

 江湖留传说 2021-12-30

技巧一:动作描写:心中有“画” ,笔下有“话”(画面感)

Œ 通过分解动作使之更具有画面感

①He thanked the man, took over the reins and led the pony in my direction.

②Seeing this, Mr. Rowe came up to him, crouched down and asked in a tone of tender solicitude, “What’s up?”

③With a pang of nervousness seizing his heart tightly, he stood in front of the door, wondering about the old man’s reaction to being disturbed a second time. Finally, he summoned up all his courage and knocked at the door.


What a complicated and difficult math problem! One second, Little John rested his chin in his hand and fiddled with the pencil. The next, he fidgeted in his seat and scratched his head over and over again, not having the faintest idea how to work it out.


The magnificent landscape unfolding in front of me, a sense of refreshment spread through me. Involuntarily, I stretched out my arms, tilted my head and exclaimed in delight at the top of my voice, feeling the crisp breeze on my face.


句子①:Suddenly, a boy ran around the corner and crashed into me before I could jumped out of the way.


学生句子1: As result, we fell down and the gift box dropped to the ground.

学生句子2: We fell hard to the ground, and my gift box flew from my hands and landed on the street with a thump.

【点评】句子1只停留在发生了什么,属于叙述。而句子2我们重重的摔在地上,礼物随之飞出去砰的一声落在地上,则是通过fell, flew from, landed on这三个动作来描写杯子掉落的场景。这个句子不仅讲述了事件发生的经过,还给句子加上了声音“with thump”!要使一个平淡  的叙述句子转换成一个生动形象的描写句子可以通过分解动作或给句子加上声音,来使描写更具有画面感。

 添加符合情境的细节描写使之更具有画面感。



①With his head drooping, John reluctantly turned around, and slowly inched his way to his room.

In a sobbing voice, he admitted and regretted having cheated in the test.

Without a momentary hesitation, I elbowed my way through the crowd in the direction of Lego section and all the way kept calling my brother’s name, a note of uneasiness in my voice.


On the grass ahead lay a swallow with an outstretched wing that was obviously broken. Seeing this, Little Betty walked swiftly beside the poor little creature, stooped down, and lifted it in her cupped hands gently and carefully as if holding a precious and fragile treasure.



Taking a deep breath, he summoned up all his remaining courage and gently knocked at the door. With a flicker of anger in his eyes, the old man opened the door and snapped in a cold voice, “Why come again?!” Timidly, the boy stretched out his hands and stuffed his dog figurine into the old man’s palm. “For me?” asked the man, confusion registering on his face. The boy nodded, “I hope you’ll like it.” Eyes lingering on the figurine, the man’s face softened, and, much to the boy’s astonishment, it creased into a faint smile. “Thank you,” uttered the old man, his eyes red-rimmed with tears.


The familiar sight came into view. Involuntarily, he clutched the handle of the luggage more firmly and quickened his pace towards his home, his mind drifting to the surprised and delighted expression on his mother’s face. Reaching the doorstep, he paused to compose himself, pushed open the door and exclaimed in delight, “Mum, I’m home,” with his eyes sparkling with anticipation.


①But I, consumed with intense anger at her sudden appearance in my doorway, just cast her an indifferent glance, ignored her pleading look and uttered no word.

Torn between the overwhelming yearning for the delicate boots and the melancholy for our depressing Christmas, I came to a halt halfway to the shoe store.


With his chin in his cupped hand, he sat there motionlessly, all his mind on where to spend the long-anticipated holiday. Actually, all these days he had been racking his brains to figure out a plan. Then all of a sudden, he had an idea — how about going to the beach for relaxation? “Yes, that’s it!” he whispered to himself, his lips curving into a beaming smile.


①Anxiously straining my eyes, I scanned the toy store, but he was nowhere to be found. Outside, thunder and lightning continued; inside, chaotic noise rang in my ears. Deep anxiety dominating me, I was on the verge of tears and stood rooted in blackness, hopeless and helpless.

②Worse still, when the fire died down, the whole wilderness was enveloped in pitch darkness, with no one in sight. What kept us company was the chill wind that ruthlessly whipped my face, gradually devouring the last bit of the remaining hope in my heart.


The Admission Letter clutched tightly in my hand, I jumped up and down with undisguised excitement. Tired, I lay down on the grass and hummed my little tune along with the birds’ twittering. The breeze, though a bit cool, blew into my heart, dispelling the anxiety that had haunted me for a long time.


