

 hercules028 2022-03-11

Every year, about 659,000 people in the United States die of cardiovascular disease, according to the CDC. Those are very scary numbers — but there are loads of things you can do to lower your risk, and eating a heart-healthy diet is one of the most important.


Here, the 25 best foods for your heart and why they're so good for you.


1 Barley 大麦


This is a super-healthy whole grain, and it comes in a range of forms: pearled barley, barley flour, flakes, grits and more. Among all the whole grains, barley is one of the best sources of fiber, which protects your heart by keeping blood sugar in check, and it has flavonoids and other phytochemicals that research has shown to protect against heart disease.
大麦是一种非常健康的全谷物,它有很多类型:如 珍珠大麦,大麦粉,麦片,粗燕麦粉等等。在所有的谷物中,大麦是纤维的最好来源之一,它可以通过控制血糖来保护你的心脏,它还含有类黄酮和其他植物化学物质,研究表明这些物质可以预防心脏病。

2 Oranges 橙子


These bright citrus fruits have a couple of nutrients that help with your heart: pectin, a fiber that animal studies indicate could have a modest impact on helping to keep cholesterol levels healthy, and potassium, to help with blood pressure. (In fact, oranges have more potassium than bananas!)
柑橘类水果含有对心脏有益的物质: 果胶。果胶是一种水果纤维。动物研究表明果胶对保持胆固醇水平的健康有一定作用。同时橙子里的钾还有助于降低血压。(其实,橙子中的钾含量比香蕉更高!)

3 Low-Fat YogurtLow-Fat Yogurt 低脂酸奶


Yogurt is a nice source of potassium and calcium, both of which help with blood pressure. The best choice for your heart is plain yogurt, since flavored varieties can be packed with sugar, undercutting all that heart-healthy goodness. Sweeten it yourself with fruit or a small splash of maple syrup to control the sugar, and add a dash of cinnamon for flavor.

4 CherriesCherries 樱桃


Some research has linked a type of antioxidant called anthocyanins with a reduced risk of stroke—and cherries are one of the fruits that are high in this. One of the benefits of this antioxidant seems to be a reduction in inflammation, which is definitely good for your ticker.

5 Red WineRed Wine 红酒


The research is mixed on this, but some studies show that a little bit of wine can be good for the heart, because it contains resveratrol, an antioxidant. Double-edged sword alert: too much alcohol is bad for the heart, so be sure to keep it to one glass a day for women, and two for men. 

6 Edamame 毛豆


These snappy soy beans are fun to eat—and research has shown them to be good for your heart in many ways. They can help keep cholesterol at a healthy level, and have nutrients such as isoflavones and fiber that are excellent for cardiovascular health.

7 Tofu 豆腐

Tofu is a vegetarian soy protein with fiber, healthy polyunsaturated fats and minerals that have been found to have heart-healthy powers. Another plus: it's very versatile!
豆腐是一种植物蛋白,豆腐中含有的纤维、有益的多元不饱和脂肪酸和矿物质,这些都对心脏有益。另外一个好处是: 豆腐可以做成很多菜。

8 Fish Fish 鱼

Putting more salmon, sardines, tuna and other fish on your dinner plate can help reduce your blood pressure and cardiovascular risk. Seafood is full of good-for-you omega-3 fatty acids that lower can triglyceride levels in the blood. Even if you choose canned fish, you'll still get the same benefits.
三餐中加鲑鱼、沙丁鱼、金枪鱼和其他鱼类可以帮助降低你的血压和患上心血管疾病的风险。海鲜富含对人体有益的 omega-3脂肪酸,可以降低血液中的甘油三酯水平。即使你吃的是鱼罐头,也同样有益。

9 Sardines Sardines 沙丁鱼


These get a special mention among the fish family because they're among the top sources of omega-3s of any fish, plus they tend to have low levels of mercury. They’re also rich in calcium.
特别提出沙丁鱼,是因为沙丁鱼是所有鱼类中 omega-3脂肪酸含量最高的,而且沙丁鱼中汞含量往往较低。且还富含钙质。

10 Nuts 坚果


Whether type of nut you prefer, the polyphenols in these plant powerhouses have an antioxidant effect. They can improve cholesterol and lower your risk of heart disease with their beneficial unsaturated fats, so keep 'em on hand for a smart snack.

