

 麻花慧慧子 2022-01-27


1. 时髦词 vogue word

2. 老年人 seniors, advanced in age

3. 没有时间概念have no sense of time

4. 不因年老而忧伤 unconscious of one’s aging

5. 不服老 not reconcile to aging

6. 产院 maternity hospital

7. 输在起跑线上 lose the game at the starting

8. 剩女 leftover woman

9. 世界末日 doom’s day

10. 暮气 lethargy

11. 衣垮身懈 feel lazy and wear loose/unfitting clothes

12. 人生苦短 Life is but a span.

13. 年近古稀 approaching seventy

14. 垂暮 aging

15. 对美好的追求 pursue for the better

16. 人生的乐趣 pleasure of life

17. 与时俱进 move/keep up with the times

18. 有年龄代沟 generation gap because of age

19. 阅尽人世 read all the world

20. 憧憬 long for, look forward to

21. 奇丑无比 as ugly as can be

22. 养生之道 way of keeping good health

23. 补药 tonic

24. 瑜伽 yoga

25. 自由行 do-it-by-yourself travel, back-pack travel

26. 碌碌平生 seemingly always on the run and busy all one’s life but accomplish little

27. 衰 senile

28. 波兰女诗人辛波丝卡(Wislawa Szymborska, 1923-2012)

我是我自己的障碍. I am my own obstacle.

29. 心灵状态 state of mind

30. 人生春色中的一缕东风 a thread of breeze in the depth of spring

31. 人生永远没有太晚的开始。No beginning has ever been proved to be too late.

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