1: When we got to the apartment, we plopped down on chairs. The air felt warmer, and the room seemed brighter.

2: When we got to the apartment, we plopped down on chairs. The air froze, and the room seemed darker than it supposed to be at dusk.



'It isn't fair! Why did that happen?' Aiden cried. His lower lip trembled…


参考答案:'It isn't fair! Why did that happen? 'Aiden cried. His lower lip trembled, his eyes were filled with tears and his hands shook.

【解析】 Aiden哭了,后面一串省略号可以添加符合情境的人物细节描写来凸显一个哭泣、伤心的人。比如说他的下嘴唇颤抖着,他的眼里充满泪水,他的双手颤抖,他的心如死水等,从而构建了一个立体的画面感。




1. We fell hard to the ground, and my gift box flew from my hands and landed on the street with a thump.

2. We fell hard to the ground, and my gift box fell from my hands and dropped on the street.

【解析】句子1更好。比较1、2句子,句1中 flew from my hands(飞了出去),  夸张的手法使用说明礼物盒落地的速度; landed on the street with thump(砰的一声落到了  地上),暗示礼物盒会严重受损。句1中flew from, landed on....with thump两个质感词的使用让续写画面跃然纸上。


①What an adorable pony! Its slender body, its silky mane, its leisurely pace, and its shiny saddle, all kept me so spellbound that I couldn’t avert my gaze from it. (感叹句;名词短语;so...that句型)

②After what seemed like a century, the longing for boots finally gave way to the desire to buy a turkey. (名词性从句)

③Scene after scene, where Mum worked day in and day out and the whole family struggled to make ends meet, came flooding in my mind. (定语从句)

④Out of the dark forest came a man in uniform. It was the forester!(倒装句)

⑤Slowly, she turned around, and, mustering all her remaining strength, staggered towards the darkness, her back hunched and body slightly trembling. (独立主格结构)

⑥Sensing a note of sincerity in my voice, he, after a momentary hesitation, nodded and walked to his favorite cake. “May I have this one?” he enquired sheepishly. (非谓语动词)

⑦With his head drooping, John reluctantly turned around, and slowly inched his way to his room.(with复合结构) 

⑧Eyes lingering on the figurine, the man’s face softened, and, much to the boy’s astonishment, it creased into a faint smile. (介词短语)

⑨When led out of the forest, Steve and I repeatedly stammered our heartfelt thanks to him.(状语从句省略)


Œ 形容词做状语


_________________________(又沮丧又无助), Eric burst into tears.

______________________________________________(很想知道里面在发生什么),Eric pushed the door open and slipped into the house.

[Depressed and helpless]

[Curious to know what was happening inside]


Eric finally made it to the top pf the mountain, _________________________(饥饿但却兴奋).

Eric was encouraged by the teacher’s smile, ______________________________(对计划充满了信心).

[hungry but excited]

[full of confidence in his plan]


_________________________(沉思), Mary sat still against the door.

_________________________(迷失在森林中), Mary lay under a tree, ______________________________(充满恐惧和绝望)。

[Deep in though]

[Lost in the forest; full of fear and despair]



  Unable to answer the teacher’s question, all the students kept silent.


  On my way home, I saw a middle-aged man lying by the roadside, dead drunk.


Afraid of being scolded, Eric thought of playing truant.


He was lying in bed, awake, listening to the roaring wind.


Flushed and breathless, Mary bounded in through the gate.


Jack paced up and down in his room, deep in thought.


With the help of the helicopter, Mary got out of the forest and saw her husband, safe and sound.


Trapped in the dense mist, I could do nothing but burst into tears, helpless and disappointed.


They agreed never to quarrel again, determined to live the life to the fullest.


I turned over and faced her, ready to let her see the anger and disappointment in my eyes.


“Sorry,” apologized Lucy, shame-faced and self-condemned.


Desperate and exhausted, Jane knelt down,with tears rolling down her cheeks.


Lucy hesitated, uncertain of how to combine honesty and diplomacy in her answer.


They listened in silence, aware that any attempt to calm her would only increase her annoyance.


Curious to know what the crowd in the shop was staring at, Harry edged his way inside and  squeezed in.

 通过介词结构:with; without, at the sight of, upon

 (1)He walked away without a backward glance.

 (2)At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I was seized by a strong sense of horror with my palms sweating.

