One, two, three, four,

[27:59.72]我们是桑蒂诺 we are the Sentinel.

[28:08.23]-已开发1100英亩土地  -是的 - 1,100 acres are developed. - Yes.

[28:10.16]-30%是公园  -是的 - 30% public parks. - Yep.

[28:12.05]-45%是购物区  -是的 - 45% shopping offices. - Yes.

[28:17.55]25%是中等收入家庭住房 25% middle-income housing.

[28:24.57]你去吗 You going?

[28:25.73]非得去吗 Is it required?

[28:26.74]好像不是 I don't think so.

[28:28.30]冠名图书馆的人是谁 Who is he that they're naming the place after?

[28:30.10]在这儿上过学的家伙  好像已经死了 Some guy who went here. I think he's dead.

[28:32.75]昨天非要我们布置椅子 We had to set up the chairs yesterday.

[28:33.88]热死人了 It was hot as shit.

[28:35.23]真不爽 That sucks.

[28:40.16]典礼开始前我想先去打个盹 I'm gonna try to get some shut-eye before the ceremony.

[28:42.41]-待会儿见  -回头见 - I'll see you all later? - Later it is.

[28:44.75]弗兰克  趁我还记得  这是我的名片 Frank, before I forget, here's my card.

[28:46.77]让你的经理人跟我联系 So your money manager can call me.

[28:52.07]去休息吧 Get some rest.

[29:10.68]克莱尔 Claire.

[29:16.59]你看起来很难受 You look like you're hurting.

[29:18.13]我们闹了个通宵 It was an all-nighter.

[29:19.65]-总归有些乐子吧  -很有意思 - Was it fun at least? - It was fun.

[29:21.61]我得去打个盹 I need to get some shut-eye.

[29:23.23]雷米也在这儿 Remy's staying here.

[29:29.80]他为捐款的事来烦你了吗 He harassing you about the donations?

[29:31.84]我应付得来 Oh, nothing I can't handle.

[29:33.51]快去休息吧 Go get some rest.

[29:36.59]球队球员  其中有罗素

[29:38.68]-你厉害吗  -还不算差 - Were you good? - Not bad.

[29:40.86]我不是先发球员 I mean, I wasn't a starter,

[29:41.78]但也打了挺长时间 but I got my time on the court.

[29:43.76]我觉得你长开之后更性感 I think you look sexier now all grown up.

[29:46.67]议员先生  我们准备就绪了 Congressman? We're ready for you.


[30:22.51]你说两年时间 You said two years.

[30:24.26]我认为两年是比较实际的估计 I think two years is a realistic estimate.

[30:26.58]还是在法案通过的情况下 If it passes at all.

[30:27.90]我认为能通过 Which I think it will.

[30:28.54]你认为还是能确定 You think or you know?

[30:30.44]我不敢百分百保证  但我有信心它会通过 I can't predict 100%, but I'm confident it will.

[30:32.54]你认为  你有信心 You think, you're confident,

[30:33.98]你不能百分百保证 you can't predict 100%.

[30:35.31]对我们有什么用 How does any of that help us?

[30:36.85]我跟你说 I'll tell you something.

[30:38.06]我现在百分百无力还贷 I am 100% unable to pay my mortgage right now.

[30:41.25]百分百没钱给孩子购买学习用品 I'm 100% unable to buy my kids school supplies.

[30:44.63]你要我们靠我丈夫的残疾人补贴生活吗 We supposed to live off my husband's disability?

[30:46.87]我们会开展带薪培训项目 There'll be paid training programs available.

[30:48.88]他们会付多少钱 How much will they pay?

[30:51.38]我承认  比在造船厂赚的少 Uh, granted, it's less than you made at the shipyard.

[30:54.09]-那是多少  -每小时6美元 - So how much? - It's about $6 an hour.

[30:57.35]那都达不到最低工资标准 That's not even minimum wage.

[30:59.82]你要把它看做一笔投资 You have to see it as an investment.

[31:01.55]培训计划是很有价值的资源 The training programs are a valuable resource.

[31:04.26]你休想 You're not getting it.

