

 bill224 2022-02-16

检方审理非裔慢跑者遭追杀案:他若是白人,会幸免于难--被告的律师们:非法进入了这座在建房屋   2022/02/16 01:16 ps 2/15/2022 post in my udn blog

检方审理非裔慢跑者遭追杀案:他若是白人,会幸免于难  时间: 2022-02-14 22:28:51 来源: 侨报网 编辑: 张晓萌

【侨报网讯】联邦检察官周一(14日)审理对3名白人男子追杀非裔慢跑者艾哈迈德·阿伯里(Ahmaud Arbery)的仇恨犯罪案件。在开庭陈述中,一名检察官表示,嫌犯曾发表种族主义言论,且是出于他们对非裔的认知才对阿伯里穷追不舍。
CNN报道,联邦助理检察官芭芭拉·伯恩斯坦(Barbara Bernstein)对陪审团表示:“本案的证据最终将证明,如果阿伯里是白人,他就能一边慢跑、一边欣赏路边正在建造的炫酷房子,然后及时赶回家吃周日的晚餐。然而,去慢跑的他最终却被迫狂奔逃命。”
检察官审理期间还引用了嫌犯特拉维斯·麦克迈克尔(Travis McMichael)在社交媒体上发布的帖子和发给朋友的信息。在这些帖子和短信中,特拉维斯·麦克迈克尔使用了种族主义和攻击性语言,他称非裔为“罪犯”“猴子”“次等野蛮人”。
这次开庭距案发已有近2年之久。案发当日,36岁的特拉维斯·麦克迈克尔及其父、66岁的格雷格·麦克迈克尔,以及二人的邻居、52岁的威廉·布莱恩(William Bryan)在佐治亚州布伦瑞克市(Brunswick)郊外将阿伯里杀害。
--whats the real problem? i had a conversation with neighbour from taiwan about why i kept turned down her invitation to her house because i cant invite her in return the reason is she is not healthy and any accident happens in our house her health insurance company might sue me to pay her medical debts. it is not she but company tries to reduce their loss especially those have medicare and medicad, social benefits.
i also found she came thru our driveway to the backyard big pond. one day i was worked behind the garage and she came with her dog then she kept back walking very weird way i was worry and and inquired her what she was looking for? then told me the yard is not flat and she has trouble standing well...
couple days later i brought our chicken wire to blocakde. to make her not feeling horrible i told her 2 stories. a thief fell down the houseowner was sued to pay medical expenses. a kid drowned and died in friend swimming pool because the mom had fun without watching herself kid. Again the friend was sued. i also told her most neighbours wont invite each other because didnt buy house insurance or dont want any trouble in usa.
she tried to ask me give permission to allow her security cameras toward our house, i ignored her request. recently she has trouble to adjust camera(too high). i told her to hire some one.
obviously she didnt know there is a rule that camera only limit in your land and i dont want to be involved. this is why usa police hardly can catch thieves, rapers...
our previous female renter suspected her has anxiety illness (the female renter also is thats why can tell). frequently i found her cant understand and repeated ask the same questions that i already answered couple times.
i might sell the house much earlier than i expect.
Last time i saw a news about a chinese-american tried to help neighbour who was doing maintainence job then was killed by the item fell down. i tried to tell unlenss the neighbour actively request help and still have to make sure whether it is safe for you 1st. most house maintainence or 在建房屋, the houseowner may not buy insurance nor built fence to forbid stranger entering.
ps spouse in person saw a white with 2 little kids went thru our yard (the previous neighbour owner built fence) when i found lots junks in yard everywhere i have suspects: previous renter kids, neighbour kids from british, unknown 3rd person.
the day taiwan woman came after she left i found peanuts on cement. we also found many nuts under our trees because some one tried to kick off wild animals in their yards.
from 1997-2013 we only suffered the previous neighbour(dump junks and a racial bias white femal, both have 2dogs pee,shits on other yards), it became worse and worse since many new owners moved in our community including our horrible renter family. 

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