 (3)Upon hearing the bad news, she felt seized by a burst of sadness and couldn't help crying bitterly.

   (4)On that dark and stormy night, the waves were crashing and the winds were howling

Ž with复合结构

  with +宾语(名词/代词)+ 宾语补足语(不定式、 分词、形容词、副词、介词短语、名词)

______________________________(泪水流下她的脸庞), words failed her.  

She fell asleep______________________________(灯亮着)。

______________________________(东西买齐), they headed for the church.

[With tears streaming down her face]

[with the light burning]

[With all the things bought]



The girl smiled with her long hair flowing in the breeze.


His wife was in deep sorrow with her eyes filled with tears.


It was daybreak when Jane woke up with her head spinning.


With his plan ruined by the accident, he let out a cry of anger.

 借助非谓语做状语:doing; done; having done

(1)表先后:having done (在...之后;已经...了)

__________________________________________(已经走了很长一段时间了), she found her lost.

______________________________(已经失败三次了), he didn’t want to try again.

[having walked for quite a long time]

[Having failed three times]



Treated so unfairly, she howled in pain and anger.

________________________________(认出了这位顾客是谁), the manager was most apologetic and reprimanded the assistant severely. ______________________________(看到了我的所作所为), my mother frowned as if to ask me to stand up quickly.

______________________________(被老师责骂), he burst into tears.

[Recognizing who the customer was]

[Seeing what I did]

[Scolded by the teacher]


His father died, ______________________________(给他留下了一大笔钱)。

Everything around him was full of her presence, _____________________(不断重揭伤疤).

[leaving him a lot of money]

[continually reopening the wound]


She sobbed, hiding her face in her hands.

A young man came to the police station, __________________________________________(被一群记者围着).

______________________________(忽略了她的话), the man walked away quickly.

[surrounded by a group of journalists]

[Ignoring her words]



Having reviewed his lessons for a whole weekend at home, he expected the coming exam with confidence.


Having experienced so many failures one after another, she finally picked herself up.


Having waited in line for an hour at the bank, the woman grew impatient and left.


Having wandered aimlessly in the street for hours, she felt a little hungry and wished for something to eat.


Having greeted our neighbors, we began to set up our brand-new tent.


Having told the truth, he felt easier in his mind and returned home with a lighter heart.


Having made full preparations, she stood by the window, expecting the arrival of her daughter.


Having made a huge effort to impress the judges, I was rather disappointed on knowing that I didn't win.


Having gotten my promise of taking good care of my mother at home, my father rested assured and put his luggage into the trunk of his car.


Having promised that we would get there before five, I was seized with panic when the car broke down.


I opened the letter carefully, hoping for some clue to the identity of the owner of the wallet.


Depressed and low-spirited, he walked at the end of the line with his head drooping.


He listened with close attention, biting his lips and staring at the floor.


“Of course, there is a Santa Clause.' Grandma said, stroking her fingers through my hair.


She felt exhausted and sat by the stream, resting her aching feet.


Dressed in a Santa Claus costume, she slipped into the room without being noticed.


Feeling unbearably cold and extremely exhausted, Jane was quite at a loss as to how to cope with the terrible situation.


Immersed in a strong sense of scare, Ronny couldn't utter a single word.


He held his breath, trying to not make the slightest sound that might betray his presence.


Burning with curiosity, she ran away from the riverbank and across the field to chase after the rabbit.


Gasping with pain, he forced himself to his feet and with slow, shaky steps, began to walk.

 独立主格结构:

 (1)Tears filling her eyes(眼里满是泪水), she offered her heartfelt gratitude.

 (2)Her hands shaking(她的手挥舞着), she was on the verge of tears.

 (3)He smiled, his eyes full of laughter(眼里带着笑意).

' 倒装结构

   1. 完全倒装


以副词there, here, away, down, off, in, out等副词或者in the room, on the wall等介词短语为首时,后面的主语为名词时,需要用全倒装;主语若为人称代词,则不用倒装。

The door opened and in came Mr. Wang.

In front of the school stands the hospital.



正常:An old woman was behind the counter, who helped me find my grandfather’s records.

倒装:Behind the counter was an old woman, who helped me find my grandfather’s records.


正常:Your turn to make a short speech comes now.

倒装:Now comes your turn to make a short speech.


正常:A giant man sat on the top of the mountain.

倒装:On the top of the mountain sat a giant man. 


正常:A voice she never heard before came out of the darkness.