[31:05.54]我无力做投资 I can't afford to make investments.

[31:07.80]6美元一小时我全家都要睡马路了 Six dollars an hour puts my family on the street.

[31:10.53]你想让我怎么样  做五份兼职吗 What do you want me to work? Five jobs?

[31:11.66]如果你找一份兼职  再加上培训计划 If you get a part-time job, that and the training programs...

[31:14.73]你知道我是怎么想的吗 Do you wanna know what I think?

[31:16.42]我觉得你整天在华盛顿无所事事 I think you sit around in Washington

[31:19.04]想出一些在文件中看上去很好的 coming up with all sorts of fancy numbers and solutions

[31:22.11]数据和解决方案 that look good on paper.

[31:24.01]对我们来说却根本不适用 But that doesn't cut it for the rest of us.

[31:25.68]你说你会照顾我们  你这个骗子 You said you had our backs, you lying piece of shit!

[31:28.18]那些文件不能填饱肚子 We don't eat paper for dinner.

[31:30.76]也不能用来遮风避雨 You can't put a paper roof over your head.

[31:33.62]我们为你投票的时候 When we all voted for you,

[31:34.99]我们都没有想到自己是在 I didn't think that every one of those votes

[31:36.69]自掘坟墓 was another nail in our own coffin.

[31:41.35]大家稍坐十分钟 Everybody just sit down for ten minutes.

[31:43.57]我们可以逐条讨论这份提议 We can go over this proposal point by point

[31:46.02]你们可以获知一切关于 and you can get the information that you need

[31:48.78]你们所需资源的信息 to get the resources that you want.

[31:52.91]就好像他们根本不想要解决方案 It's like they don't want to find a solution.

[31:55.09]他们害怕了 They're scared.

[31:56.09]我知道他们害怕了 I understand that they're scared,

[31:57.68]但也不代表他们不能听取建议 but that doesn't mean they can't listen.

[31:59.45]你不了解这些人  克里斯蒂娜 You don't know these people, Christina.

[32:01.14]我在你的办公室工作了三年 I worked in your office for three years.

[32:03.24]我和他们谈过话  我接过他们的电话 I spoke to them. I took their calls.

[32:05.13]我回过他们的电子邮件 I replied to their emails.

[32:06.15]可你没跟他们一起长大 You didn't grow up with them.

[32:07.42]我不需要和他们一起长大 I don't need to grow up hand to mouth

[32:08.74]来同情现状... to empathize with the fact that...

[32:09.77]他们不需要同情 they're not interested in empathy.

[32:18.03]房子钥匙在我外套里 The house keys are in my jacket.

[32:20.03]我回头打给你 I'll call you.

[32:23.77]-彼得  -我说了我回头打给你 - Peter. - I said I'll call you.

[32:28.07]做好功课  答案是玛丽·约瑟修女 Do your homework. It's Sister Mary Joseph.

[32:31.90]不是你做的  别对我撒谎 You didn't do it. Don't lie to me.

[32:33.69]我以前也是这么对付我父母的 I used to use the same ploy with my parents.

[32:35.93]胡扯 Nah, baloney.

[32:38.97]我们先做功课  然后吃饭 We do the homework and then we eat.

[32:40.54]好了  谁饿了 All right, who's hungry?

[32:42.09]-你们想吃什么  -汉堡 - What do you guys want? - Hamburgers.

[32:45.86]妈妈要做奶酪空心粉... You know mommy makes macaroni...

[32:47.76]  要吃披萨 No, pizza.

[32:48.71]不行  你们每顿饭都吃那个 No pizza. You guys can eat that every...

[32:54.64]亲爱的  带孩子们上楼 sweetheart, take the kids upstairs.

[33:03.33]你怎么进来的 How'd you get in here?

[33:05.03]你还是把备用钥匙 You still keep the spare key

[33:06.34]藏在门廊那块松动的砖头后面 behind the loose brick on the porch.

[33:08.54]你闯进我家 You break into my house?

[33:10.27]你这样吓唬我的孩子 You scare my kids like that?

