

 稷下问学 2022-01-05






目  录

引  论……………………………………


第一章 文学与图像………………………


第二章 语图互仿论………………………


第三章 语图指称论………………………


第四章 语图传播论………………………


第五章 语图在场论………………………


第六章 文学成像论………………………


第七章 诗歌图像论………………………


第八章 小说插图论…………………………



第九章 文学书像论(未收入)……………


余  论………………………………………


后 记…………………………………………



I have been interested in the text–image theory for long, and started to put the interest into practice at the beginning of the new century when I gave instructions to Yu Deshan on his doctoral dissertation, A Study on Ancient Chinese Image Narration and the Intertextual Phenomenon of “Text–Image”. After that, I was invited by my friend to teach Fine Arts in Shanghai University and stayed there for 5 years. During that period, for the sake of my duty, I consciously pondered over the language art and image art to guide students in a better way, and finally found that this field was a vast and attractive virgin land. From then on, I have been totally devoted to the study on text–image, perusing books of all sorts and collecting extensive materials under the guidance of the cross–culture idea, identifying problems and defining discussion areas with the standpoint of “treating the Chinese and Western conditions separately”, and spending over 10 years on nearly 10 topics. There are individual papers on each of the topics published on Chinese journals. Now upon request, I collect them in the book entitled Text–Image Theory: Comparative Semiotic Studies on Chinese Traditional Literature and Arts (Text–Image Theory), and dedicate it to the English academic world.

  I extend my greatest gratitude to Professor Massimo Leone of UNITO and Professor Zeng Jun of Shanghai University of China for their generous support, dedication and invitation to the papers published in collection. The friendly cooperation between them has built a bridge and made an important contribution to the academic exchanges between China and the West, and this book as a witness benefits from it a lot. If this book can attract attention or exert some impacts, then Professor Massimo Leone and Professor Zeng Jun must be appreciated as wise scouts or Bole as said in On Horses by Han Yu: “Only after Bole came into the world were there horses able to gallop one thousand li. Such horses are common, but a Bole is rare”.

  Then, I express my heartfelt thanks to the translator team of Professor Zeng Jun. They are Shan Nana, Rong Ge, Zhang He, Tao Ye, and Zhao Baohua. Due to the interdisciplinary originality of this research, I have to create some new concepts or change the usual way of expression, which adds many difficulties to the translation from Chinese to English. It is not easy for the translation to reach such a high level as today. Thank you!

    I also need to appreciate my students for their proofreading of the translation. Here is to list them in the order of the chapter they are responsible for: Associate Professor Zhao Jingpeng of Jiangsu Second Normal University, Professor Wu Hao of Bohai University, Professor Yang Jiangang of Shandong University, Associate Professor Li Yuping of Nankai University, Professor Huo Shengxia of The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Associate Professor Duan Dening of Nanjing Forestry University, Associate Professor Bao Yuanfu of Guizhou Minzu University, Professor Luo Liangqing of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Associate Professor Li Sen of Nanjing University of the Arts.

   Professor Cai Fang of Jiangxi Normal University has checked the key words of this book. Her accurate grasp of the meaning of the terms is admirable. It is really touching that she was delighted to accept the job when she was stranded on the other shore by the COVID–19 pandemic.

    Another good news is before the end of this year, my eight–volume History of Chinese Text–Image Relationship will also be published to form a combination of “history” and “discussion”, and “the Chinese text–image” and “the Western text–image” with this book. I am really happy. Here, I would like to thank all my academic friends and editors for their support and encouragement. It is our joint efforts that enable the study on the text–image relationship to break new ground in China. I sincerely thank you all!

后 记 

    我对文学图像的兴趣由来已久,新世纪初指导于德山完成博士学位论文《中国古代图像叙述及“语-图”互文现象研究》,算是这一学术兴趣付诸行动的开始。此后,应友人邀请,我在上海大学美术学专业工作5年,当然要自觉地在语言艺术和图像艺术之间思考问题、指导学生,终于发现这是一片广袤而诱人的处女地。从此,我心无旁骛、潜心此学,以“学无中西”的理念博览群书、广罗材料,以“学分中西”的立场发现问题、划定论域,用十多年的时间讨论了将近十个专题。这些专题已经以单篇论文的形式在中文刊物上发表过,现遵嘱汇集成册,奉献给英文学术界,名之为《文学图像论》(On Text-Image Theory: Comparative Semiotic Studies on ChineseTraditional Literature and Arts)

    《文学图像论》(英文版)得以面世,首先感谢意大利都灵大学MassimoLeone教授、中国上海大学曾军教授,感谢他们的厚爱和奉献,主动向我邀约以此种方式结集出版。他们之间的友好合作为中西学术交流搭建了鹊桥,做出了重要贡献,这本小书就是从中受益的见证者。如果它能在英语世界遇到知音,或者产生些许影响,Massimo Leone和曾军两位教授也就堪称慧眼伯乐。“世有伯乐,然后有千里马。千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。”(韩愈《马说》)






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