倒装:Out of the darkness came a voice she never heard before. 

5.在前门站着她的丈夫汤姆. 当她无处可寻时他非常焦虑。

正常: Her husband, Tom, who suffered great anxiety when she was nowhere to find., stood at the front door.

倒装:At the front door stood her husband, Tom, who suffered great anxiety when she was nowhere to find.


正常: A shiny white pearl into his fingers fell.

倒装: Into his fingers fell a shiny white pearl.



“only + 状语”置于句首时,句子需要使用部分倒装。

否定词none, neither, nor, never, hardly, scarcely, barely, little, seldom等或at no time, in no way, under no circumstances, by no means, not until, not only, not a single word等表示否定意义的短语放于句首时,句子也要部分倒装。

Ø not only……but also

Not only did he make a promise, but also he kept it.他不仅许下了诺言,而且遵守了诺言。

Ø No sooner….. than.../ Hardly....when...一…..就...

  Hardly had Tom got off when he dashed to his beloved wife.汤姆一下车就冲向他心爱的妻子。

Ø not…..until

Not until her husband came did she get any help.直到他老公冲过来,她才有的救

Ø never

Never will I leave you again!我再也不会离开你了!

Ø little

Little did I know that this trip was going to be a special one.我不知道这次旅行会是一次特别的旅行。

Ø in no time

In no time did an absolute darkness rule the forest.顷刻间,黑暗统治了森林。

Ø in no way

“In no way will I go back to that hell-like place. Never will anything to do with her disturb me any more.” he roared in his heart like a lion.他在心里怒吼着:“我绝不回到那个鬼地方。我要忘却一切和她有关的人与事。”

Ø 虚拟语气条件句中的 if I were/ had / should.... 改为“Were/Should/Had I…”

Looking back, I feel I wouldn’t be able to ride a bike had I lost heart.回首往事,我觉得如果我失去了信心,我就不能骑自行车了。



正常:Though/Although/While he was, he still went on with his farm work.

倒装:Exhausted as/though he was, he still went on with his farm work.


正常:Though/Although/While she is absent-minded and forgetful , she never fails to let us know how much she loves us.

倒装:Absent-minded and forgetful as she is, she never fails to let us know how much she loves us.


________________________(这就是我们的家) in the future.

________________________that where there is a will, there is a way.这就是有志者事竟成这个真理。

_________________________— a little bit more efforts and a little bit more determination will create a little bit more miracle.这就是成功的秘诀,多一点努力,多一点决心,你就能创造出多一点的奇迹。

[Such is our home]

[Such is the truth]

[Such is the key to success]



正常:We are so eager to win the game that we should prepare for it.

倒装:So eager to win the game are we that we should prepare for it.


正常:He drove so carelessly that he almost killed himself.

倒装:So carelessly did he drive that he almost killed himself.


正常:It was so dark that he couldn’t see the faces of his companions.

倒装:So dark was it that he couldn’t see the faces of his companions.


正常:Jane was so excited that she couldn’t help weeping.

倒装:So excited was Jane that she couldn’t help weeping.


正常:During the exam, I was so nervous that my mind went blank.

倒装:During the exam, so nervous was I that my mind went blank.


正常:He was so desperate that he drowned his sadness into wine.

倒装:So desperate was he that he drowned his sadness into wine.


正常:She was so ashamed that she could feel the blood rush to her face.

倒装:So ashamed was she that she could feel the blood rush to her face.


正常:When Jane was only in such helpless situation, she was aware that her beloved Tom meant so much to her.

倒装:Only when Jane was in such helpless situation was she aware that her beloved Tom meant so much to her.


正常:They realized the precious love between them could conquer every difficulty in life only after this life-risking journey

倒装:Only after this life-risking journey did they realize the precious love between them could conquer every difficulty in life.

10.在那一刻, 我相信施密特先生和我爷爷是对的:决不能伪造奖项,也不能购买.

正常: I believed that Mr. Schmidt and my grandpa were right: never can awards be falsified or bought only at that moment

倒装: Only at that moment did I believe that Mr. Schmidt and my grandpa were right: never can awards be falsified or bought.


正常:Jane was not only exhausted and hungry, but she was also deeply regretful for her unreasonable behaviors.

倒装:Not only was Jane exhausted and hungry, but she was also deeply regretful for her unreasonable behaviors.


正常: Jane had no sooner/hardly seen these berries than/when she realized how starving she was.

