

 陋室n 2022-03-25

​40---------------------I need to practice 我需要练习

It's late at night. 


Eddy wakes up because Junior is loudly playing the drums.


Eddy walks into Junior's room.


Junior, it's ten p.m.! Do you have to play the drums now?


But you said that I won't be a good drummer if I don't practice.


I know, but you can't play the drums at night. We both need to sleep!


Sorry, Dad.


Early the next morning, the sound of drums wakes Eddy up again.


Junior, why are you playing now?


You said not to practice at night, but now it's morning!


It's five a.m.! 上午5点!

I'm sorry, Dad. But I really need to practice. 对不起,爸爸。但我真的需要练习。

I know you do, son, but not while I'm sleeping. 我知道,儿子,但别在我睡觉的时候。

The next day, Eddy is working in the living room. Junior starts playing the drums again. 第二天,艾迪正在客厅里工作。Junior又开始打鼓了。

Junior! 初级!

What's wrong? 怎么了?

Do you have to play drums all the time? 你必须一直打鼓吗?

But you're not sleeping now. 但你现在没有睡觉。

No, but I'm working, and I can't concentrate when you're playing. 没有,但我在工作,你玩的时候我没法集中注意力。

But I have to practice for my concert! 但是我必须为我的音乐会练习!

OK, fine… 好,很好……

A few days later, Eddy is at Junior's concert, and he's falling asleep. 几天后,艾迪在小詹姆斯的演唱会上睡着了。

Another dad taps Eddy on the shoulder. 另一个爸爸拍了拍艾迪的肩膀。

Hey! Are you OK? 嘿!你还好吗?

Yeah, I'm just tired. I haven't been sleeping well. 是的,我只是累了。我最近睡得不好。

Well, you have to watch this kid play the drums! He's amazing. 你一定要看看这孩子打鼓的样子!他是惊人的。

On the stage, Junior is playing a drum solo. 舞台上,朱尼尔正在独奏打鼓。

Hey! That's my son! 嘿!这是我的儿子!

Really? He's great. 真的吗?他的伟大。

Uh, yeah, I know! I make him practice all the time! 嗯,是的,我知道!我让他一直练习!


Famous on Social Media 在社交媒体上出名

Bea and her friend Lin are at a party. Bea和她的朋友Lin在一个聚会上。

Can you take a photo of me with this glass of champagne? 你能帮我用这杯香槟拍张照片吗?

Bea pretends to drink the champagne. Lin takes a photo. 碧假装要喝香槟。林拍了张照片。

This picture isn't good enough to post on social media. 这张照片不够好,不能发到社交媒体上。

Why do you care so much about social media? 你为什么这么关心社交媒体?

Honestly, I don't. But it's easier to get a job if you have a lot of followers. 老实说,我不喜欢。但如果你有很多追随者,你就更容易找到工作。

Bea points to a woman taking pictures. 碧指着一个正在拍照的女人。

She and I both applied for the same job.  她和我都申请了同一份工作。

She got the job. I think it's because she's famous on social media. 她得到了那份工作。我想是因为她在社交媒体上很出名。

Well I deleted my social media, so I'll never get a job. 我删除了我的社交媒体,所以我永远找不到工作了。

Can you take a photo of me dancing? 你能拍一张我跳舞的照片吗?

Bea runs to the dance floor and poses. 碧跑到舞池里,摆出各种姿势。

Does it look like I'm having fun? 我看起来很开心吗?

If you have to ask that question, then the answer is probably no! 如果你一定要问这个问题,那么答案很可能是否定的!

This photo is bad. 这张照片不好。

Take a photo of me laughing. 拍一张我笑的照片。

Bea laughs loudly. Bea大声笑。

Bea, I'm your friend, not your photographer. I'm going to get a drink. 碧,我是你朋友,不是摄影师。我要去喝点东西。

Lin leaves the dance floor. 林离开舞池。

Later, Bea finds Lin at the bar. 后来,Bea在酒吧找到了Lin。

Lin, I'm sorry that I asked you to take photos of me. That's not fun. 琳,我很抱歉让你给我拍照。这不是有趣的。

It's OK. It's good practice for my new job. 没关系。这对我的新工作是很好的锻炼。

Your new job? 你的新工作吗?

I met a woman at the bar. 我在酒吧遇到一个女人。

She said I was cool, and she offered me a job on her social media team. 她说我很酷,还在她的社交媒体团队给了我一份工作。

What!? But you don't even have a social media account! 什么! ?但你连社交媒体账号都没有!

I know! That's why she thought I was cool. 我知道!所以她才觉得我很酷。


Going Away Party 去聚会

Oscar is moving to a new city for a new job. 奥斯卡要去一个新城市找一份新工作。

His friends are having a goodbye party for him. 他的朋友们正在为他举行告别晚会。

Thank you, everyone! I'm so lucky to have friends. 谢谢大家!我很幸运有朋友。

I will miss you all. 我会想念你们的。

What will you miss about us, Oscar? 你会想念我们什么,奥斯卡?

Um… I'll miss hearing your alarm every morning, Lucy. It always wakes me up so early. 露西,我会想念每天早上听到你闹铃的声音。它总是这么早叫醒我。

Thanks, Oscar! I'll miss living next to you. 谢谢,奥斯卡!我会想念住在你身边的日子。

And Eddy… I suppose I'll miss spending time with you and Junior. 艾迪,我想我会怀念和你和小詹姆斯在一起的时光。

Actually, you promised to babysit Junior, but you never did. 事实上,你答应过要照顾小詹姆斯,但你没做到。

Oh, well. Now it's too late. 哦,好吧。现在太迟了。

What will you miss about me, Oscar? 你会想念我什么,奥斯卡?

I'll miss trying new things with you, Bea. 我会怀念和你一起尝试新事物的时光,比伊。

You also said you wanted to go camping with me, Oscar, but you never did. 你还说你想和我去露营,奥斯卡,但你没去。

Yeah, I'm sorry we never slept outside in the cold, near spiders and bears. 是啊,我很抱歉我们没在外面睡过,没在蜘蛛和熊旁边睡过。

Oscar receives an email on his phone. He reads it and looks upset. 奥斯卡收到了一封电子邮件。他读了信,看起来很沮丧。

Is everything OK, Oscar? 没事吧,奥斯卡?

No, I don't have a new job anymore, so I can't move away. And I'll have to stay at my old job. 不,我没有新工作了,所以我不能搬走。我还得继续做我原来的工作。

Oh no! 噢,不!

