
Plant Biotechnol. J|华南农大王海洋团队发表叶夹角(Leaf Angle)综述文章

 PaperRSS 2022-02-12

近日,华南农业大学生命科学学院、亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室教授王海洋团队全面论述了前关于谷类作物叶夹角(Leaf Angle)形成的细胞学与分子机制的最新研究进展。相关研究在线发表于《植物生物技术杂志》。华南农业大学生命科学学院博士后曹莹莹和博士研究生钟卓君为该论文第一作者,华南农业大学副教授沈荣鑫和教授王海洋为通讯作者。


High-density planting is an effective measure for increasing crop yield per unit land area. Leaf angle L A)is a key trait of plant architecture and a target for genetic improvement of crops. Upright leaves allow better light capture in canopy under high-density planting, thus enhancing photosynthesis efficiency, ventilation and stress resistance, and ultimately higher grain yield. Here, we summarized the latest progress on the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating LA formation in rice and maize. We suggest several standing out questions for future studies and then propose some promising strategies to manipulate LA for breeding of cereal crops tailored for high-density planting


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