倒装: No sooner/Hardly had Jane seen these berries than/when she realized how starving she was.


正常:She had never before in Jane’s life been so overcome by regret.

倒装:Never before in Jane’s life had she been so overcome by regret.


正常:She had never in her life tasted anything better.

倒装:Never in her life had she tasted anything better.


正常:Awards can never be falsified or bought.

倒装:Never can awards be falsified or bought.


正常:Jane rushed to the rock and climb onto it in no time.

倒装:In no time did Jane rush to the rock and climb onto it.


正常:If I were two years younger, I would do something.

倒装:Were I two years younger, I would do something.


正常:Though/Although/While she was exhausted, she still kept yelling at the top of her lung.

倒装:Exhausted as/though she was, she still kept yelling at the top of her lung.


正常:Though/Although/While he felt exhausted and tired, he still stuck to the plan.

倒装:Exhausted and tired as he felt, he still stuck to the plan.





1.He sat there, wishing he had stayed at home then.(与过去事实相反:had done)

2.He turned over the photo album, wishing that he had joined the party last night.


Given one more chance, I would...如果再有一次机会,我会...

1.Given one more chance, I wouldn’t let my parents down.

2.Given one more chance, I would definitely make it better.



If I had waited for one more minute, I would have caught the bus.


If more of us valued family above money, it would be a better world.


Without setbacks, our life would not be filled with wonderful stories.


He couldn't imagine what would have happened if Henry hadn't come to his rescue.

5.要不是Mr Rowe的耐心和鼓励,Steve是无法最终实现他的梦想的。

Had it not been for Mr.Rowe's patience and encouragement, Steve wouldn't have achieved his dream at last.


Had mom not been that forgetful, it would have saved us the trouble of going back again to fetch things.


Steven lowered his head with embarrassment, wishing he hadn't made that slip of tongue.


But for this experience, I wouldn't have realized that I should spend more time with my family.


Given one more chance, I wouldn't have judged a person by his appearance.


“If only I had listened to my mother's advice!'the little girl whispered to herself.


Without Eric's encouragement, I would have been immersed in sorrow for the rest of the day.


Without this money, the man might have starved the whole night and lost hope for life.


Given one more chance, I would share with him my food without hesitation.


Hadn't I quarreled with Tom, I wouldn't be trapped in this awful place, confronted with the danger of death.


Her companions were running about enjoying themselves, but Susan sat alone on the grass, wishing she were at home this moment.





1. It suddenly occurred to him that the family inside was in danger.

2.It hit me all of a sudden that I had forgotten her birthday.



1.The fact that she didn't like me really hurt me.

2. They were shocked at the news that their hometown had been flooded



A thought suddenly occurred to me that she might be lying.

2. Harry完全不知道他们在说什么。

Harry doesn't have the slightest idea what they are talking about.


It never occurred to me that the basketball team of my school would be defeated in the final.


The idea that they should try a second time is worth considering.


The idea that we discuss the topic together is really a relief to me.


It struck me all of a sudden that playing against the other team is a great learning opportunity.


I enjoy every happy moment despite the fact that training life is really difficult.


Word came that he had won the first prize in the competition, making us delighted and excited.


It occurred to her that her mother was still ignorant of what had happened.


She is seized with sorrow at the thought that her efforts might be in vain.


It suddenly dawned on me that money couldn't make up for what he had suffered in the past five years.


The thought that we might have got lost in such darkness sent shivers down my spine.


The awful thought crowded in Jack's mind that the man could probably do harm to the family in order to steal precious belongings in the house.


An idea flashed into Jack's mind that he could wake the family by throwing some stones into the house.


I accepted my father's suggestion that I should become a doctor,though the prospect I'm not sure at all.



例子:I love everybody.我爱大家。



My love goes to everybody.





比如上一句My love goes to everybody.中love就是没有生命力的名词,但是go就是有生命力的动词。

¢ 使用无灵主语优点 




We don’t think so. If we want light, we must conquer darkness. 我们并不这么认为。如果我们想要光明,我们就必须征服黑暗。【三个we的使用,使句子显得平淡,甚至别扭】


We don’t think so. If we want light, darkness must be conquered. 我们并不这么认为。如果我们想要光明,黑暗就必须被征服。


将无生命的事物作主语而展开的句子,往往会用上比喻、拟人等修辞手法,语言随之提升一个档次。 这也就是无灵主语的难点所在,也是华丽之处。需要注意的是,并不是简单的主动语态变为被动语态,而是用主动语态去表达被动意义。 


I forgot his name.我们忘了他的名字了。



“他的名字溜出了我的大脑。”His name slipped my mind.