I'm so embarrassed. What do I tell everyone? 我很尴尬。我该怎么跟大家说?

Lucy turns to everyone else at the party. 露西转向聚会上的其他人。

Everyone, I have great news! Oscar is staying. He decided he will miss us too much! 各位,我有个好消息!奥斯卡是住。他决定他会非常想念我们!

Everyone cheers. 每个人都欢呼。

Now you can babysit Junior this weekend, Oscar! 这周末你可以照看小詹姆斯了,奥斯卡!

And, we can go camping next weekend! We just have to wake up early. 还有,我们下周末可以去露营!我们只需要早起。

Don't worry, Oscar. My alarm will wake you up! 别担心,奥斯卡。我的闹钟会叫醒你的!

Great. I'm so lucky to have friends. 太好了。我很幸运有朋友。

_______________ _______________

Eddy for Mayor 艾迪市长

Eddy is painting a big sign outside of his apartment building. Lucy walks by. 艾迪正在他公寓大楼外面画一个大的标志。露西走过。

Hi Lucy! Will you help me put this sign on the wall? 嗨,露西!你能帮我把这个标志挂在墙上吗?

Of course, Eddy! 当然,艾迪!

Lucy looks at the sign. 露西看了看招牌。

It says, "Eddy for Mayor." 上面写着:“艾迪选市长。”

Yes, exactly! 是的,完全正确!

Why do you want to be the mayor of our city? 你为什么想当我们城市的市长?

Because I don't think politicians listen to regular people like us! 因为我觉得政客们是不会听我们这种普通人的话的!

But Eddy, you don't like politics. 但是艾迪,你不喜欢政治。

No, but I like people! 不,但我喜欢人!

And a good mayor should care about people. 一个好市长应该关心人民。

Yes, that's true. But a mayor also needs to know about town rules, and government, and laws. 是的,这是真的。但市长还需要了解城市规则、政府和法律。

Actually, Junior is studying politics. He told me that a lot of politicians don't know the laws at all! 事实上,朱尼尔正在学习政治。他告诉我很多政客根本不懂法律!

I don't think this is a good idea. 我不认为这是个好主意。

Why not? 为什么不呢?

Eddy, I go to every city meeting, and I've never seen you there. 艾迪,我参加了所有的市政会议,却从没见过你。

Oh, I hate meetings. 哦,我讨厌开会。

Eddy, trust me. It's a really hard job. 艾迪,相信我。这是一项非常艰难的工作。

You'll have to go to lots of meetings and talk to politicians all the time. 你将不得不参加很多会议,并一直与政客交谈。

Ugh, I do not like politicians. I need someone to help me do that stuff. 呃,我不喜欢政客。我需要有人帮我做那些事。

Hey, you should be my campaign manager! 你应该当我的竞选经理!

Me? 我吗?

Yes! You know everyone, you care about the city, and you have great ideas! 是的!你认识每个人,你关心这个城市,你有很棒的想法!

Hmm… you're right! 嗯…你是对的!

Really? So you'll be my campaign manager? 真的吗?那你就当我的竞选经理了?

Oh, definitely not. 哦,绝对不会。

Why not? 为什么不呢?

Because now I want to be the mayor. 因为现在我想当市长。

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The Pharmacy 药房

Eddy and Junior are waiting for Junior's medicine at the pharmacy. 艾迪和朱尼尔正在药房等朱尼尔的药。

Can I wait outside? 我可以在外面等吗?

No, the medicine for your rash will be ready in a few minutes. 不用了,治疗皮疹的药几分钟就好了。

Shhh! I don't want anyone to know I have a rash. 嘘!我不想让任何人知道我有皮疹。

Don't worry, it's normal. I get rashes all the time. 别担心,这很正常。我经常出疹子。

This is embarrassing. Let's go home. 这是令人尴尬的。我们回家吧。

We need to get your medicine first. 我们得先把你的药拿来。

Don't you have a special date with Georgia tonight? We should go home because you need to get ready. 你今晚不是和乔治亚有个特别的约会吗?我们该回家了,因为你得准备一下。

Junior… 初级…

Two boys walk into the pharmacy with their mother 两个男孩和他们的妈妈走进了药店

Hey, aren't those your friends from school? Let's say hi to them! 这些不是你学校的朋友吗?我们跟他们打个招呼吧!

Oh no! I don't want my friends to see me. 噢,不!我不想让我的朋友们看到我。

Junior tries to hide behind a shelf, but the boys see him. Junior试图躲在一个架子后面,但男孩们看到了他。

Look, it's Junior! 看,这是初级!

Oh… hi. 噢,嗨。

Why are you hiding? 你为什么躲起来?

Um… I'm not hiding. 我没有躲起来。

The pharmacist shouts to Eddy and Junior. 药剂师对艾迪和小艾迪喊道。

The medicine for your rash is ready! 治你皮疹的药好了!

Is that your rash medicine, Junior? Ha ha ha! 那是你的皮疹药吗,小詹姆斯?哈哈哈!

Uh…. no. 嗯…不。

Junior has a rash! Ew! 朱尼尔出疹子了!哟!

Hey! That's my medicine. And rashes are completely normal. 嘿!这是我的药。皮疹是完全正常的。

Eddy? 艾迪吗?

Eddy turns around and sees his date, Georgia. 艾迪转过身,看见了他的约会对象乔治亚。

Oh! Georgia! Hi! 哦!格鲁吉亚!这就跟你问声好!

Sir? The medicine for your rash is $20! 先生?治你皮疹的药要20美元!

Um… 嗯…

Eddy, I think the pharmacist is talking to you. 艾迪,我觉得药剂师在跟你说话。

Sir, do you still want the medicine? 先生,你还想要药吗?

Um, yes, thanks. 嗯,是的,谢谢。

Are you feeling OK? Can you still go on our date tonight? 你还好吗?你今晚还能参加我们的约会吗?

Eddy throws some money at the pharmacist. He grabs Junior and runs out of the pharmacy. 艾迪扔给药剂师一些钱。他抓住小詹姆斯,跑出了药店。

Bye, Georgia! See you tonight! 再见,格鲁吉亚!今晚见到你!

I told you that rashes are embarrassing! 我告诉过你疹子很尴尬!


Beach Day 海滩的一天

Oscar is driving with his cousin, Orson. 奥斯卡和他表弟奥森一起开车。

I'm so glad that I came to visit you. 我很高兴能来看你。

Yeah, I thought you were only visiting for two days… 是的,我以为你只来看两天……

Me too! But I've been here for three weeks! 我也是!但我已经在这里三个星期了!

