
Microwave quantum illumination using a digital receiver

 xxqa的新文艺 2022-01-11


量子照明使用纠缠信号闲散 photo n 对可提高在具有明亮热噪声的环境中对低反射率物体的检测效率。它的优势在低信号功率下尤为明显,这对于无创生物医学扫描或低功率短程雷达等应用来说是一个很有前途的特性。在这里,我们通过实验研究了微波频率下量子照明的概念。我们在自由空间检测设置中生成纠缠场以照亮距离为 1 m 的室温物体。我们实现了一个基于线性正交测量的数字相位共轭接收器,它在相同条件下优于对称经典噪声雷达,尽管信号路径会破坏纠缠。开始实验数据,我们还模拟的完美惰轮的情况下照片n个检测,其结果在量子优点,相对经典基准进行比较。我们的研究结果突出了微波量子电路在室温下首次应用的机遇和挑战。


量子感测为发达相片NIC的应用程序((在线)与量子信息等先进区域 - )。到目前为止,量子光学一直是实现量子通信、密码学和计量学中大多数协议的最自然和最方便的设置 ( )。在较长波长(例如四赫兹或微波)处情况有所不同,目前各种量子技术受到更多限制并仅限于低温环境。除了超导量子处理(),没有微波量子通常用于传感和通信等应用。对于这些任务,高能量和低损失的光学和电信频率信号表示的第一选择,并且形成在混合量子网络(未来视觉通信主干 - )。

尽管有这样的总体情况,但量子传感的一些应用自然地嵌入了微波区域。是是恰与量子照明(QI)的情况下( - ),用于其显着鲁棒性的背景噪声,其中,在室温下,相当于〜10 3每模式热量子在几千兆赫。在 QI 中,目标是在存在非常明亮的热噪声的情况下检测低反射率物体。是被完成探测目标小于一个缠结照片牛每模式,在一个隐蔽的非侵入性的方式,这是不可能再现与经典的装置。在高斯 QI 协议 ( ) 中,光准备在双模压缩真空状态 ( ) 中,信号模式发送到探测目标,而空闲模式保持在接收器。虽然缠结在往返失去该目标,幸存的信号惰相关性,当适当地测量,可强足以击败性能可实现最强大的经典检测策略。在低照片Ñ通量制度,其中Q我展示了最大的优势,它可以适用于将量子传感技术扩展到短程雷达 ( ) 和无创诊断扫描仪应用 ( )。

在微波域(以前的实验)证明所检测到的协方差的量子增强用对称古典噪声雷达,即相比,具有大致相等的信号和闲散照片n个。通过适当的相敏检测,理想的经典相关噪声雷达可以达到同等水平,或者在明亮闲散器 ( )的情况下,甚至优于相干外差检测方案,后者最大限度地提高了信噪比 (SNR)现实的(相位旋转)目标。然而,如果反射信号的相位在相关范围内是稳定的时间尺度或先验已知,则零差检测代表最强的经典基准。

在这项工作中,我们实现了 ( )的相位共轭接收器的数字版本,通过实验研究微波状态下的概念验证 QI ( )。我们在稀释冰箱内使用约瑟夫森参数转换器 (JPC) ( , ) 来产生纠缠 ( , )。产生的信号微波模式,带湮灭算子一个ˆ小号, 被放大以方便其检测并发送到探测室温目标,而空闲模式 一个ˆ一世如图1A中示意性所示地测量来自目标的反射一个ˆR也检测到,并对两个测量结果进行后处理以计算SNR,以区分物体的存在与否。我们的 QI 实验实现依赖于线性正交测量和合适的后处理来计算来自完整测量记录的所有协方差矩阵元素,如之前使用线性探测器的微波量子光学实验所示 ( )。这使得相位共轭接收器的实现能够充分利用 JPC 输出场的相关性,而无需进行模拟照片检测。然后我们将 SNR 与相同信号路径的其他检测策略进行比较,即相同的信号照片JPC 输出的 n 个数字,这也是我们进行理论建模的参考点。