“他的名字没有在我头脑中扎根。”His name didn't take root in my mind.


He was so nervous.他很紧张。


A wave of nervousness washed over him.一阵紧张的情绪席卷了他。


He was excited.他很兴奋。


Excitement seized him.兴奋(这种情绪)抓住了他。




比如:“我们从生活中学到......   ”


可以表述为“生活告诉我们......” 也就是:  Life has told us that... 

比如: “海外华人时刻关注祖国。 ”   


可以表述为“祖国时刻牵动着海外华人的心” Motherland, always, is drawing the heart of overseas Chinese.

¢ 无灵主语的应用五大类:



与之对应的动词有:seize(侵袭,突然控制), choke(使哽咽),flood(使大受感动,充满),creep(不知不觉地产生), grip(紧抓),give way to(被…代替) 等词。


(1)Panic seized her.  她突然惊慌失措。

(2)Despair choked her words.  她绝望得说不出话来。

(3)A great sense of relief flooded over him.  他深感宽慰。

第二类: 主语是表示时间和地点的名词

这类名词有:the town(镇),the following year(第二年)等。

与之对应的动词有:witness(见证), find, see, boast(有引以为荣的事物)等。


(1)Beijing has witnessed great changes in recent years. 北京见证了最近几年的的巨大变化。

(2)The following year saw the death of his mother. 第二年他的妈妈去世了。

(3)The town boasts a beautiful lake. 这个镇引以为荣的是有个美丽的湖。



与之对应的动词有:blanket(覆盖), come, bring, prevent, strike, hit, threaten 等词。


(1)The thick fog blanketed the field. 浓雾笼罩着整个大地。

(2)An earthquake came like a thief in the night,without warning.地震到来,犹如夜贼,不作预告。

(3)The rain prevented tourists from enjoying the full moon.雨使得游客无法欣赏到满月。


这类名词有:face脸, laughter笑声等

与之对应的动词有:light up(照亮), brighten(照亮), linger(继续存留), well up(涌出), flash等词。


(1)Her face lit up/brightened when I gave her the present.我给她礼物时,她的脸上焕发出了光彩。

(2)Laughter lingered around the room.  笑声在房间里萦绕。

(3)When he saw the familiar handwriting, tears welled up in his eyes.他一看到熟悉的字迹,便热泪盈眶。


常见的表示行为或动作的名词有如sight, thought, glance, look, idea, feeling等。

与之对应的动词有:strike(打), arouse(唤起), remind, delight, frighten, overwhelm(压倒)等词。


(1)A terrible thought suddenly struck me. 我突然想到一个可怕的想法。

(2)The sight of the scene filled me with horror.想到这个情景我心中充满了恐惧。






4.那条狗饥饿的目光落在我的三明治。fall on/land on...(目光) 落在……







(第二组)1. 巴黎的服装广告使他大开眼界。 2. 这真使我开眼界。3. 电视真使人大开眼界。 4. 旅游使他大开眼界。5. 这让我大开眼界。

6. 听到这个消息,他绝望地把悲伤淹没在酒里。

7. 别让小狗离开你的视线。8. 女孩目不转睛地看着她美丽的新娃娃。

9. 他凝视这窗外的雪。

10. 那男人粗暴地冲她大声喊叫,她也怒目而视。11. 闭上眼睛,不许偷看!

12. 观众们张大了嘴巴呆呆地看着魔术师的表演。13. 她在考场上偷看教科书。

14. 亨利从窗户向厨房里窥视。

15. 我瞥见窗前有个身影。

16. 埃米莉回头看了一眼。

17. 他凶巴巴地环视房间,像是等待有人来挑战他。

18. 塔玛拉摇着头不相信地盯着他看。

19. 帕特里克坐着,茫然地看着前方。

20. 他羞涩地瞥了她一眼。 



1. His eyes were wide with horror.

2. She laughed, her eyes shining with excitement.

3. Her eyes filled with tears.

4. The dog’s hungry eyes fell on my sandwich.

5. She looked at her father straight in the eye and answered his question truthfully.

6. He seemed unwilling to meet my eyes.

7. She tried to sit up, her eyes fixed on Jean’s face.

8. His eyes never left mine.

9. His eyes scanned the room as he entered.

10. His eyes dropped to her lap as she answered.

(第二组)1. The advertisements of costume in Paris2. What an eye-opener it’s been for me! 3. Television is a real eye-opener.4. Travel has greatly broadened his horizons.5. This has really opened my eyes.