I hated Los Angeles when I arrived, but I've really enjoyed living in your tiny apartment. 我刚来的时候讨厌洛杉矶,但我真的很喜欢住在你的小公寓里。

Now I even enjoy the traffic and your strange, healthy food. 现在我甚至喜欢这里的交通和你奇怪的健康食物。

I know. You ate everything in my refrigerator. 我知道。你把我冰箱里的东西都吃了。

I really liked going to all those fancy restaurants too. 我也很喜欢去那些高级餐厅。

Yes, and now I don't have any money. That's why I made sandwiches today! 是的,现在我没有钱了。所以我今天才做三明治!

Orson parks his car by the beach. 奥森把车停在海滩边。

Surprise! We're eating lunch here. 惊喜!我们在这里吃午饭。

But I hate the beach! 但是我讨厌海滩!

They get out of the car. 他们下了车。

I love the beach. Now that it's summer, we'll come here every day! 我喜欢海滩。现在已经是夏天了,我们将每天都来这里!

But I hate sand, and the ocean water is too salty. It hurts my eyes! 但是我讨厌沙子,海水也太咸了。我的眼睛疼!

I always hated the beach when we were kids! Don't you remember? 小时候我一直讨厌海滩!你不记得了吗?

Just try to enjoy it. 试着享受它。

They sit down on a towel and take out the sandwiches. 他们坐在一块毛巾上,拿出三明治。

But I didn't bring any sunscreen. Look! My face is already burning! 但是我没有带防晒霜。看!我的脸已经烧起来了!

A seagull lands on the towel and steals Oscar's sandwich. 一只海鸥落在毛巾上,偷走了奥斯卡的三明治。

My sandwich! What am I going to eat now? 我的三明治!我现在吃什么?

A beach ball hits Oscar's face. 一个沙滩球击中了奥斯卡的脸。

Ow! 噢!

A kid splashes water into Oscar's eyes. 一个小孩把水溅到奥斯卡的眼睛里。

It's so salty! It hurts my eyes! 它太咸了!我的眼睛疼!

Oh no. Let's go back to my apartment to take care of your eyes. 哦,不。去我的公寓看看你的眼睛吧。

We'll be there in two hours… because of traffic. 由于交通堵塞,我们两小时后到。

I hate Los Angeles! 我讨厌洛杉矶!

I'm going home tomorrow! 我明天就回家!


The Frog 青蛙

Junior sees his classmate, Betsy, hiding a frog in their teacher's desk. Junior看到他的同学Betsy在他们老师的桌子里藏了一只青蛙。

Betsy, what are you doing? 贝琪,你在干什么?

I'm going to scare our teacher. 我要吓吓我们的老师。

He'll love it! It will be a funny prank. 他会喜欢它的!这将是一个有趣的恶作剧。

I love pranks! I didn't realize you love them too. 我爱恶作剧!我不知道你也爱他们。

Don't tell him, OK? 别告诉他,好吗?

Don't worry. I won't. 别担心。我不会的。

Later, their teacher sits down at his desk. 后来,他们的老师坐在他的桌子前。

When he opens his drawer, the frog jumps out. 当他打开抽屉时,青蛙跳了出来。

Ahhhhh! 啊! ! !

All of the kids in the class laugh. 班上所有的孩子都笑了。

The frog jumps onto Betsy's desk, and Junior catches it. 青蛙跳到贝琪的桌子上,Junior接住了它。

This is not funny! Everyone sit down! 这一点都不好笑!大家坐下来!

No one sits down. 没有人坐下。

Who did this? Who put this frog inside my desk?! 这是谁干的?谁把这只青蛙放在我桌子里的!

The class becomes very quiet. 教室里变得非常安静。

Class, if no one tells me, then I will have to punish the whole class. 同学们,如果没有人告诉我,那我就得惩罚全班同学。

Junior raises his hand and looks at Betsy. Junior举起他的手,看着贝琪。

I'll tell you who did it. 我会告诉你是谁干的。

Everyone looks at Junior. Betsy looks worried. 每个人都看着Junior。贝琪看起来忧心忡忡。

Junior! Please, don't— 初级!请不要-

I put the frog inside your desk. 我把青蛙放在你的桌子里了。

Junior smiles at Betsy. Junior朝Betsy微笑。

I love frogs. Don't you? 我喜欢青蛙。你不?

Junior picks up the frog and kisses it. Junior抱起青蛙,亲吻它。

Junior, you're in a lot of trouble! I'm going to call your dad right now. 小詹姆斯,你有大麻烦了!我现在就给你爸爸打电话。

I don't mind. 我不介意。

The teacher leaves the classroom. 老师离开了教室。

Thanks, Junior. That was very brave. You know, you're pretty cool! 谢谢你,小。这是非常勇敢的。你知道吗,你很酷!

No problem! So… do you maybe want to be my girlfriend? 没问题!你愿意做我女朋友吗?

Ew! No. You kissed a frog. 哟!不。你吻了一只青蛙。


It's Too Expensive 它太贵了

Vikram and Priti wait for a realtor outside a house with a "for sale" sign. 维克拉姆和普瑞蒂在一幢挂着“出售”牌子的房子外等待一位房地产经纪人。

Wow, I love this house! It's beautiful and so big! 哇,我爱这房子!它是美丽的,如此之大!

I'm not sure. It's too expensive. 我不确定。太贵了。

The realtor greets them. 房地产经纪人向他们问好。

Welcome! Which room do you want to see first? 欢迎光临!你想先看哪个房间?

Vikram loves to bake. Let's see the kitchen! 维克拉姆喜欢烘焙。让我们看看厨房!

They look around the kitchen. Priti opens the oven. 他们环顾厨房。普丽蒂打开烤箱。

Vikram, you could bake so many great cakes here! 维克拉姆,你在这儿可以烤很多好吃的蛋糕!

I can bake great cakes anywhere. 我在任何地方都能烤出美味的蛋糕。

The kitchen also has two dishwashers. 厨房里还有两台洗碗机。

Two dishwashers? How wonderful, Vikram! 两个洗碗机吗?多么美妙,Vikram !

I prefer to wash my dishes by hand. 我喜欢用手洗碗。

The realtor takes them upstairs. 房地产经纪人带他们上楼。

There are four bedrooms! 有四间卧室!