包含图片、插图等的外部文件。对象名称为 abb0451-F1.jpg
实施微波 QI。

( A ) 微波 QI 示意图。量子源在两条独立的路径中产生并发射固定的纠缠微波场。信号模式一个ˆ小号用于询问具有总往返反射率 η 的室温物体的存在 ( i = 1) 或不存在 ( i = 0)。返回的模式一个ˆ小号 与不受干扰的惰轮模式一起测量 一个ˆ一世. (B) Circuit diagram of the experimental setup. A superconducting Josephson parametric converter (JPC) is used to entangle signal and idler modes at frequencies ωS and ωI by applying a suitable parametric pump tone at the sum frequency ωp = ωS + ωI at ∼ 7 mK. A coherent microwave tone or a classically correlated noise source is used to generate benchmark signals at room temperature that are sent into the dilution refrigerator and reflected from the JPC ports. The outputs of the JPC or the reflected classical signals are amplified, down converted, and digitized simultaneously and independently for both channels. The signal mode passes through a measurement line that contains a room-temperature switch that is used to select between a digitally controllable attenuator η and a free-space link realized with two antennas and a movable reflective object. Here, we consider η as the total signal loss between the two room temperature switches used in our measurement chain. For the system noise and gain calibration, we use two latching microwave switches at cold temperatures, which are used to select between the JPC outputs and a temperature T variable 50-ohm load (black squares). In both panels above, the final detection step corresponds to a two-channel quadrature measurement, followed by digital postprocessing.

Our digital approach to QI circumvents common practical problems such as finite idler storage time that can limit the range and fidelity of QI detection schemes. However, this advantage comes at the expense that the theoretically strongest classical benchmark in the same conditions—the coherent-state homodyne detector using the same signal power and signal path—can be approached in specific conditions such as quantum-limited amplification, but never be outperformed. To outperform coherent-state homodyne detection in practice, we will require low-temperature square law detection of microwave fields that can be realized with radiometer or photon counting measurements. Nevertheless, using calibration measurements of the idler path, we can simulate a situation with perfect idler photon number detection, extrapolating the case where the reflected mode is detected together with the idler mode using analog microwave photon counters. For this situation, we show that the SNR of coherent heterodyne detection and symmetric noise radars is exceeded by up to 4 dB and that of homodyne detection—the classical benchmark—by up to 1 dB for the same amplified signal path, measurement bandwidth, and signal power. We also note that the strong and noisy amplification of the signal path chosen to facilitate the detection with commercial analog-to-digital converters enables another classical receiver strategy, i.e., the detection of the amplifier noise in the presence of the target. Since the amplified noise exceeds the environmental noise at room temperature by orders of magnitude, this would be the most effective strategy for the implemented experiment. For the same reason, a low-noise coherent source at room temperature would outperform the relative benchmarks considered here. In practice, outperforming the room temperature benchmark depends on the chosen amount of gain, the type of amplifier, and the loss in the detection system and therefore does not pose a fundamental limitation to the presented measurement scheme that focuses on the relative comparison of the different illumination types.


The experimental setup, shown in Fig. 1B, is based on a frequency tunable superconducting JPC operated in the three-wave mixing regime and pumped at the sum of signal and idler frequencies ωp = ωS + ωI; see Materials and Methods for more details. The output of the JPC contains a nonzero phase-sensitive cross-correlation aˆSaˆI, which leads to entanglement between the signal mode with frequency ωS = 10.09 GHz and the idler mode with frequency ωI = 6.8 GHz. In our work, the quantities Oˆ and (ΔOi)2=Oˆ2iOˆi2 define the mean and the variance of the operator Oˆ, respectively, and they are evaluated from experimental data. The signal and idler are sent through two different measurement lines, where they are amplified, filtered, down converted to an intermediate frequency of 20 MHz, and digitized with a sampling rate of 100 MHz using an 8-bit analog-to-digital converter. Applying fast Fourier transform (FFT) and postprocessing to the measured data, we obtain the quadrature voltages Ii and Qi, which are related to the complex amplitudes ai and their conjugate ai of the signal and idler modes at the outputs of the JPC as ai=Ii+i Qi2ħωiBRGi and ai=Iii Qi2ħωiBRGi, having the same measurement statistics as the annihilation operator aˆi. Here, R = 50 ohms, B = 200 kHz is the measurement bandwidth set by a digital filter, and i = S, I (). We calibrate the system gain (GS, GI) = (93.98(01),94.25(02)) dB and system noise (nadd, S, nadd, I) = (9.61(04),14.91(1)) of both measurement channels as described in Materials and Methods.

A first important check for the experiment is to quantify the amount of entanglement at the output of the JPC at 7 mK. A sufficient condition for the signal and idler modes to be entangled is the nonseparability criterion ΔXˆ2+Pˆ2+<1 (), for the joint field quadratures Xˆ=(aˆS+aˆSaˆIaˆI)/2 and Pˆ+=(aˆSaˆS+aˆIaˆI)/(2i). In Fig. 2A, we show measurements of Δ as a function of the signal photon number NS=aˆSaˆS at the output of the JPC at millikelvin temperatures, as obtained by applying the above calibration procedure to both signal and idler modes, and compare the result with classically correlated radiation. The latter is generated at room temperature using the white noise mode of an arbitrary waveform generator, divided into two different lines, individually up-converted to the signal ωS and idler ωI frequencies, and fed to the JPC inside the dilution refrigerator. Note that, for both JPC and classically correlated noise, we digitally rotate the relative phase of the quadratures to maximize the correlation between signal and idler.