6. Hearing the news, so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in wine.

7. Don’t let the puppy run out of your sight. 8. The girl gazed at her beautiful new doll. 9. He gazed out the window at the snow. 10. The woman glared at the man after he yelled at her. 11. Close your eyes, and no peeking! 12. The audiences gaped at the Magician’s performance. 13. She peeped at her textbook during the examination. 14. Henry peeped through the window into the kitchen. 

15. I glimpsed a figure at the window. 

16. Emily glanced over her shoulder. 

17. He glared round the room as if expecting a challenge.  

18. Tamara stared at him in disbelief, shaking her head. 

19. Patrick sat gazing into space.      

20. He glanced shyly at her.



(1) 明喻(simile)

明喻是比喻修辞的一种,在强调两种事物的相似点的同时,本体、喻体、喻词都出现,且能使语言生动形象。喻词有like, as , as...as, as if, of, compared to, be similar to, what等。

Œ like

1. The smile on her face shone like a diamond. (情感描写)她脸上的笑容像钻石一样闪闪发光。

2. I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness.(情感描写)我感觉自己像漂浮在悲伤的海洋中。

3. The scenery along the journey is just like a breath-taking landscape painting. (景物描写) 沿路的风景就像一幅美丽的山水画卷。

4. The icy wind started howling, cutting my face like a sharp knife.(景物描写) 寒风开始咆哮,像锋利的小刀一样刺痛了我的脸。

5. Clusters of stars decorated the vast sky like sparkling jewels.(景物描写) 繁星像珊珊发光的珠宝一样装饰了浩瀚的天空。

 as...as

1. The smile on her face was as vibrant as the sun on a summer day.(情感描写)她脸上的笑容和夏天的太阳一样充满活力。

2. Father rushed to his son's school, only to discover the building was as flat as pancake(煎饼).(景物描写)


3. I reached out to touch her face, which was as cold as the ice. (人物描写) 我伸手去摸她的脸,发现她的脸像冰一样冰冷。

更多搭配: as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌          as hungry as a wolf 饥肠辘辘

             as proud as a peacock 傲如孔雀     as easy as ABC极其容易

             as brave as a lion 勇猛如狮         as pretty as a picture 美如画

Ž as if

1.Mrs Sather looked at my eyes as if (she were) seeing my inner self locked away inside. (动作描写)


2. She swept her son into her arms with her eyes wet as if she wanted to squeeze the breath out of him.(动作描写)


3.Her hair grew greyer and greyer, as if( it were )covered with snow and frost.(肖像描写)


4. She felt as if her heart had been ripped from her body.(情感描写)她感觉自己心好像从她的身体里被撕开了。

(2) 暗喻(metaphor)

暗喻是比喻修辞的一种,用一种事物比喻另一种事物,本体喻体都出现,中间常用喻词“是”等连接,有时不用喻词。暗喻的典型形式为:甲是乙,而不用like,  as等喻词。

Œ be

1. Her hair was a flowing golden river streaming down her shoulders.(肖像描写)她的头发像是一条流淌在她肩上的金色河流。

2. The beautiful park was a scented carpet of color.(景物描写) 美丽的公园就是一个芬芳的彩色地毯。

3. Stop being such a baby. (人物描写) 别这么幼稚好不好。

4. Life is an unexplored river. full of twists and turns.(哲理) 生活就像一条未被涉足的河流,有各种曲折。

 动词连接

1. I felt a lump in my throat, tearing welling up in my eyes.(情感描写) 我如鲠在喉,泪水湿润了眼眶。

2. He doesn't have an idea of his own. He just parrots what other people say.(人物描写) 他没有自己的观点,只会鹦鹉学舌。

3. A heavy silence blanketed the room.(环境描写)整个房子沉浸在一片寂寞中。

4. The boy wolfed down the food.(动作描写)小男孩狼吞虎咽。

(3) 拟人(personification)