It's just the two of us. We don't need that many rooms. 就我们两个人。我们不需要那么多房间。

But look, the windows are so big! 但是看,窗户这么大!

If we have big windows, then we'll have to buy a lot of cleaning products. 如果我们有大窗户,那么我们就得买很多清洁产品。

This house is too expensive. 这房子太贵了。

Maybe I can talk to the owners about the price. Excuse me. 也许我可以和业主谈谈价格。原谅我。

The realtor leaves to make a call. 房地产经纪人离开去打电话。

Can you please stop complaining? 你能不能别抱怨了?

You don't understand. It's part of my plan. I want the owner to lower the price. 你不明白。这是我计划的一部分。我希望业主能降低价格。

The realtor returns. 房地产经纪人的回报。

Good news! I spoke to the owners and they'll lower the price. 好消息!我跟业主谈过了,他们会降价的。

Amazing! Then we will buy this house! 神奇的!那我们就买下这所房子!

No, we won't! 不,我们不会!

But I thought you loved this house? 但我以为你喜欢这房子?

That was before you started complaining. 那是在你开始抱怨之前。

Now I think you're right. This house has too many rooms, too many windows, and too many dishwashers! 现在我认为你是对的。这房子有太多的房间,太多的窗户,还有太多的洗碗机!

But I love the two dishwashers! 但我喜欢那两台洗碗机!

I thought you preferred doing dishes by hand. 我以为你更喜欢用手洗碗呢。

No one prefers that. 没有人喜欢那样。

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The Interview 面试

Bea is at the office of a non-profit company for an interview. She sits down next to a man. Bea在一家非盈利公司的办公室参加面试。她坐在一个男人旁边。

Wow, I'm really nervous. 哇,我好紧张。

Oh, why? 哦,为什么?

I really hope I get this job. I care about the environment a lot. 我真希望能得到这份工作。我很关心环境。

Oh, don't be nervous! 哦,别紧张!

You're not going to get the job. 你不会得到那份工作的。

Excuse me? 原谅我吗?

Clearly, I'm the best person for the job. 显然,我是这份工作的最佳人选。

You're drinking your coffee with a straw. Plastic straws kill turtles. 你在用吸管喝咖啡。塑料吸管会杀死海龟。

Actually, this straw is made of recycled paper. 事实上,这种吸管是由再生纸制成的。

And look, you're using a plastic coffee cup. Plastic is really bad for our oceans. 看,你用的是塑料咖啡杯。塑料对我们的海洋非常有害。

Uh… I usually use a glass bottle, but I forgot to bring it. 我通常用玻璃瓶,但是我忘记带了。

I drove here in an electric car, though! 不过我是开电动汽车来的!

Well, I rode my bicycle here! And I only buy clothes made of recycled materials! 嗯,我骑自行车来的!而且我只买用回收材料做的衣服!

Oh, that's why your clothes look terrible! 哦,所以你的衣服才那么难看!

You're the rudest person I've ever met! 你是我见过的最没礼貌的人!

Excuse me! 打扰一下!

Bea realizes that the interviewer is standing behind them. Bea意识到面试官就站在他们身后。

You're arguing really loudly. 你们吵得很大声。

I'm so sorry. 我很抱歉。

But… I can see that you both really care about the environment. 但是,我看得出来你们都很关心环境。

I want you both to work for me! 我希望你们都为我工作!

Yes! I got the job! 是的!我得到那份工作了!

Will I have to work with him every day? 我每天都得和他一起工作吗?

Of course! You'll be a team. 当然!你们是一个团队。

No, thanks. I don't want this job that much. 不,谢谢。我没那么想要这份工作。


An Old Friend 一个老朋友

Eddy is picking up Junior from school. 艾迪要去学校接朱尼尔。

Dad! Can we go to the park today? I want to play with Rusty. 爸爸!我们今天可以去公园吗?我想和拉什蒂一起玩。

Absolutely! I like Rusty. 绝对的!我喜欢生锈的。

He reminds me of my best friend when I was your age 他让我想起了我像你这么大的时候我最好的朋友

His name was Joe. 他的名字叫乔。

We used to throw rocks into the lake, run around the neighborhood, and climb tall trees. 我们经常往湖里扔石头,在附近跑,爬上高高的树。

That sounds like so much fun! 听起来很有趣!

But I haven't seen him since we were ten. 但我十岁以后就没见过他了。

I'm glad you have a friend like I had. 我很高兴你有我这样的朋友。

Later that day, Eddy takes Junior to the park to see Rusty and his dad. 那天晚些时候,艾迪带着小詹姆斯去公园看望拉什蒂和他的爸爸。

Hi, I'm Rusty's dad. Wait, is that you, Eddy?! 嗨,我是拉什蒂的爸爸。等等,是你吗,艾迪?!

Joe?! I haven't seen you in such a long time! 乔? !我好久没见到你了!

I can't believe it's you! 真不敢相信是你!

Eddy and Joe hug. 艾迪和乔拥抱。

We used to have so much fun when we were kids! 我们小时候玩得很开心!

Yeah! We used to throw rocks in the lake to scare the ducks… 是啊!我们过去常往湖里扔石头吓唬鸭子。

Wait, what? 等等,什么?

Yeah! Stupid ducks. 是啊!愚蠢的鸭子。

Remember when I broke your neighbor's window and we had to run from his dogs? 还记得我打破你邻居的窗户,我们不得不逃离他的狗吗?

Oh, that's right… 哦,这是正确的…

And remember that time we were climbing a tree, and then I pushed you and you fell? 还记得那次我们在爬树,我推了你一下,你就摔倒了吗?

I broke my leg! 我摔断了腿!

And you missed your big football game! Hahaha! 你错过了重要的橄榄球比赛!哈哈哈!

I forgot about that. 我都忘了。

It's funny, your parents wouldn't let me hang out with you anymore after that. 有趣的是,从那以后你父母就不让我和你一起玩了。

Eddy waves to Junior. 旋涡向Junior招手。

Junior! It's time to go home. 初级!该回家了。

Eddy grabs Junior, and they leave. 艾迪抓住小詹姆斯,他们离开了。

Dad, what's wrong? Why are we leaving? 爸爸,你怎么了?我们为什么要走?

