
中国故事(双语)48:The Unlikely Friendship 负荆请罪

 家有学子 2022-02-19

48、The Unlikely Friendship


During the Warring States Period, the two highest officials of the Zhao Kingdom were Lian Po and Lin Xiangru.
Lian Po was the head of the army. He was in charge of all the soldiers. He made sure the Kingdom of Zhao was safe. He was strong and proud. People knew he was wise at military strategy.
Lin Xiangru was the chief minister. He was not like a soldier at all. Instead, he worked in the government. He made sure that it worked well. He was smart and a great speaker.
Lin Xiangru had quickly become powerful in the government. The king of Zhao liked him very much. He trusted him. Lin Xiangru had once saved the king from embarrassment.
However, Lin Xiangru’s quick rise made many others jealous. Even Lian Po. Why? Well, Lin Xiangru was in charge of even Lian Po.
Lian Po told his soldiers, “I had to risk my life in many battles to get where I am. But then this guy, Lin Xiangru, he gets to the top by doing nothing! All he did was talk!” Lian Po was so angry that he thought of a plan to embarrass Lin Xiangru.
Word of Lian Po’s plan made its way to Lin Xiangru. He didn’t want to meet Lian Po. He stopped going out. He even faked being sick for a while, so he could have an excuse to stay inside.
One day, Lin Xiangru could not stay inside. He went out in his carriage. Soon, he saw Lian Po’s carriage coming toward him. He told his driver to quickly turn around. Lin Xiangru went back home. When the government ministers heard about it, they mocked him. They said he should be embarrassed. They said he was a coward.
But Lin Xiangru responded calmly. He said, “Do you want to know why I do not want to meet Lian Po? The conflict between us is personal. As the chief minister, I make sure that the government works correctly. As the head of the army, Lian Po makes sure that we stay safe. Together, we keep the kingdom running smoothly. So, if other kingdoms learn of our conflict, they might think that our government is weak. Then they might attack and destroy us. So, you see, I cannot let a personal matter destroy the kingdom!”
The ministers were inspired by Lin Xiangru's words. Lian Po heard about what Lin Xiangru had said. His jealousy turned to regret. He asked Ling Xiangru for forgiveness. The two leaders became good friends. Due to their strong relationship, the State of Zhao remained peaceful for many years.

The End

Question: How quickly do you forgive others?


in charge of  主管,负责; 照料

military strategy 军事战略

embarrassment n. 难堪; 窘迫; 令人难堪或耻辱的事

jealous adj. 妒忌的; 吃醋的; 羡慕的

battle n. 战役,战斗,会战

fake v. 伪装,假装

mock v. 愚弄,嘲弄; 使受挫折; 不尊重,蔑视

coward n. 胆小鬼,懦夫

respond v. 作答,回答

run v. 运转

smoothly adv. 顺利地; 平稳地; 平滑地; 流畅地

inspire v. 激励; 鼓舞; 启迪; 赋予灵感

regret v. 悼念,哀悼; 感到后悔,感到抱歉

forgiveness n. 宽恕; 原谅

due to 由于; 因为; 欠下债[账],应给予; 应归于



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