

 YOU英语 2022-02-20


Rain Water

The traditional Chinese calendar divides a year into 24 solar terms. Yǔshuǐ (pīnyīn), literally "Rain Water", is the 2nd solar term. It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 330° and ends when it reaches the longitude of 345°. It more often refers in particular to the day when the Sun is exactly at the celestial longitude of  330°, which in the Gregorian calendar is around February 18.
Each solar term can be divided into 3 pentads. They are: first pentad, second pentad and last pentad. Pentads in Yushui include:
First pentad 初候: 
Otters make offerings of fish
(As fish begin to swim upstream, they are hunted by otters, which are believed to offer the fish to heaven.)
Second pentad 次候
The wild geese arrive
(Wild geese begin to make their northward migration,
following the onset of spring.)
Last pentad 末候
Trees and grass put forth shoots

Rain Water is the beginning of rainfall, which is mainly light rain or drizzle.
Rain Water signals the increase in rainfall and rise in temperature. With its arrival, lively spring-like scenery starts blossoming: the river water defreezes, wild geese move from south to north, and trees and grass turn green again.
As an old Chinese saying goes, the rainfall in spring is as precious as oil. In northern China, the spring drought is common and the precipitation of this season accounts for only 10 to 15 percent of annual average rainfall. Therefore, Rain Water is considered as a key period for irrigation when the day gets warmer and rainfall increases.
Extra care is needed to cope with a returning cold spell in the late spring that often happen during Rain Water period. The fast increase in air humidity due to rainfall can result in lower temperature and wet weather. It is strongly advised not to take off the thick coats too early and to keep warm, especially elderly and children.

The wet and damp weather during Rain Water period is considered harmful for people’s spleen and stomach according to Chinese medical practice. Therefore, a bowl of nutritious porridge is the best choice to nourish the body.


People in Beijing often eat porridge cooked with a kind of Chinese herb medicine(dihuang, namely, glutinous rehmannia), to resist cold and wet weather and eliminate heat from the blood. It is also good for people with constipation, arthritis and headaches.


After Rain Water, the spring breeze brings warmth, and bacteria and viruses are easy to spread with the wind. Therefore, infectious diseases like influenza are often prone to outbreaks in spring. Everyone should take care of themselves, and exercise more to enhance their resistance and prevent diseases.

Start of Spring 立春
Rain Water 雨水
Awakening of Insects 惊蛰
Vernal Equinox 春分
Clear and Bright 清明
Grain Rain 谷雨

Start of Summer 立夏
Grain Full 小满
Grain in Ear 芒种
Summer Solstice 夏至
Minor Heat 小暑
Major Heat 大暑

Start of Autumn 立秋
Limit of Heat 处暑
White Dew 白露
Autumnal Equinox 秋分
Cold Dew 寒露
Frost Descent 霜降

Start of Winter 立冬
Minor Snow 小雪
Major Snow 大雪
Winter Solstice 冬至
Minor Cold 小寒
Major Cold 大寒

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