I don't want you to play with Rusty anymore. 我不想让你再和拉什蒂一起玩了。

He reminds me of his dad. 他让我想起了他的爸爸。


Fire Alarm 火灾报警

Zari is in math class. Suddenly a loud alarm rings. 扎里在上数学课。突然,一个响亮的闹钟响了。

OK, class, that's the fire alarm. We need to leave the building now. 好了,同学们,火警响了。我们得马上离开这栋楼。

Can someone help me get all of the students outside? 谁能帮我把所有学生都叫出去?

Zari raises her hand. 扎里举起了手。

I'll help! 我会帮助!

Thanks, Zari. 谢谢,扎日。

Zari walks down the hall. She tells students to leave the building. Zari走下大厅。她告诉学生们离开大楼。

Zari sees Lily painting in the art classroom. 扎里看到莉莉在美术教室里画画。

Lily, what are you doing? We need to leave the building. 莉莉,你在干什么?我们得离开这栋楼。

I don't care. I'm working on my painting. It's starting to look really good. 我也不在乎我正在画画。开始看起来很不错了。

But don't you hear the fire alarm? 你没听到火警吗?

We have to go! 我们得走了!

Zari, they just want us to practice leaving the building. 扎里,他们只是想让我们练习离开大楼。

The alarm rings, but it's never a real fire. 闹钟响了,但从来没有真正的火灾。

Lily, I can't let you stay here. 莉莉,我不能让你留在这里。

The teacher asked me to get all of the students out of the building. 老师让我把所有的学生都赶出大楼。

No, thanks. Doesn't my painting look cool? 不,谢谢。我的画看起来是不是很酷?

Lily shows Zari her painting. 莉莉给扎里看她的画。

Wow, that's great… I love the dark sky. 哇,太棒了,我喜欢黑暗的天空。

Right? 对吧?

But that's not important right now! 但那现在不重要!

It's important to me! 这对我很重要!

I don't care about the painting! 我才不在乎那幅画呢!

Zari, that's not cool. 扎里,这可不好。

Sorry, but we need to leave right now. 抱歉,我们得马上走了。

Wait, do you smell smoke? 等等,你闻到烟味了吗?

Oh no! It must be a real fire! 噢,不!一定是真的着火了!

Suddenly, the sprinklers turn on.  突然,洒水器打开了。

Water covers everything in the room. 水淹没了房间里的一切。

Oh no! My shoes are ruined! 噢,不!我的鞋子毁了!

Ugh, my painting is also ruined. 我的画也被毁了。

Lily looks at her painting again. 莉莉又看了看她的画。

Actually… I think it looks better now. 事实上,我觉得现在看起来好多了。

 The sky looks much cooler. 天空看起来凉爽多了。

Lily, let's go! 莉莉,我们走吧!

What? It's a really great painting now. 什么?现在这是一幅很棒的画。


Lily's Painting 莉莉的画

Lily has a painting in an art show. 莉莉有一幅画在艺术展上展出。

This is so exciting! I'm so proud of you! 这太令人兴奋了!我真为你骄傲!

A lot of other artists have paintings here, too. No one is going to buy mine. 很多其他艺术家在这里也有作品。没人会买我的。

Of course they will! Your painting is the best one here! 他们当然会!你的画是这里最好的!

I don't think so. 我不这么想。

People enter the art gallery and start looking at the paintings. 人们进入美术馆,开始欣赏画作。

Isn't this painting amazing? 这幅画是不是很棒?

Zari points at Lily's painting. 扎里指着莉莉的画。

Zari, shh! 扎日,嘘!

What? I just want to make sure everyone sees your painting. It's so good! 什么?我只是想让大家都看到你的画。它是如此好!

Please stop. This is embarrassing. 请停止。这是令人尴尬的。

Fine. I'll stop. 很好。我将停止。

A couple stops to look at Lily's painting. 有一对夫妇停下来看莉莉的画。

They whisper to each other, and then they walk past the painting. 他们互相耳语,然后走过那幅画。

They look at a painting of a flower next to Lily's. Then they buy it. 他们在莉莉的花旁边看一幅花的画。然后他们就买了。

I can't believe they just bought that flower painting. 真不敢相信他们刚买了那幅花画。

Your painting is so much better. 你的画好多了。

An hour later, most of the paintings have been sold.  一个小时后,大部分画都卖光了。

Lily's painting is still on the wall. 莉莉的画还挂在墙上。

Hmm. No one bought your painting yet! 嗯。还没人买你的画呢!

Yeah, I know. 是的,我知道。

Uh… I'm going to go to the bathroom. 我要去趟洗手间。

Zari walks over to the owner of the art gallery. 扎里走向画廊的老板。

Hi! I want to buy Lily's painting. 这就跟你问声好!我想买莉莉的画。

Which painting is hers? 哪幅画是她的?

That one over there. No one wants to buy it, and I really want to make Lily feel better! 那边的那个。没人想买,我真的很想让莉莉好过一点!

Oh, a lot of people want to buy that one! But I won't let them. 哦,很多人都想买!但我不会让他们这么做。

What? Why? 什么?为什么?

It's the best painting here. I'm going to buy it for myself! 这是这里最好的一幅画。我要自己去买!

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I Love Boxing 我喜欢拳击

Lin and Oscar are in a coffee shop. 林和奥斯卡在一家咖啡店里。

Oscar is telling Lin a story when he notices that she's asleep. 奥斯卡正在给林讲故事,这时他注意到她睡着了。

Lin, are you asleep? 琳,你睡着了吗?

What? Oh… Sorry. I've been very tired lately. 什么?哦…抱歉。我最近一直很累。

Oh, I know what will help you. 我知道怎么帮你了。

What? 什么?

I just started boxing classes! 我刚开始上拳击课!

You should come with me tomorrow. I promise, it will give you more energy. 你明天应该和我一起来。我保证,它会给你更多的能量。

The next day, Lin meets Oscar outside his boxing class. 第二天,林书豪在他的拳击课外遇到了奥斯卡。

Oscar is wearing shorts and boxing gloves. 奥斯卡穿着短裤,戴着拳击手套。

Wow, you have your own boxing gloves? 哇,你有自己的拳击手套?

Of course! I'm a real boxer! Now let's go inside. 当然!我是一个真正的拳击手!现在我们进去吧。

Later, Lin is in the class. She looks tired. The teacher walks over to her. 后来,林在班上。她看起来很累。老师走向她。

Are you OK? 你还好吗?

No, I'm extremely tired. I don't have any more energy. 不,我非常累。我没有力气了。

Are you new to this class? 你是这个班的新同学吗?

Yeah, Oscar invited me. 是的,奥斯卡邀请了我。

Who's Oscar? 奥斯卡是谁?