包含图片、插图等的外部文件。对象名称为 abb0451-F2.jpg
Entanglement and QI.

)所测得的纠缠参数Δ为的JPC(蓝色)的输出和经典噪声(橙色)相关的推断的信号的函数照片n个Ñ小号在JPC的输出和泵功率P p在JPC 的输入。( B ) QI(实心蓝色)、对称经典相关照明(CI、实心橙色)、带零差(实心绿色)和外差检测的相干态照明的测量单模信噪比 (SNR) 的比较(实心黄色),以及作为信号照片n 数N S的函数的校准 QI(蓝色虚线)和 CI(橙色虚线)的推断 SNR对于一个完全反射物体和5微秒测量点是测量和推断的数据点,实线和虚线是理论预测。对于 (A) 和 (B),误差条表示基于三组测量的 95% 置信区间,每组测量具有 380,000 个用于 QI/CI 的双通道正交对和 192,000 个用于相干状态照明的正交对。

然后,经典相关信号和闲散模式JPC反射回来(泵关闭)并通过连接到 JPC 输出的测量线。这确保了经典辐射和量子辐射在到达目标之前和以相同方式检测之前在增益、损耗和噪声方面都经历相同的条件。如图所示图2A,在低照片n个参数Δ低于一个,证明JPC的输出被缠结,而在较大的相片n个(更大的泵功率),缠结在逐渐降解并消失Ñ S = 4.5照片ns s -1 Hz -1. 我们将此归因于 JPC 中的有限损耗,这会导致泵功率相关的加热并导致输出场的较大变化。另一方面,相同信号功率的经典相关辐射(橙色数据点)不能满足不可分离性标准,因此对于信号光子ns的整个范围,Δ ≥ 1 在后一种情况下,我们还观察到作为信号光子n 数的函数的经典相关性的缓慢相对退化,这可以通过更复杂的噪声生成方案 ( )得到改善

QI 和经典相关照明(CI)的实验以类似的方式实现(见图1B)。空闲模式的两个放大正交一个ˆ一世 在室温下测量,信号模式 一个ˆ小号 被放大(增益 G放大器小号 和噪声模式 一个ˆ放大器ñ 小号) 并用于探测怀疑包含物体的嘈杂区域。在此过程中,我们将 η 定义为测量链中使用的两个室温开关之间的信号路径上的总检测损耗,包括电缆损耗、自由空间损耗和物体反射率。来自该区域的反射信号通过混频器和增益放大器测量G小号 和噪声模式 一个ˆñ 小号. 输出一个ˆ小号然后在对象存在 ( i = 1) 或不存在 ( i = 0) 的情况下进行后处理,以重建检测到的信号闲置状态的协方差矩阵。

信号模式 一个ˆ小号 根据存在的不同采取不同的形式

一个ˆ小号1=G小号(一个ˆ小号+(G放大器小号1)G放大器小号一个ˆ放大器ñ 小号+1 - ηG放大器小号一个ˆ大约n+G小号1G小号一个ˆñ 小号)


一个ˆ小号0=G小号一个ˆ大约n+11G小号一个ˆñ 小号

目标的 一个ˆ大约n作为环境噪声模式。在没有物体的情况下,信号只包含噪声n0=G小号n大约+(G小号1)nDET 小号其中n det, S是在询问目标区域后放大器添加的噪声。在存在目标且 η ≪ 1 的情况下,添加到信号中的噪声为n1= ηG小号(G放大器小号1)n功放小号+n0,其第一项是由于放大器在到达目标之前添加了第一放大级的噪声,这超过了环境噪声n env以及用于探测目标的信号照片n 数。

这意味着,在我们的验证的原理的示范,运算人古典策略实际上将基于检测所述放大器的所述存在或不存在噪声而非相干和信号惰路径的相关性与测量的SNR被动= ( n 1n 0 )/( n 0 + 1) ≃ 31.4 dB,用于我们设置中选择的增益和接收器噪声。然而,对于较低噪声温度的信号放大器和较低增益,以及在损耗增加的较长距离应用中,检测方案的这种无源特征将显着减少,并最终在室温下的环境噪声中消失。

测量的最后一步是应用数字版本的相位共轭接收器()。反射模式一个ˆ小号第一个相位共轭,然后在 50:50 分束器上与惰轮模式结合。如材料和方法中所述,平衡差分检测测量的 SNR 为