Œ 把自然现象当作人来描写

1. The wind stood up and gave a shout . (景物描写) 大风凛冽,发出怒吼。

2. The breeze gently kissed her cheeks.  (景物描写) 微风轻柔地亲吻着她的脸庞。

3. The feathery snowflakes danced in the night air, making a beautiful picture.(景物描写)鹅毛般的雪花在空中飞舞,像一幅美丽的图画。

4.The mist swallowed him up. (景物描写) 薄雾把他包围起来。

5.The icy wind started howling, stinging my face.(景物描写) 寒风开始咆哮,刺痛了我的脸。

6. Stars winked at me in a darkening sky.(景物描写) 夜空中星星向我眨眼睛。

7. Immediately, an absolute darkness ruled the forest.(景物描写) 顷刻间,黑暗统治了森林。

 把含蓄抽象的概念当作人来描写

1. Fear seized/swallowed him.(情感描写)恐惧把他吞噬了。

2. Anger choked my words.(情感描写)我气得说不出话来。

3.A good idea suddenly struck me. 我突然想到一个好主意。

4. Smile took hold of him.(情感描写)他笑容满面。

5. Anxiety torn him into pieces.(情感描写)她焦虑不安,十分崩溃。

6. Courage/Confidence deserted him.(情感描写)他没信心了。

7. Excitement deprived me of all power of speech.(情感描写)我兴奋的啥也说不出来了。

Ž 把动物当作人来描写

1. In the dead of night, the crickets played on the terrace of the house.(景物描写) 寂静的夜,蟋蟀旁若无人地在房子的阳台上玩。

2. Birds on the tree are singing a beautiful song.(景物描写) 树上的小鸟在树上唱着美妙的歌曲。

3. The frogs are giving a concert---mixed chorus.(景物描写) 青蛙在举办音乐会---混声大合唱。

4.Fireflies patrol the grass with small lanterns (景物描写) 萤火虫提着小灯笼在草丛中巡逻。

(4) 夸张 (hyperbole)


Œ 使用数词或量词

1. My heart broke in about a million pieces.(情感描写)我的心成了碎片。

2. She was half dead with fear.(情感描写)她吓得半死。

3. Thanks a million.非常感谢你。

4. I’ve told you a million times.我都告诉你多少次了。

5. The backpack weighs a ton.背包很重。

 使用动词

1. The young girl brought the house down with her performance.这位年轻姑娘的表演博得了满堂喝彩。

2. It made me jump out of my skin. (情感描写)吓得我魂不附体。

3.I almost laughed my head off.(情感描写)我都快笑死了。

4. My blood froze.(情感描写)我的血液都凝固了。

5. She cried her eyes out. (情感描写)她痛哭涕流。

6. It brought her heart into her mouth.(情感描写)  让她的心悬到了嗓子眼。

7. My heart sank when he left.(情感描写)当他离开时我心都碎了。

Ž 使用形容词和副词


如副词:extremely;awfully;terribly;perfectly;horribly等等;形容词:miserable; horrible; splendid等等

1. It's beautiful, heavenly beautiful.(景物描写) 那儿很漂亮,就像天堂那般漂亮。

 使用介词短语

1. She went home in a flood of tears.(情感描写)她泪如泉涌地回家去了。

类似表达:She shed floods of tears. (使用动词)

2. When they told the news, I was over the moon/ on the top of the world.(情感描写)当他们告诉我这个消息时,我乐不可支。

3. He was bent out of shape.(情感描写)他非常生气(气到变形)


1. My very thought was like the ghostly rustle of dead leaves.

2.He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairy tales.

3. Wind and rain now whipped the house.

4. The children wet from adult to adult like buckets in a fire brigade.

5.The wind sounded like a roar of a train passing by.

6. Household and medical supplies streamed in by plane, train, truck and car.

7.Yesterday, I went to the park. I rode my bicycle through the evergreen trees which were as tall as skyscrapers. The sun shone through e clouds, which were floating pieces of cotton candy in the sky. People were laughing and enjoying the company of their families and friends. I rode past a giant garden of beautiful pink, yellow and purple flowers:it was a scented carpet of color. The park is like a oasis in the city.

8.The wind whispers in the tree.   

9. The noise was loud enough to wake the dead.

10. His speech brought the house down.

11. The old Venice fell asleep again.

12. The sun broke through the clouds and jumped out of the sea.

13. The birds danced happily on the branch.

14. She eats like a bird.

15. The loud music almost drove me up a wall.

16. The night gently lays her hand at our feverd heads.

17. The volcano spit out lava from its mouth. 

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