That man over there. 那边那个人。

Lin looks around the room. Oscar is gone. 林环视房间。奥斯卡是一去不复返了。

Lin finds Oscar drinking a smoothie at the store next to the gym. 林发现奥斯卡在健身房旁边的商店里喝着奶昔。

Oscar, what are you doing? 奥斯卡,你在干什么?

After class, I always get a smoothie. 下课后,我总是喝一杯思慕雪。

But you didn't finish the class. 但你没上完课。

I finished half of it. I'll do the whole class next time. That was only my third class. 我完成了一半。下次我会讲一整节课。那只是我的第三节课。

You've only been to three boxing classes? 你只上过三次拳击课?

Yeah, the class is OK, but this smoothie has changed my life! Here, taste it. 是啊,上课还好,但这杯奶昔改变了我的生活!在这里,品尝它。

Lin drinks some of the smoothie. 林喝了一些冰沙。

Wow, how much sugar is in this? 哇,这里面有多少糖?

Two hundred grams. And as much caffeine as three cups of coffee! 二百克。和三杯咖啡一样多的咖啡因!

Don't you feel great?! 你不觉得很棒吗?!

Yeah, I love boxing! 是的,我喜欢拳击!


I Can Do Anything 我能做任何事

Eddy and Bea are playing tennis. 艾迪和比娅在打网球。

Thanks for meeting me, Bea. I'm feeling very sad lately. 谢谢你来见我,比。我最近感到很伤心。

All of my friends from college are so successful, but I'm not. 我所有的大学朋友都很成功,但我不是。

Eddy hits the ball. 艾迪击球。

It's time for a change in my life. 是时候改变我的生活了。

Please don't buy an expensive car or start wearing tight jeans. 请不要购买昂贵的汽车或开始穿紧身牛仔裤。

Are you joking? I don't have enough money for a fancy car. 你在开玩笑吗?我没有足够的钱买一辆好车。

Eddy and Bea sit down on a bench. 艾迪和比亚坐在长凳上。

Eddy, are you crying? Or is that sweat on your face? 艾迪,你在哭吗?还是你脸上的汗?

Both! 两个!

I never did anything important, and now it's too late. 我从来没做过什么重要的事,现在已经太晚了。

Eddy, it's not too late! 艾迪,现在还不晚!

You can do something important now! 你现在可以做一些重要的事情了!

You don't think I'm too old? 你不觉得我太老了吗?

No, you just need to work hard. 不,你只需要努力工作。

I can work hard! 我可以努力工作!

Great. Then just say, "I can do anything!" 太好了。那就说:“我什么都能做!”

I can do anything! 我什么都能做!

That's right, Eddy! 没错,艾迪!

And I'm going to be an Olympic tennis player! 我要成为一名奥运网球选手!

What!? 什么! ?

The Olympics are next summer. I need to practice more. 奥运会将于明年夏天举行。我需要多练习。

Can you meet me here every day? 你每天都能来这里见我吗?

Uh, well… It's really hard to become an Olympic athlete, Eddy… 呃,要成为一名奥林匹克运动员真的很难,艾迪……

So you don't think I'm good enough? 所以你觉得我不够好吗?

I think you're great. But Olympic athletes start training at a very young age… Like your son Junior's age. 我觉得你很棒。但是奥林匹克运动员在很小的时候就开始训练,就像你儿子朱尼尔这个年纪。

You're right! 你是对的!

Huh? 嗯?

It's not too late for Junior! I'll make him practice every day, and then he'll be an Olympic tennis player! 现在对朱尼尔来说还不算晚!我会让他每天练习,然后他就会成为一名奥林匹克网球运动员!

Um, Eddy, are we talking about the same Junior who only goes outside to buy video games?! 艾迪,我们说的是那个只出去买电子游戏的小三吗!


Pirates Are Cool 海盗很酷

Zari and Junior are at an amusement park. 扎里和朱尼尔在游乐园。

Thanks for bringing me to Pirate Land, Zari! Everything here is so cool! 谢谢你带我来海盗之地,扎里!这里的一切都很酷!

Yeah, I used to love this place when I was your age. 是啊,我像你这么大的时候很喜欢这地方。

Let's go see the singing pirate show! 我们去看唱歌的海盗表演吧!

No, they're terrible singers. 不,他们唱得很糟糕。

Well, then can you buy me a pirate hat? 那你能给我买顶海盗帽吗?

Sorry, your dad only gave us money for food and rides. 抱歉,你爸爸只给我们食物和交通费用。

Suddenly, Zari sees a boy from school. 突然,扎里看到了学校里的一个男孩。

Oh no! It's Paul! 噢,不!这是保罗!

I don't want him to see me here! I really like him! He'll think I'm not cool! 我不想让他看到我在这里!我真的很喜欢他!他会觉得我不酷的!

But Pirate Land is super cool! 但《海盗之地》超级酷!

Let's hide in the gift shop. 我们躲在礼品店里吧。

They run into the gift shop. 他们跑进了礼品店。

I have an idea. You can wear a pirate costume! Then Paul won't know who you are! 我有个主意。你可以穿海盗服!那保罗就不知道你是谁了!

I don't know… 我不知道…

Put on this hat, this eye patch… and this fake beard! 戴上这顶帽子,这个眼罩,还有这假胡子!

Junior, this is crazy! 朱尼尔,这太疯狂了!

Look, Paul is coming over here! 看,保罗要过来了!

Ugh! Fine! 啊!好啊!

Zari quickly buys and puts on the costume. 扎里迅速购买并穿上戏服。

Paul sees Zari. 保罗认为扎日。

Zari, is that you? 扎里,是你吗?

Um… hi, Paul. 嗯……嗨,保罗。

Wow, you really like pirates, don't you? 哇,你真的很喜欢海盗,是吗?

Haha… No. I hate pirates! 哈哈…不。我讨厌海盗!

But you're wearing a pirate costume. 但你穿的是海盗装。

Uh… yeah… The kid I'm babysitting loves pirates. 是啊,我照看的孩子喜欢海盗。

Well, I think pirates are cool. I'm actually performing in the singing pirate show. 我觉得海盗很酷。我其实是在唱海盗表演。

What?! 什么? !

I was going to invite you, but you just said you hate pirates… 我本来想邀请你的,但你刚刚说你讨厌海盗…

Wait, I actually love pirates! I was joking! 等等,我真的很喜欢海盗!我是开玩笑的!