信噪比QI/Cl=(ñˆ1ñˆ0)22(( Δñ1)2+( Δñ0)2)2

在哪里 ñˆ一世=一个ˆ, +一个ˆ, +一个ˆ, -一个ˆ, -一个ˆ±=(一个ˆ小号+2一个ˆv±一个ˆ一世)/2是在不存在 ( i = 0) 和存在 ( i = 1) 的目标(这里,一个ˆv是真空噪声算子)。对于没有惰轮校准的原始 SNR,我们使用公式。3 . 为了直接在 JPC 输出模拟空闲模式的完美照片n 数检测,我们减少了等式 的分母中的方差3校准的惰轮真空和放大器噪声为一个ˆ一世一个ˆ一世=一个ˆ一世一个ˆ一世/G一世(n+1) (见材料和​​方法)。

相干态照明的实验进行通过生成在室温下使用的微波源,随后弱相干音所述稀释制冷机内部热化衰减器的低温链。相干音的中心频率为 ω S,与 QI 和 CI 实验中使用的信号频率完全匹配。相干音非泵浦 JPC反射回来并被引导到与 QI 和 CI 相同的测量链中(见图1B)。发送信号以探测目标区域,并检测到辐射一个ˆ小号 用于计算相同探头功率、带宽和放大器噪声的数字零差和外差检测的 SNR。

In the absence of a passive signature due to signal noise amplification, digital homodyne detection of a coherent state represents the optimal classical strategy in terms of the SNR, which is given by


while the SNR of the digital heterodyne detection is lower and given by


where XˆdetS,i=aˆdetS,i+aˆdetS,i2 and PˆdetS,i=aˆdetS,iaˆdetS,ii2 are the field quadrature operators (see Materials and Methods for more details).

In Fig. 2B, we compare the SNR of QI and CI with and without idler calibration for a perfectly reflective object in a zero loss channel η = 1. For comparison, we also include the results of coherent-state illumination with homodyne and heterodyne detection. In all cases, the signal mode at room temperature is overwhelmed with amplifier noise. We use three sets of measurements to calculate the SD of the mean SNR of a single mode measurement with measurement time T = 1/B = 5 μs. Each set is based on M = 380,000 samples (192,000 for the coherent-state detection), corresponding to a measurement time of 1.87 s (0.93 s for the coherent-state detection). To get the total statistics, the measurement time takes 5.6 s (2.8 s for the coherent-state detection). For the same measurement bandwidth and using the raw data of the measured quadrature pairs (solid lines), QI (blue dots) outperforms suboptimum symmetric CI (orange dots) by up to 3 dB at low signal photon numbers, but it cannot compete with the SNR obtained with coherent-state illumination (yellow and green dots). Under the assumption of perfect idler photon number detection, i.e., applying the calibration discussed above (dashed lines), the SNR of QI is up to 4 dB larger than that of symmetric CI and coherent-state illumination with heterodyne detection, which does not require phase information, over the region where the outputs of the JPC are entangled. For signal photon numbers NS > 4.5, where there is no entanglement present in the signal source, the sensitivity of the coherent-state transmitter with heterodyne detection outperforms QI and CI, confirming the critical role of entanglement to improve the sensitivity of the detection.

QI with a phase-conjugate receiver is potentially able to outperform coherent-state illumination with homodyne detection by up to 3 dB, i.e., the optimum classical benchmark, in the regime of low signal photon numbers. In the region NS < 0.4, the experimentally inferred SNR of QI is approximately 1 dB larger, in agreement with the theoretical prediction taking into account experimental nonidealities like the finite squeezing of the source. In practice though, i.e., without the applied idler calibration, the quantum advantage compared with coherent homodyne detection is not accessible with a digital receiver based on heterodyne measurements, even in the case of quantum limited amplifiers, due to the captured idler vacuum noise, which lowers the optimal SNR by at least 3 dB (, ). The experimental results (dots) are in very good agreement with the theoretical prediction (solid and dashed lines). For the theory, we rewrite the SNRs Eqs. 3 to 5 in terms of the signal photon number NS=aˆSaˆS, the idler photon number NI=aˆIaˆI, and the signal-idler correlation aˆSaˆI at the output of the JPC. These parameters are extracted from the measured and calibrated data as a function of the JPC pump power. Together with the known system gain and noise, we plot the theoretical predictions of the various protocols at room temperature.