11 Walnuts 核桃


These crunchy nuts get a special call-out: A nutty superfood, walnuts are well known for their heart-protective powers. They help protect against inflammation, have a nice amount of omega-3s and are fiber-filled as well.
这些松脆的坚果有一种特别名号:超级坚果。核桃以其保护心脏的能力而闻名。它有助于预防炎症,富含大量的 omega-3脂肪酸,还富含纤维素。

12 Leafy Greens  绿叶蔬菜


More is more when it comes to vegetables. Kale, spinach and other lettuce contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can help balance blood pressure. The nitrates and vitamin K inside the leaves, in the particular, help out your arteries and blood vessels. In a study of nearly 30,000 women, those with the highest intake of leafy greens had a significantly lower risk of coronary disease.  
吃绿叶蔬菜,多多益善。甘蓝,菠菜和莴苣中含有维生素,矿物质和抗氧化剂,可以帮助平衡血压。绿叶中的硝酸盐和维生素 k 尤其动脉和血管有帮助。在一项对近30,000名女性的研究中,那些摄入绿叶蔬菜更多的女性患冠状动脉疾病的风险明显降低。

13 Swiss Chard  瑞士甜菜


Among dark leafy greens, Swiss chard stands out as one filled with heart-protective nutrients. It's got a range of vitamins, as well as potassium and fiber. Swiss chard has been reported to help regulate blood sugar and reduce inflammation. 

14 Oats  燕麦


Don't sleep on the power of oatmeal. The soluble fiber in your breakfast bowl can help reduce LDL or 'bad' cholesterol in the bloodstream. New research also indicates that a special compound in oats called avenanthramide (AVE) may possess an anti-inflammatory, protective effect on the heart. 
不要忽视燕麦片的威力。燕麦中的可溶性纤维有助于降低血液中的低密度脂蛋白和“坏”胆固醇。新的研究还表明,燕麦中一种特殊的化合物,称为燕麦淀粉(AVE) ,可能具有抗炎、保护心脏的作用。

15 Olive Oil  橄榄油


The heart-healthy benefits of olives and olive oil haven't gone unnoticed. Out of 7,216 adults enrolled in one study, those who consumed the most olive oil had a 48% lower risk of dying from heart disease.
橄榄和橄榄油对心脏健康的好处没有说错。在参与一项研究的7216名成年人中,那些食用橄榄油的人死于心脏病的风险降低了48% 。

16 Berries 浆果

Pile more blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries onto your breakfasts, smoothies and desserts. Eating antioxidant-rich berries can lower LDL cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, and certain markers of inflammation, one meta-analysis found. 

17 Beans 豆类


Your pantry honestly can't have enough beans. Legumes are good for both you and the planet as a plant-based protein source. Beans are linked with reduced blood pressure and inflammation as well as lower triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels. How's that for a win-win? 

18 Avocados 牛油果


The hype is well-deserved. Avocados contain hefty amounts of potassium, with about 28% of what you need in a day in just one avo. Getting sufficient amounts of this nutrient is linked with up to a 15% lower risk of stroke.
牛油果的高昂价格并非炒作。牛油果中含有大量的钾,小小的一个牛油果 就可以满足你一天所需28%的钾 。每天摄入足够量的钾可以降低15% 的中风风险。

19 Seeds  种子


Flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds: take your pick. The polyunsaturated fats inside them help with cholesterol levels. Snack on a handful of sunflower seeds or try sprinkling some flaxseed on top of soup or salad to get more of these small-but-mighty wonders in your diet.

20 Grapes  葡萄


The compounds within grapes can help regulate blood pressure, reduce inflammation from oxidative stress, improve blood flow and protect your vascular system.

21 Quinoa 藜麦


Like other ancient grains, quinoa makes for a smart swap for white rice and other refined carbs. It's got protein and fiber, not to mention cholesterol-lowering benefits. Not a fan of the nutty taste? Try out other options like barley, farro, sorghum, amaranth and buckwheat.

22 Apples  苹果


An apple a day might really keep the doctor away. Special compounds within apples called procyanidins possess strong antioxidant activity and may reduce LDL cholesterol. If you're really looking to make an impact, go for the red ones. Red apples contain more anthocyanin, which can improve risk factors for heart disease, but there's nothing wrong with grabbing a Granny Smith instead. 


23 Potatoes 土豆


Like avocados, both regular and sweet potatoes contain ample amounts of potassium. One baked potato has 46% of what you need in the day! That's just another reason to skip fried taters and stick to the roasted kind. 
和牛油果一样,土豆和红薯也含有丰富的钾。一个烤红薯就能满足你一天46% 钾的需求!这也是我选择不吃薯条而吃烤洋芋的原因。

24 Tomatoes西红柿


The heart-healthy, secret ingredient in your tomato sauce? Lycopene, the natural antioxidant in tomatoes that gives them their red color. This important compound helps control blood pressure, prevent atherosclerosis, and lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. 

25 Dark Chocolate 黑巧克力

Yes, eating dark chocolate really can help your health. Several studies have linked it with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and less calcified plaque in the arteries. Opt for a bar with at least 75% cocoa and you'll get the most flavonoids, the special antioxidants thought to be at play.
是的,吃黑巧克力真的有助于你的健康。一些研究已经证明它或许可以帮助降低心血管疾病风险和减少动脉钙化斑块。选择大于75% 可可粉的巧克力棒,将会得到最多的类黄酮。而类黄酮是一种特别有用的特殊抗氧化剂。

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