
Aimee双语小讲堂 第八讲:颅周窦(颅骨骨膜窦)

 忘仔忘仔 2022-01-08

Aimee   上海某医院


Five-month-old female with abnormal tuft of hair and palpable mass.   

History:  Five-month-old girl with abnormal tuft of hair and palpable mass.



Findings:  There is a small, oval-shaped flow-void within the mid-anterior parietal /pə'raɪətl/ scalp. This lesion communicates with the superior sagittal sinus and an adjacent dilated scalp vein, thus creating an abnormal communication between the intracranial and extracranial venous systems. Within this midline lesion, there is a small, oval-shaped, CSF-containing lesion, which likely represents a small meningocele /məˈnɪŋɡəˌsil/.


Differential Diagnosis:  Lytic lesion in the skull of a child


· Congenital anomaly (e.g., Sinus pericrania) 先天畸形(颅周窦/颅骨骨膜窦)

· Eosinophilic granuloma嗜酸性肉芽肿 

· Fibrous Dysplasia 纤维发育不良

· Hemangioma 血肿

· Infection感染

· Metastases 转移

Diagnosis:  Sinus Pericrania



Sinus pericrania is a rare disorder characterized by a congenital or acquired epicranial blood-filled nodule of the scalp that is in communication with an intracranial dural sinus through dilated diploic veins of the skull. Simply put, it connects the intracranial and extracranial venous systems. Sinus pericrania usually present in the pediatric age group as a focal swelling on the scalp. They are felt to be predominantly congenital in origin. Sinus pericrania are mostly located near the midline. The frontal region is most commonly involved, followed by the parietal and the occipital region (as in our case). It is soft and mobile and may be mistaken for a lipoma or subcutaneous cyst. Treatment is usually surgical.


Radiologic Overview of the Diagnosis 影像学诊断小结

The plain film was ordered to assess for osseous involvement. The ultrasound was indicated as a vascular malformation was in the differential given the soft nature of the nodule. It was fortunate that this was done prior to biopsy as the ultrasound demonstrated communication with the transverse sinus.


Key points:

· Vascular malformation that connects the intracranial and extracranial venous systems.血管畸形连通颅内外静脉系统。

· Ultrasound helpful for pre-biopsy characterization of soft tissue abnormalities.超声有助于在活检前了解软组织异常的表征。

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