An important feature of a radar or short-range scanner is its resilience with respect to signal loss. To verify this, as shown in Fig. 1B, we use two microwave switches at room temperature in the signal line to select between a digitally controllable step attenuator to mimic an object with tunable reflectivity and a proof-of-principle radar setup. With this setup, we determine the effects of loss and object reflectivity as well as target distance on the efficiency of the quantum enhanced radar. In Fig. 3A, we plot the measured SNR of QI, CI, and coherent-state illumination with heterodyne detection as a function of the imposed loss on the signal mode. The calibrated QI protocol is always superior to calibrated symmetric CI and coherent-state illumination with heterodyne detection for a range of effective loss −25 dB <η < 0 dB. The dashed lines are the theory predictions from Eqs. 3 and 5 for a fixed chosen signal photon number NS = 0.5. The shaded regions represent the confidence interval extracted from the SD of the measured idler photon numbers, and the cross-correlations as a function of η.

包含图片、插图等的外部文件。对象名称为 abb0451-F3.jpg
Low-reflectivity quantum correlated noise radar.

校准QI(蓝色)和对称的CI(橙色)的推断的SNR,并与数字外差检测(黄色)作为(的函数测得的相干态照明)的总的信号损失η和()对象距离所述用于自由空间照明的发射和接收天线。误差条的计算类似于图 2对于 (A) 和 (B),信号照片n 数为N S = 0.5。阴影区域是通过拟合实验数据提取的理论不确定性该图中未显示具有零差检测的相干状态的 SNR,因为所选N处的预期优势S小于该测量中的系统误差。

在雷达的背景下,SNR 的微小改进导致错误概率呈指数级提高 = 1 / 2 erfc ( SNRM),其中中号= Ť TOT是单模式测量的数目,和Ť TOT是总的测量Ë要成功目标检测。为了测试微波QI的原则在自由空间中在室温下,我们放大和发送所发射的微波信号该JPC到喇叭天线和表示以可变距离靶的铜板。反射的信号这个对象是使用第二个相同类型的天线收集的,下变频,数字化,并结合校准的闲散模式来计算二进制决策的 SNR。通过这种设置,我们重复测量 CI 和外差相干状态照明。图3B示出了这些协议的SNR作为对象的距离的函数所述发送天线以及自由空间链路的总损耗。校准QI揭示了一个反射目标高达1米的距离更高的灵敏度发射天线。结果与理论模型吻合较好。


在这项工作中,我们研究了微波域中的概念验证 QI,这是目标检测的最自然频率范围。假设完美惰照片N多的检测,我们发现,量子优点是可以尽管纠缠破信号路径。由于最好的结果是小于一个平均实现照片牛每模式,我们的实验表明QI的作为非侵入性扫描方法,例如电势,用于生物医学应用,人体组织,或蛋白质的无损旋转光谱成像,除了它的潜在用作短程低功率雷达,例如用于安全应用。然而,对于这一初步验证的原理论证,目标区域被放大的亮声淹没了环境噪声通过数量级,这排除了短距离目标的非侵入性特征,并提供了使用放大器噪声的存在或不存在来检测具有更高 SNR 的对象的机会。使用具有有限增益的量子限制参数放大器 ( ),使得放大的真空不会显着超过目标处的环境或典型电子噪声,这将有助于在最低噪声方面实现实际优势-在室温下计算相干状态外差接收器,并且直到真空噪声,它们也会使闲散校准过时。使用灵敏辐射计或微波单的相片N个检测器( - ),在毫开尔文温度下,没有信号放大,代表了在实际情况下以及相对于理想的相干态零差接收器而言实现优势的有希望的途径。所提出的数字实现QI的一个优点是,它并没有遭受依赖于模拟接收机的惰存储问题光电检测方案,本质上限制了活动范围的雷达使用时。基于最先进的超导电路技术和数字信号处理,在微波域中可以实现哪些其他类型的接收器(是一个有趣的悬而未决的问题



我们使用非简并三波混频 JPC 作为非线性量子限制放大器,其信号、空闲和泵端口在空间上是分开的,如图4所示JPC 的非线性源于约瑟夫森环调制器 (JRM) 该调制器由排列在矩形环上的四个约瑟夫森结和环内的四个大的分流约瑟夫森结组成 ( )。总几何支持两种差模和一种共模。正确的偏置点是通过引入一个 fl来选择UX在所述JRM环路通过使用外部磁铁IC领域。连接到JRM中心的两对微波半波长微带传输线谐振器用作信号和闲散微波谐振器。这些谐振器耦合到 JRM 的两个差分模式,并通过电容连接到两个外部馈线,将微波信号输入和输出耦合到 JPC。

包含图片、插图等的外部文件。对象名称为 abb0451-F4.jpg
JPC 的示意图。

The Josephson parametric amplifier (JPC) contains a Josephson ring modulator (JRM) consisting of four Josephson junctions, and four large Josephson junctions inside the ring act as a shunt inductance for the JRM (). Two microwave resonators are coupled to the JRM forming idler and signal resonators with resonance frequencies ωI and ωS, respectively. These resonators are capacitively coupled to the input and output ports. To use the JPC in the three-wave mixing condition, the device is biased using an external magnetic field and pumped at frequency ωp = ωI + ωS. Two broadband 180° hybrids are used to feed-in and feed-out the pump, idler, and signal. In this configuration, the second port of the signal is terminated using a 50-ohm cold termination.

