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Sky News has learnt that St James''''''''s Place, the FTSE-100 group which oversees more than £150bn of client assets, has kicked off a search to replace Andrew Croft.据Sky News 报道,管理着超过1500亿英镑客户资产的富时100指数集团圣詹姆斯广场已经开始物色执行长安德鲁·克罗夫特的替代...
巨头股东大会被搅局!据Sky News 报道称,气候变化运动人士试图突袭壳牌公司(以下一律简称:壳牌)的年度股东大会。壳牌的股东正在投票表决一项激进股东决议,呼吁壳牌设定更富有雄心的2030 年减排目标,而壳牌的董事会则拒绝了这一目标。在壳牌年度股东大会一开始之际,一位抗议者便立即干扰了大会,并高喊:“关闭壳牌。”壳牌的一名发言人...
迪士尼将启动第3轮裁员!A third wave of expected layoffs is underway at Disney, and employees impacted by the cuts are being notified this week, a source familiar with the situation told CNN.The first two waves of layoffs took place in March and April, eliminating roughly 4,000 jobs, including at ESPN, Disney’s entert...
Sky News has learnt that Mr Allan is negotiating the sale of his stake in J&A Mentoring to his co-founder, Anna Joseph, for an undisclosed price.据Sky News了解到的情况,艾伦正就出售其所持有的J&A Mentoring的股份给联合创始人安娜·约瑟夫,不过,出售的价格尚未公开。A spokesman for Mr Allan said he "remain...
据路透社报道称,沃尔沃集团于周一(5月22日)表示,旗下的沃尔沃卡车将在7年内向瑞士建筑方案提供商豪瑞交付1000辆电动卡车,这是沃尔沃卡车有史以来最大的订单。沃尔沃集团表示,“这笔交易,是沃尔沃电动卡车迄今为止最大的商业订单。”此外,沃尔沃也销售Mack、雷诺和UD卡车等其他品牌的卡车。据悉,首批130辆重型电动卡车沃尔沃FH 和沃尔...
英伟达有大动作!今年,英伟达已开始出货自己名为Grace的竞品CPU 芯片,该芯片基于软银集团旗下Arm Ltd.公司的技术。At a supercomputing conference in Germany on Monday, Nvidia said it has worked with British researchers and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co to build a computer called Isambard 3, which is based entirely on its Gr...
据CBC(加拿大广播公司)报道,加拿大电信巨头Telus正寻求通过向2000人提供买断的方式将其加拿大的员工数量削减数百人。代表Telus在加拿大全国6500名工人的USW Local 1944表示,Telus已经提供了2,000个买断一揽子方案。当CBC新闻要求置评时,Telus 表示,虽然已经向 2,000 名员工提出买断一揽子方案,不过公司将会限制让接受买断一揽子方案的人...
据 Asiafinancial 报道,(上)周三,美国芯片厂商美光表示,计划在日本政府的支持下,未来几年会在极紫外光技术 (EUV)方面投资5000 亿日元(折算37 亿美元)。在旗下位于日本广岛的工厂去年开始量产大容量、低功耗的 1-beta 动态随机存取存储器(DRAM)芯片之后,美光宣布了上述消息。DRAM chips are memory chips that lose the memory when ...
LG Energy Solution will acquire 7.9 percent of Australia-based Green Technology Metals for a stable supply of lithium, the key critical mineral in making electric vehicle (EV) batteries.据《中央日报》报道称,为稳定锂供应的稳定,LG能源方案解决公司将会收购位于澳大利亚的Green Technology Metals 7.9%的股份,锂是制造电动汽...
James Gorman, Morgan Stanley’s chief executive, told a shareholder meeting on Friday that he planned to step down from the bank’s top job “at some point in the next 12 months,” bringing to a close the tenure of one of the longest-serving bank chiefs on Wall Street. He did not identify a successor.2010年,詹姆斯?戈...
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