
Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(64)下肢手术的麻醉4.

 麻花慧慧子 2022-01-27

1. Saphenous [sə'fɪnəs] adj.隐静脉的 // saphenous vein n. [医]隐静脉

2. Sural branches 腓肠支 sural ['sjʊrəl] adj.【解】小腿腹的,腓肠的

3. Popliteal [pɒp'lɪtɪəl] adj.【解】腿弯部的

4. vastus lateralis  股外侧肌

vastus [ˈvæs.təs] 股肌;lateralis [la.teˈra:li:s] adj.侧边的,外侧的

5. Biceps femoris 股二头肌

Biceps ['baɪseps] n.二头肌(上臂前侧的主要肌肉)

Femoris [fɪˈmɔ:r.ɪs] a Latin word meaning "femur" (= the long bone in the upper part of the leg)

6. Semitendinosus n.半键肌 semi-tendinosus, Semitendinosus is a fusiform(['fju:zəfɔ:m] adj.梭形) muscle of the posterior compartment of thigh. 大腿后隔室内的一条梭形肌肉

Tendon ['tendən] n.腱

7.  medial malleolus 内踝

 medial ['mi:diəl] adj.(身体或器官等)内侧的

 malleolus [mə'li:ələs] n.【解】踝;

8. Lateral malleolus 外踝

9. Fascial planes 筋膜平面 “Fascial planes” is also a concept. It is used to describe how adjacent structures slide relative to each other to facilitate movements in our bodies.

Fascial adj.筋膜的

Fascia ['feɪʃə] n.筋膜 (from Latin “band”) // superficial fascia 浅筋膜

10. Trivial ['trɪviəl] adj.不重要的;琐碎的 // Never put the trivial above the important in doing anything. 无论做任何事情切不可本末倒置。

11. Anticoagulant [.æntikəʊ'æɡjələnt] n.抗凝(血)剂 anti-coagulant

12. Warfarin ['wɔ:fərin] 华法林

13. Low-molecular-weight heparin 低分子肝素 Low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs), for example, dalteparin(达肝素钠,法安明), enoxaparin(依诺肝素), among others, are anticoagulants.

Heparin ['hepərɪn] n.【药】肝素

14. Antiplatelet [æn'tɪpleɪtlet] adj.抗血小板的 anti-platelet

15. Guidance ['ɡaɪd(ə)ns] n.指导;引导 // To a young man like myself his advice and guidance were of incomparable value. 对于像我这样的年轻人,他的诱导是极其可贵的。

16. Consensus [kən'sensəs] n.一致的意见 // The common consensus is that tougher penalties are required. 各国达成共识,需要进行更加严厉的处罚。

17. Anecdotal [.ænɪk'dəʊt(ə)l] adj.逸事的;趣闻的 // Unfortunately, most of the studies that came to those conclusions were flawed: many results were anecdotal, and control groups were not established to take account of the placebo effect. 不幸的是,这些结论大多数都是有缺陷的;许多的结果都是道听途书的,并没有设立相应的对照组以用来考虑安慰剂的影响。

18. Suitability [ su:tə'biliti ] n.适合 // Erosion impoverishes the quality of the soils, reducing their suitability for agriculture. 雨水侵蚀令土壤贫瘠,不易耕种。

19. Thienopyridine 噻吩吡啶类 thieno噻苯-pyrimidine [pi'rimidi:n ] (n.【化】嘧啶)

20. Implantation [ˌɪmplɑ:n'teɪʃn] n.种植;灌输;插入;【医】皮下注射 // No new incisions to indicate surgical implantation. 没发现外科植入的新切口。

21. drug-eluting coronary stent 药物洗脱冠脉支架

 elute [ i'ju:t ] v. wash out with a solvent, as in chromatography 【化学】洗提

 Stent [stent] n.(防止栓塞等而植入的)血管支架

药物洗脱支架(drug eluting stent,DES)也可称之为药物释放支架,通过包被于金属支架表面的聚合物携带药物,当支架置入血管内病变部位后,药物自聚合物涂层中通过洗脱方式有控制地释放至心血管壁组织而发挥生物学效应。

Clinical Pearls

1. Knowledge of lower extremity innervation provides the anesthesiologist with several options to obtain excellent anesthesia for a variety of lower extremity operations.

2. Local anesthetic choices are guided by the expected duration of the operation and the degree of expected pain following the procedure.

3. Patients who requires thienopyridine therapy are not generally candidates for neuraxial anesthesia.

Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(63)下肢手术的麻醉3.

Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(62)下肢手术的麻醉2.

Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(61)下肢手术的麻醉1.

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