The entanglement between signal mode with frequency ωS and idler mode with frequency ωI is generated by driving the nonresonant common mode of the JRM at frequency ωp = ωI + ωS. Two off-chip, broadband 180° hybrids are used to add the idler or signal modes to the pump drive. In our configuration, we apply the pump to the idler side and terminate the other port of the signal hybrid with a 50-ohm cold termination. The frequency of the signal mode is ωS = 10.09 GHz, and the frequency of the idler mode is ωI = 6.8 GHz. The maximum dynamical bandwidth and gain of our JPC are 20 MHz and 30 dB, respectively. The 1-dB compression point corresponds to the power −128 dBm at the input of the device at which the device gain drops by 1 dB and the amplifier starts to saturate. The frequency of the signal and idler modes can be varied over the 100-MHz span by applying a direct current to the flux line.

Noise calibration

The system gain Gi and system noise nadd, i of both signal and idler measurement chains are calibrated by injecting a known amount of thermal noise using two temperature-controlled 50-ohm cold loads (, ). The calibrators are attached to the measurement setup with two copper coaxial cables of the same length and material as the cables used to connect the JPC via two latching microwave switches (Radiall R573423600). A thin copper braid was used for weak thermal anchoring of the calibrators to the mixing chamber plate. By measuring the noise density in V2/Hz at each temperature as shown in Fig. 5 and fitting the obtained data with the expected scaling


where B = 200 kHz and R = 50 ohms, we accurately back out the total gain

(GS,GI)=(93.98(01),94.25(02)) dB

and the number of added noise photons referenced to the JPC output

包含图片、插图等的外部文件。对象名称为 abb0451-F5.jpg
System noise calibration.

Calibration of signal (A) and idler (B) output channels. The measured noise density in units of quanta, Si = Ni/(ħωiBRGi) − nadd, i, is shown as a function of the temperature T of the 50-ohm load. The error bars indicate the SD obtained from three measurements with 576,000 quadrature pairs each. The solid lines are fits to Eq. 5 in units of quanta, which yields the system gain and noise with the standard errors (95% confidence interval) as stated in section Results.

The 95% confidence values are taken from the standard error of the fit shown in Fig. 5.

Measurement chain: Gain and added noise

In Fig. 6, we show the full measurement chain used in our experiment. The outputs of the JPC, the signal aˆS and the idler aˆI, pass through two separate superconducting lines and are amplified individually using two high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) amplifiers at the 4 K temperature stage and amplified once more at room temperature. The total gain of the amplifier chain is Gampi. The output of the amplifiers for Gampi1 are


where aˆampn,i with i = S, I is the annihilation operator of the noise mode added by the HEMT and one additional room temperature amplifier and the preceding cable and connector losses. The idler mode is then down converted to 20 MHz, filtered, amplified using an amplifier with gain GdetI and noise annihilation operator aˆdetn,I, and recorded using an 8-bit analog-to-digital card (ADC). The down-converted and detected idler mode is related to the idler mode right after the JPC as


where GI=GdetIGampI=94.25(02) dB is the total gain, and


是参考 JPC 输出的总添加噪声量。

包含图片、插图等的外部文件。对象名称为 abb0451-F6.jpg

JPC 的输出在使用两个本地振荡器(LO 1和 LO 2下变频到 20 MHz 之前在不同的阶段进行放大在下变频之后,信号被再次过滤和放大,然后使用模数转换器 (ADC) 进行数字化。经典的 CI 是通过使用任意波形(噪声)发生器生成相关白噪声来执行对于相干态照明,我们生成相干色调并将其发送到冰箱。信号非泵浦 JPC反射并通过测量链。

信号模式用于探测目标区域。在目标存在H 1或不存在H 0情况下,来自目标区域的反射信号分别由下式给出

一个ˆ出去小号1=一个ˆ小号+1 - η一个ˆ大约n 假设 H1)
一个ˆ出去小号0=一个ˆ大约n 假设 H0)