[33:11.68]我们得谈谈  保罗 We gotta talk, Paul.

[33:12.74]我们昨晚谈过了  现在滚出去 We talked last night. Now get out.

[33:14.31]我能说服这些人  但我需要你的帮助 I can convince these people, but I need your help.

[33:16.71]-滚出我家  -坐下 - Leave my house. - Sit down.

[33:20.11]我孩子就在楼上我不想伤你  彼得 I don't wanna have to hurt you with my children upstairs, Petey.

[33:22.45]那就帮帮我 Then help me.

[33:25.30]这是你最后的机会 This is your last chance.

[33:26.23]我哪也不去 I'm not going anywhere.

[33:39.17]回楼上去 Get back upstairs!

[34:10.10]我们这是在干什么 What are we doing?

[34:12.80]我不想打你  彼得 I don't wanna fight you, Petey.

[34:16.79]我也不想打你 I don't wanna fight you either.

[34:19.82]我会这么做   I will.

[34:20.74]但我们没必要这样 But we don't have to.

[34:28.73]你想让我做什么 What do you want me to do?

[34:30.81]你们选举我代表你 You elected me to represent you,

[34:32.35]但我不能阻止不可避免的事 but I couldn't forestall the inevitable.

[34:34.25]造船厂注定得关闭 The shipyard was closing.

[34:38.80]不在今年  就是明年 If not this year, then next.

[34:40.20]或是后年 Or the year after.

[34:41.98]我们都清楚 We all know that.

[34:43.87]我可以对你们撒谎 I could have lied to you.

[34:44.86]我可以假装忙活一阵 I could have pretended to do more.

[34:46.57]但我不相信活在过去 But I don't believe about living in the past.

[34:48.45]我只在乎未来 I only care about the future.

[34:51.35]还有一个你们很难接受的事实 Here's another truth that's gonna be hard to swallow.

[34:55.20]你们只有我了 I'm all you've got.

[34:57.82]华盛顿没有人在乎你们 Nobody in Washington gives a fuck about you.

[35:01.48]没有人 No one.

[35:03.23]他说的没错 He's right.

[35:05.04]不管你们怎么看彼得 Whatever you think of Petey,

[35:05.96]我们就只有他给的这一条路 we either go with him or we got nothin'.

[35:10.19]我的提议 Now, does what I'm offering you

[35:10.98]的确距你们想要的  应得的差得很远 come anywhere near what you want or deserve? No.

[35:14.02]但你们要打开眼界  着眼当前 But you gotta open your eyes and take what's in front of you.

[35:17.24]这是一个基础 We can build on that.

[35:18.38]五千个工作岗位变成一万个 5,000 jobs becomes 10,000.

[35:21.23]然后变成一万五千个  的确要等一段时间 Then 15,000. Not in the snap of a finger,

[35:24.09]但绝对比停滞不前快 but faster than doing nothing will.

[35:30.41]我能指望你们大伙吗 Can I count on all of you?

[35:44.37]好的  我就当你们默许了 All right, I'll take that as a yes.

[35:47.26]请留下你们的联系方式 We'll need your contact information

[35:48.70]好给你们寄去材料和你们的朋友分享 so we can send you materials to share with your friends.

[35:51.33]现在来说一下 Now, let's talk about the way

[35:52.40]资金分阶段引入的方式 the money's gonna get phased in.

[35:53.68]钱分六步到位  第一步 It's gonna happen in six stages. Stage one...

[35:55.57]你看那星条旗* *Oh say does that star-spangled

[36:00.55]是否还依旧飘扬* *Banner yet wave

[36:05.43]在这自由的国度* *For the land of the free

[36:12.07]勇士的家乡* *And the home of the brave

[36:21.21]向左转  齐步走 Left face. Forward march.

[36:32.09]弗兰西斯·安德伍德的职业生涯 Francis Underwood's career.

[36:34.50]哈佛法学学位 Harvard law degree.

[36:36.02]南卡罗莱纳州史上最年轻的州议员之一 One of the youngest state legislators in the history of South Carolina.