I have to go. 我得走了。

Paul walks away. 保罗走开了。

Sorry, Zari. Can I have your pirate hat? 对不起,扎日。能把你的海盗帽给我吗?


The Tea Set 的茶具

Lucy gives her granddaughter Lin a gift. 露西送给她的孙女林一件礼物。

Wow, what's this? Did you get me the jacket I wanted?! 哇,这是什么?你给我买了我想要的夹克吗!

Just open the gift. 打开礼物吧。

Lin opens it. 林打开它。

Oh… it's… an old, dusty tea set. 那是一套旧的,满是灰尘的茶具。

This tea set belonged to my grandmother. I want you to have it. 这套茶具是我祖母的。我想把它给你。

But she gave it to you. You should keep it. 但她给了你。你应该留着它。

It belongs to you now. 现在它属于你了。

But I might break it. 但我可能会把它弄坏。

No, you won't. I trust you. 不,你不会的。我相信你。

But… it's so ugly! 但是……它太丑了!

I know, but my grandmother gave it to my mother on her wedding day. 我知道,但是我奶奶在我妈妈结婚那天送给她的。

Then, my mother gave it to me on my wedding day. 然后,我妈妈在我结婚那天送给了我。

Uh… But it's not my wedding day. 但今天不是我结婚的日子。

I know. But you'll probably never get married! You're too indecisive. 我知道。但你可能永远不会结婚!你太优柔寡断了。

What? 什么?

Do you want the tea set or not? 你到底要不要这套茶具?

Now I really don't want it. 现在我真的不想要了。

Just give it to Oscar. He drinks tea and he likes old things! 把它给奥斯卡吧。他喝茶,他喜欢老东西!

Oh, good idea! 哦,好主意!

Later, Lucy gives Oscar the tea set. 后来,露西把茶具给了奥斯卡。

Wow, thanks! It's so beautiful! 哇,谢谢!它是如此美丽!

Suddenly, Lin runs in. 突然,林跑了进来。

Grandma, I changed my mind! I want the tea set! 奶奶,我改变主意了!我要茶具!

Sorry, I just gave it to Oscar. 抱歉,我刚给奥斯卡了。

See, I told you, you're too indecisive. 看吧,我就说你太优柔寡断了。

But I just researched it online, Grandma. It's worth a lot of money! 但我刚在网上查过,奶奶。它值很多钱呢!

It is? 它是什么?

Too late! Lucy gave it to me. 太迟了!露西给我的。

This is so unfair. That was my wedding gift! 这太不公平了。那是我的结婚礼物!

Lin, if you ever get married, I'll give it to you. 琳,如果你结婚了,我就给你。

Don't worry, that will never happen. 别担心,那是不可能的。

I know. Does anyone want tea? 我知道。有人要喝茶吗?

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The Baby Photo 宝宝的照片

Zari runs into her neighbor Bea's apartment. Zari跑进邻居Bea的公寓。

Bea! Help! Bea !的帮助!

Zari, what's wrong? Are you OK? 扎日,怎么了?你还好吗?

No! It's an emergency! 不!这是一个紧急!

Are you hurt? Are you bleeding? 你疼吗?你流血了吗?

No, it's worse than bleeding! 不,比流血还糟糕!

Worse? 更糟糕的是吗?

I accidentally sent an embarrassing picture to the cutest boy at my school. 我不小心把一张尴尬的照片发给了我们学校最帅的男生。

Oh no… that is worse. 哦,不,那更糟糕。

Right?! 对吧? !

Show me the picture. 给我看看这张照片。

Here it is… 这里是……

Is that… 是……

My baby photo? Yes, it is. 我的宝宝的照片吗?是的,它是。

Well… that's not terrible… 这并不可怕……

I sent it with the text message "I have loved you since the day I was born." 我把它和一条短信一起发送了:“我从出生那天起就爱你。”

What? 什么?

I was trying to send it to my mom. 我想把它寄给我妈妈。

What should I do?! Tell me what to do, Bea. 我该怎么办?!告诉我该怎么做,比伊。

You can study a lot. Then, you can graduate from school early. 你可以学习很多。然后,你就可以早点毕业了。

After that, you won't have to see him again! 那之后,你就不用再见到他了!

Bea… Bea……

Or you can move to another city. I can help you find a job. Do you know how to fish? 或者你可以搬到另一个城市。我可以帮你找份工作。你知道怎么钓鱼吗?

Bea! Bea !

Don't worry, Zari. It's embarrassing, but you were so cute! 别担心,扎日。虽然很尴尬,但你太可爱了!

If you tell him it was an accident, he will understand. 如果你告诉他那是个意外,他会理解的。

Zari gets a text message. 扎里收到了一条短信。

It's him! 这是他!

What does the message say? 留言内容是什么?

He… doesn't recognize my number. 他不认识我的号码。

That's great! He doesn't know the photo is from you! 太好了!他不知道照片是你拍的!

No, it's terrible! He doesn't even know who I am! 不,这真是太可怕了!他甚至不知道我是谁!


Bride 新娘

Bea arrives at the church for a 碧来到教堂

wedding 婚礼

Suddenly the bride jumps into her car 突然,新娘跳进她的车里

Drive 开车

Uh.don' t you need to be at your wedding? 呃。你不需要去参加你的婚礼吗?

The wedding is cancelled 婚礼取消了

want to go to the airport now 我现在要去机场

Um. OK 嗯。好吧

Drive faster 开快点

0K! 0 k !

The bride starts to cry 新娘开始哭了

Oh no. what happened? 哦,不。发生了什么事?

I was at the church. 我当时在教堂。

 The ceremony was starting 典礼开始了

My fiance was outside, 我的未婚夫在外面

talking on the phone 煲电话粥

He was talking to a woman I hid behind a tree 他在跟一个我藏在树后的女人说话

Listen 听

He told her,"I'm so excited to see you 他告诉她:“见到你我太激动了

Maybe she was a wedding 也许她是一场婚礼

guest 客人

He told her not to tell 他叫她不要说出去

anyone 任何人

He said, "Especially my fiancee 他说,“尤其是我的未婚妻

Thats terrible 这是可怕的

He said, "Oh, Bea! I can't wait to make music together! 他说:“哦,比阿!我等不及要一起做音乐了!

Oh, right What? 哦,对了什么?

Im bea

What? 什么?

We used to have a band 我们以前有个乐队

You... and Ziggy? 你……和瑞格?