其中 η 是总信号损失,并且 一个ˆ大约n是室温下环境噪声模态的湮灭算子。在自由空间照明的情况下,我们通过移除天线前面的目标实现目标的缺失,而在使用步进衰减器的情况下,我们通过使用 50 欧姆负载来模拟目标的缺失在混频器的射频端口。


一个ˆ小号=(G小号一个ˆ出去小号+G小号1一个ˆñ 小号)

= 0,1,G小号 是增益和 一个ˆñ 小号是下变频后放大级的噪声算子。代入方程式。9图12A,和12B进入方程 图 13给出了在目标存在下检测到的信号模式

一个ˆ小号1=G小号(一个ˆ小号+(G放大器小号1)G放大器小号一个ˆ放大器ñ 小号+1 - ηG放大器小号一个ˆ大约n+G小号1G小号一个ˆñ 小号)


一个ˆ小号0=G小号一个ˆ大约n+11G小号一个ˆñ 小号

在哪里 G小号=G小号G放大器小号=93.98(01) dB是总增益 G小号=16.82 D b, G放大器小号=77.16 分贝,和

n, S=G放大器小号1G放大器小号(一个ˆ放大器ñ 小号一个ˆ放大器ñ 小号+1)+G小号1G放大器小号G小号(一个ˆñ 小号一个ˆñ 小号+1)=9.61(04)

是 JPC 输出处的总添加噪声量。在靶的存在噪声添加的总给出 n1= ηG小号(G放大器小号1)n功放小号+ ( 1 - η)G小号n大约+(G小号1)nDET 小号,在 η ≪ 1 的限制下,导致 n1= η G小号(G放大器小号1)n功放小号+n0, 在哪里 (G放大器小号1)n功放小号5×108. 在没有目标的情况下总增加的噪声是n0=G小号n大约+(G小号1)nDET 小号, 在哪里 n大约=一个ˆ环境n一个ˆ大约n=672 是室温物体的环境热噪声, nDET 小号=一个ˆñ 小号一个ˆñ 小号+13×105是噪声支配的接收机通过下转换到中间频率后的放大器的噪声。


在本节中,我们将解释如何执行单模后处理。如图7A所示,使用具有 8 位分辨率的双通道 ADC 以 100 MS/s 连续记录下转换和放大的信号和空闲模式。总的测量的QI / CI检测(相干态检测)的e是5.76秒(2.88 S),其中所述记录的数据被短切到中号= 1.15×10 6(6×10 5)记录; 每个包含 500 个样本,对应于 200 kHz 的滤波器带宽。500 个样本用于分别对每个记录执行 FFT,并提取复杂的正交电压I IQ IIS , Q S为 20 MHz 处的中频分量。我们计算检测到的信号和闲散模式的场正交X一世=一世一世/Hω一世BR一世=一世/Hω一世BR其中i = S,I 代表M 个测量结果,具有与正交算子相同的测量统计信息Xˆ一世ˆ一世, 在哪里 一个ˆ一世=(Xˆ一世+ ˆ一世)/2.

包含图片、插图等的外部文件。对象名称为 abb0451-F7.jpg

( A )来自ADC的记录数据被切割成M 个较短的阵列。我们在每个阵列上分别进行模拟下变频后在闲散 (ω I ) 和信号频率 (ω S )处应用数字 FFT,以推断信号和闲散模式正交的测量统计数据Xˆ一世ˆ一世= S,I.测量结果然后用于计算信号和闲散模式的协方差一个ˆ一世=(Xˆ一世+ˆ一世)/2. ( B ) 数字相位共轭接收机用于推断 QI 和 CI 的 SNR。在后处理中生成M个信号和闲散模式副本一一发送到数字相位共轭接收器。50:50 分束器混合相位共轭信号模式一个ˆ个人电脑小号,目标区域返回,带有本地检测到的空闲模式一个ˆ一世. 检测分束器的输出,产生与量子测量等效的经典结果k = 1ñˆ( k )±(包括所有M 个副本),以及这些输出的差异,相当于ñˆ一世, 用作阈值检测器的输入,其输出是目标不存在或存在决策。

Digital phase-conjugate receiver: QI and CI

JPC 和相关经典源均生成具有非零互相关的零均值双模高斯状态 一个ˆ小号一个ˆ一世=一个ˆ小号一个ˆ一世/G小号G一世. 为了量化这种相关性,测量结果的M 个副本与一个ˆ小号一个ˆ一世 通过数字相位共轭接收器单独发送,我们首先对接收到的单个信号进行相位共轭 一个ˆ个人电脑小号=2一个ˆv+一个ˆ小号 (一个ˆv是真空算子),然后在 50:50 分束器上将其与保留的相应闲散模式混合,如图7B所示,其输出为