[36:39.95]在美国国会干了22年的老兵 A 22-year veteran of the U.S. Congress.

[36:42.78]众议院多数党党鞭 House majority whip.

[36:45.49]是年轻人在桑蒂诺所学价值观的 Speaks volumes about the values young people learn here

[36:50.58]最佳表率 at the Sentinel.

[36:52.13]荣誉  责任  纪律 Values like honor, duty, discipline,

[36:57.19]牺牲  服务和尊重 like sacrifice, service, and respect.

[37:01.69]女士们  先生们 Ladies and gentlemen,

[37:03.03]弗兰西斯·J·安德伍德图书馆 the Francis J. Underwood library.

[37:21.88]议员先生 Congressman?

[37:30.41]谢谢 Thank you.

[37:34.28]我写了一份发言稿 I wrote a speech.

[37:36.22]但我不打算读了 But I'm not gonna read it.

[37:44.24]没有什么是永恒的  即使是我身后的建筑 Nothing is permanent. Not even this building.

[37:48.33]我不是不领情 I don't mean to sound ungrateful.

[37:50.31]我很感激  我非常荣幸 I am very grateful. I'm deeply honored.

[37:53.20]而且 And I am...

[37:56.86]非常感动 I'm very moved.

[38:08.08]我有幸和几位好朋友一起度过了 I had the good fortune of spending most of this weekend

[38:11.31]这个周末 with a group of friends.

[38:13.97]很长时间没有见面的好朋友 Friends I haven't seen in a very long time.

[38:17.05]我在这里交到的朋友 Friends I made here.

[38:22.52]你们大部分年轻学员可能不知道我是谁 Most of you young cadets probably, uh, don't know who I am.

[38:27.42]一位政客  一个名字  有些成就 A politician, a name, a few accomplishments.

[38:31.25]但我不怪你们 But I don't blame you.

[38:32.37]我像你们这么大的时候 When I was your age,

[38:33.23]我也不在意那些灰发人做了什么 why, I didn't care much for what men in gray hair did

[38:37.65]说了什么 or what they had to say.

[38:45.58] I...

[38:48.56]我真不知怎么说... I wish I could describe...

[39:00.35]和谐  这就是一直萦绕在我脑海的词 Harmony. That's the word that stuck in my mind.

[39:04.30]和谐 Harmony.

[39:06.78]与持久或永恒无关 It's not about what's lasting or permanent.

[39:11.49]而是不同的声音  汇集在一起 It is about individual voices coming together.

[39:18.13]只有那一瞬 For a moment.

[39:20.41]那个瞬间 And that moment lasts...

[39:25.35]只有一息之长 the length of a breath.

[39:31.68]这就是我对自己在这里的那段时光的看法 That's what I think about my time here.

[39:39.35]请你们原谅我 You'll have to forgive me.

[39:40.28]我昨晚多喝了几杯威士忌 I had more than a few whiskeys last night.

[39:43.49]我还是个学员的时候  我们可以通宵畅饮 You know, when I was a cadet, we could drink all night

[39:45.30]早上起来还能行军20英里 and then get up in the morning and march 20 Miles,

[39:47.67]但现在我能上这三步台阶都算幸运 but these days I'm lucky I got up these three steps.

[39:54.64]我想感谢大家 I wanna thank you very much.

[39:57.28]这是莫大的荣幸 This is a great honor.

[39:58.75]我想感谢希金斯校长 I wanna thank president Higgins

[40:01.13]当然还有我一生的挚爱  克莱尔 and of course the love of my life, Claire.

[40:07.07]非常感谢你们 Thank you all very much.

[40:16.14]-你还好吗  - - You okay? - Yes.

[40:29.20] Hi, ma.

[40:33.80]这是克里斯蒂娜  昨天和你提过她 This is Christina. I told you about her yesterday.

[40:35.73]-你好  罗素太太  - - Hi, Mrs. Russo. - Hey.

[40:38.22]我们是来道别的 We just came by to say goodbye.

[40:39.94]-我们要赶一小时后的火车  - - We have to catch a train in about an hour. - Okay.

