

 亮元职场英文 2022-01-18



We all know the importance of being a good listener and I am sure most of you believe you are good listeners. But is that enough? As a leader, and in life, being a GREAT listener is critical for optimum relationships.  But it is not as easy as one might think.  For example, when busy, stressed, annoyed or excited, are you just as attentive of a listener as you are when you are calm and centered?  These are the times GREAT listening skills are needed most.


Time and time again, I am called upon to work with highly experienced and successful leaders, quite confident in the quality of their business relationships, only to unveil invisible challenges and/or roadblocks caused by their listening skills. Here are just some of the more common situations often caused by less than GREAT listening skills:


- Repeating challenges


- Repetitive complaining


- Lack of cooperation


- Lack of accountability


- Lack of buy-in


- Reduced respect


- Blind misunderstandings


- Reduced motivation


- Avoided questions and problems


- Admitting mistakes


I could go on but seriously, can you afford any of these?  Here are the Top 6 Deadly Mistakes Made While Listening and some initial tips on how to “demonstrate” you are listening. “Demonstrate” is accentuated because intentions mean nothing – perception is everything.          


1.Avoid judgment


We all have inner thoughts that show up when we disagree, dislike or are bored and these thoughts block our listening ability. Most people will not read your mind but judgment can be felt.  It can cause someone to feel defensive without knowing why and they will most likely shut down. Judgment is in the air like the tension after an argument.  Instead, compassionately take genuine interest in understanding instead of judging. Get curious.




I know, I know, you have something really great to say or several questions!!! So what!  Save it!  It is their turn, let them have it!!


EXCEPTION: Politely “intruding” is acceptable only when it’s in the best interest of the person speaking. That is acceptable when the talker is:


·Continually repeating themselves


·Completely off topic


·Running out of time


3.Problem Solving 


You are listening intently and you cannot help but trouble shoot in your mind or see the solutions as crystal clear, and as soon as they are done talking, if you can hold out that long, you offer out the solution. You are so excited because you have solved the problem. Woe, slow down a minute. Timing is everything and at this moment, solution is not the best answer. It can rob someone of the opportunity to learn or may not be what the person is even looking for. Take it slow. Acknowledge their situation and verbally validate their emotions before being the hero. This will help move them from an emotional state to a more logical state which will enable them to participate in the solutions and learn more. More importantly, while you are mentally trouble shooting as they speak, you are missing critical cues that tell you what they need.  Maybe they just want to vent.  If you solve too soon, you just deflated their reason for coming to you in the first place.  Opportunity lost forever. Take your time. Give them what they need not what you need and give it when they need it or you will either repeat history or damage the relationship.


4.Asking questions


The need to ask questions usually comes from premature problem solving.  The risk is being perceived as interrogating.  Let someone process their thoughts.  Help them by acknowledging their situation and validating their emotions.  This demonstrates you listened. Then ask questions and you’ll get better answers.


EXCEPTION: In emergency situations, ask needed questions and validate later.


5.Sharing your experiences


Do you believe it is great when you can relate to what someone is telling you as it causes you to reflect on your own situation?  WRONG!!! Thinking about your own experience causes you to not hear all the talker is saying.  Talking about your situation when they finish takes them off topic too fast and they will feel interrupted. Share your experience later and give them their full turn.


6.Changing the subject


This is the deadliest of all listening mistakes. As obvious as it sounds, it happens all the time.  It happens when one is short on time, bored, distracted or simply has no idea what to say next. It is viewed as being inattentive, uncaring and extremely rude and there is no backtracking here.  To avoid this, stay present, focused, and genuinely interested in the conversation. If at a loss, acknowledge their situation and validate their emotions.  Are you noticing a theme here? Should be; works every time!


Consciously focusing on avoiding these 6 deadly mistakes will help you connect better with everyone and will contribute to being perceived as a GREAT listener!



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