ñˆ一世=ñˆ, +ñˆ, -

在哪里 ñˆ±一个ˆ±一个ˆ±. 由于我们的 QI 协议使用大量副本M,中心极限定理意味着k = 1ñˆ( k )±产生一个随机变量,它是高斯的,以目标不存在或目标存在为条件。由此可见,接收端对 QI 或 CI 的 SNR 满足

信噪比QI/Cl=(ñˆ1ñˆ0)22(( Δñ1)2+( Δñ0)2)2

ˆ一世( Δ一世)2=ˆ2一世ˆ一世2,对于i = 0,1,是条件均值和条件方差ˆ一世, 括号 <…> 表示所有M 个副本的平均值对于报告的原始 SNR,我们使用方程式。19未应用任何校准。推断可以通过直接在 JPC 输出处访问闲置模式获得的假设 SNR一个ˆ一世,我们重写方程。19在单模矩方面,即

信噪比QI/Cl=[(ñˆ1,+ñˆ1,)(ñˆ0,+ñˆ0,)]22(( Δñ1)2+( Δñ0)2)2


ñˆ1,+ñˆ1,=2 G小号一个ˆ小号一个ˆ一世

和 ( )

( Δñ一世)2=ñˆ, +(ñˆ, ++1)+ñˆ, -(ñˆ, -+1)(一个ˆ个人电脑小号一个ˆ个人电脑小号一个ˆ一世一个ˆ一世)2/2

对于i = 0,1,我们采用校准后的无噪声惰轮照片n 数一个ˆ一世一个ˆ一世=一个ˆ一世一个ˆ一世/G一世(n+1). 这里,一个ˆ小号一个ˆ一世 被假定为实值,这通常需要相位信息来应用适当的正交旋转,从而最大化信号空闲相关性。

相干态照明的 SNR:外差和零差测量

为了执行相干态照明,我们在室温下产生相干信号并将其发送到稀释冰箱,其中模式 一个ˆ小号反射在 JPC 输出端口并通过完全相同的测量线,与 QI 和 CI 协议的情况一样。然后使用放大的信号模式探测目标区域并通过外差检测进行测量。在存在目标的情况下,测量信号 方程式给出14一个ˆ小号1= G小号一个ˆ小号,并且,在没有目标的情况下,它 方程式给出15一个ˆ小号0=0. 与 QI 类似,我们对记录的相干态输出进行数据处理,并使用场正交算子的M 个测量结果Xˆ小号ˆ小号 执行具有以下 SNR 的数字外差检测

信噪比CS=(Xˆ小号1Xˆ小号0)2+(ˆ小号1ˆ小号0)22(( ΔX小号1)2+( Δ小号1)2+( ΔX小号0)2+( Δ小号0)2)2

对于数字零差检测,我们使用相位信息将信号旋转到相关的正交方向并获得改进的 SNR

信噪比霍姆CS=(Xˆ小号1Xˆ小号0)22(( ΔX小号1)2+( ΔX小号0)2)2


我们感谢 C. Wilson,特别是 J. Shapiro,感谢他们提供了有益的批评性评论和讨论。我们感谢 IBM 捐赠了这项工作中使用的 JPC,J. Chow 和 B. Abdo 提供了有用的建议,以及 M. Labendik 和 R. Sett 对表征 JPC 属性的贡献。资金:这项工作得到奥地利科学技术研究所 (IST Austria)、欧洲研究委员会的资助协议号 758053 (ERC StG​​ QUNNECT) 和欧盟地平线 2020 研究和创新计划的资助协议号 862644 (FET打开四重奏)。SB确认支持玛丽罗多夫斯卡居里相交号707438(MSC-IF SUPEREOM); DV承认支持根据第 732894 号赠款协议(FET Proactive HOT)的欧盟地平线 2020 研究和创新计划以及QuantERA ERANET 量子技术联合基金资助的 QuaSeRT项目和 JMF来自奥地利科学基金 (FWF) 通过 BeyondC (F71)、NOMIS 基金会研究资助和欧盟地平线 2020 研究和创新计划,资助协议编号为 732894 (FET Proactive HOT)。作者贡献: SB、SP 和 DV 提出并发展了理论思想。SB 和 JMF 构思了实验,建立了实验装置,并分析了数据。SB 进行了理论计算和测量。所有作者都对手稿做出了贡献。利益争夺:作者声明他们没有相互竞争的利益。数据和材料可用性:用于生成本手稿结果的数据和代码可在 Zenodo 上获得:https :///10.5281/zenodo.3745579


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