[40:47.90]-还没人来修灯吗  -没有 - They still haven't fixed that light? - Uh-uh.

[40:51.38]今天很顺利 Things went well today.

[40:52.29]我想我得到造船厂伙计们的支持了 I think the folks in the yard are gonna get behind me.

[40:54.70]彼得做得很棒 Peter did a great job.

[40:56.11]把那条毯子给我 Hand me that blanket.

[40:58.06]这里的空调能冻死人 The A.C. in here is nuts.

[41:05.58]你的手怎么了 What happened to your hand?

[41:07.93]我打了一架 I got in a fight.

[41:09.17]你赢了吗 Did you win?

[41:11.67]  我想是的 Yeah, I guess I did.

[41:13.97]这才是我的彼得 That's my Peter.

[41:17.79]你在上我儿子啊 So you're fucking my son.

[41:21.26]别紧张  和你开玩笑的   Lighten up. I'm just messing with you.

[41:26.97]打扰 Excuse me.

[41:27.99]稍等  有事吗 Yeah. Hold on a second. Yeah?

[41:29.74]我妈住409 Yeah, my mother's in room 409.

[41:31.38]她房间的灯坏了  需要更换 She has a light out that needs to be replaced.

[41:32.90]好的  我知道了 All right. I'll take care of it.

[41:33.83]  谢谢 Okay, thanks.

[41:34.74]听着  宝贝  如果你穿上粉色那件 Look, babe, if you put that pink thing on,

[41:36.33]我跟你说 I'm telling you...

[41:42.51]等等  又怎么了 Hold on. What is it?

[41:44.65]我妈妈房间里的灯 The light in my mother's room.

[41:45.63]我说了过会儿会去看的 I told you I'll take care of it later.

[41:47.25]不行  你现在就得搞定 No, you'll take care of it now.

[41:51.25]我得挂了 I gotta go.

[41:53.15]顺便关了空调 And turn the A.C. down while you're in there too.

[41:56.45]知道了  先生 Yes, sir.

[42:03.88]非常感谢 Thank you very much.

[42:04.92]不客气  先生 You're very welcome, sir.

[42:06.00]你要保重 You take care of yourself.

[42:13.05]我真为你骄傲  弗兰克 I'm real proud of you, Frank.

[42:15.47]虽然不想承认  但我也是 I hate to admit it, but I feel the same.

[42:18.64]你们的出席  让今天意义非凡 Well, having all you here was what made it special.

[42:21.06]有空常联系 Now you stay in touch.

[42:22.62]-一定  -再见  兄弟 - Will do. - See ya, buddy.

[42:28.83]典礼很棒  弗兰克 Beautiful ceremony, Frank.

[42:31.35]是啊  他们干得不错 Yeah, they did a good job.

[42:33.24]你的演讲  我很高兴今天来了 Your speech. I'm glad I was here for that.

[42:36.97]我也是 Me too.

[42:37.70]你该抽空来萨里达看看 You should come out to Salida sometime.

[42:38.79]我带你去游览阿肯色河 I'll take you out on the Arkansas river.

[42:40.54]-我是该去看看  -随时欢迎 - I should do that. - Any time you want.

[42:47.71] Yep.

[42:49.51] All right.

[43:12.72]弗兰西斯 Francis?

[43:15.46]艾德华备好车了 Edward has the car ready.

[43:17.09]我马上过去 I'll be right there.

[43:19.77]不着急 Take your time.

[43:50.15]彼得那儿情况如何 You hear from Peter?

[43:51.36]似乎造船厂的员工同意了 Looks like the shipbuilders are on board.

[43:53.79]明早我们就着手草拟 Tomorrow morning we start working on his draft

[43:55.75]-他的竞选声明  -好的 - for his announcement speech. - Got it.

[43:57.80]我还要看一下流域法案模型的简报 And I want the brief on the mock-up for the watershed bill.

[44:00.77]我带着呢 I got that with me.

[44:02.29]乘我的车去机场 Ride with me to the airport.

[44:03.64]我们路上说 We'll go through it in the car.

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