He asked me to play guitar at your wedding 他邀请我在你的婚礼上弹吉他

 He wanted to sIng a song for you 他想为你唱首歌

Ah But it was a surprise 啊但那是个惊喜

Hm. Oops. 嗯。哦。

Do you want me to drive 你想让我开车吗

back to the church 回到教堂

Well.yes, but 好。是的,但是

What? 什么?

D I love Ziggy .. but he' s a terrible singer. D我喜欢Ziggy ..但是他唱得很糟糕。


A Fancy Wedding 一个华丽的婚礼

Lucy and her granddaughter Lin are at a fancy wedding. 露西和她的孙女林参加了一个盛大的婚礼。

There are too many flowers here.  这儿的花太多了。

At your mother's wedding, there was one simple rose on every table. 在你母亲的婚礼上,每张桌子上都有一朵简单的玫瑰。

Shhh! Grandma, be quiet! The bride will hear you. 嘘!奶奶,安静点!新娘会听到的。

Achoo! Good! She should know there are too many flowers. I can't stop sneezing! 啊嚏!好!她应该知道这里的花太多了。我打喷嚏打个不停!

I think the flowers are nice. 我觉得这些花很漂亮。

But they don't match these silver plates. 但它们和这些银盘子不相配。

I think the silver plates are fancy. 我觉得这些银盘子很漂亮。

At your mother's wedding, there were gold plates. 在你母亲的婚礼上,有金盘。

Oh, I didn't know that… Tell me more about Mom's wedding. 我还不知道呢,再跟我说说妈妈的婚礼吧。

I've never told you anything about it? 我从没跟你说过吗?

Well, all the men wore blue suits. 所有的男人都穿蓝色的西装。

That sounds very stylish! 听起来很时尚!

And there was a violin player. 还有一个小提琴手。

Wow. That's romantic. 哇。这是浪漫的。

And during the ceremony, your mother sang a song for your father. 在仪式上,你母亲为你父亲唱了一首歌。

Really? My mom did that? 真的吗?我妈妈做的?

Yes! 是的!

Grandma… are you crying? 奶奶,你在哭吗?

Wow, my parents' wedding sounds like it was really beautiful. 哇,我父母的婚礼听起来真漂亮。

No, that's not why I'm crying. 不,那不是我哭的原因。

I'm crying because I just saw that there's no cake. 我哭是因为我刚看到没有蛋糕了。

_______________ _______________

Moving 移动

Lucy is helping her granddaughter, Lin, pack her suitcases. 露西正在帮她的孙女林收拾行李。

You're finally moving out of my apartment! 你终于要搬出我的公寓了!

I feel like I just moved here. 我感觉就像刚搬来一样。

And five years later, you're finally moving out. 五年之后,你终于搬出去了。

Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?

I'm going to miss this comfortable couch! 我会想念这个舒适的沙发的!

Now you can sleep in a real bed! 现在你可以睡在一张真正的床上了!

And I will have a lot more roommates. 我还会有更多的室友。

You'll make some new friends! 你会交到新朋友的!

Who will wake you up when you don't hear your alarm clock? 当你没有听到闹钟的声音时,谁会叫醒你?

Oh… maybe I need a louder alarm clock. 哦,也许我需要一个大点的闹钟。

And who will help you carry groceries? 谁来帮你搬杂货?

I'm still very strong, thank you very much. 我还是很强壮,非常感谢。

And who will read the newspaper with you on Sunday mornings? 周日早上谁会和你一起看报纸?

Oh… I don't know. 哦,我不知道。

And who will eat chocolate cake with me!? 谁愿意和我一起吃巧克力蛋糕!?

 And watch scary movies? And go dancing on Fridays!? 看恐怖电影?星期五去跳舞!?

I don't know! 我不知道!

Maybe I need to stay here… for you. 也许我该留下来,为了你。

Lin looks at her suitcases. Lucy smiles. 林看着她的手提箱。露西笑了。

Yes… you should stay. 是的,你应该留下来。

Great! 太棒了!

Lin starts unpacking her suitcases. 林开始打开她的行李箱。

But you can't sleep on the couch tonight. 但你今晚不能睡沙发。

 I have a date coming over! 我有个约会要来!

Moving 移动

Lucy is helping her granddaughter, Lin, pack her suitcases. 露西正在帮她的孙女林收拾行李。

You're finally moving out of my apartment! 你终于要搬出我的公寓了!

I feel like I just moved here. 我感觉就像刚搬来一样。

And five years later, you're finally moving out. 五年之后,你终于搬出去了。

Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?

I'm going to miss this comfortable couch! 我会想念这个舒适的沙发的!

Now you can sleep in a real bed! 现在你可以睡在一张真正的床上了!

And I will have a lot more roommates. 我还会有更多的室友。

You'll make some new friends! 你会交到新朋友的!

45-------------------------- 45 --------------------------

I'm Driving 我开车

Bea is waiting for Lin in front of her apartment building. Bea在她的公寓楼前等Lin。

Lin arrives at the apartment on a motorcycle. 林骑着摩托车来到了公寓。

Are you ready to go to the beach? 你准备好去海滩了吗?

What is that? 那是什么?

It's my motorcycle! 这是我的摩托车!

I thought that you were going to rent a car. 我以为你要去租辆车。

Renting a car is very expensive, but riding my motorcycle is free. 租车很贵,但骑摩托车是免费的。

Now get on. 现在相处。

You want me to ride on the back of your motorcycle? 你想让我骑你的摩托车吗?

What's wrong? Are you scared? 怎么了?你害怕吗?

I'm not scared of anything. 我什么都不怕。

Except for hairless cats. 除了无毛的猫。

If you're not scared, then let's go. 如果你不害怕,那我们就走。

OK, but I'm driving. 好的,但是我来开车。

You want to drive my motorcycle? 你想开我的摩托车?

Of course. 当然可以。

Bea! Why do you always have to control everything? Bea !你为什么总要控制一切?

Why can't you relax? 你为什么不能放松?

I will relax… when you let me drive. 我会放松的,只要你让我开车。

Lin, do you want to go to the beach or not? 琳,你到底想不想去海滩?

Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。

Later, Bea is driving the motorcycle, and Lin is riding behind her. 后来,Bea开着摩托车,Lin坐在她后面。

Lin looks very unhappy. 林看起来很不高兴。

You were right. This is better than renting a car! 你是对的。这比租辆车好多了!

And you were right, riding back here is not fun. 你说得对,骑马回来一点都不好玩。


Move the Bed 移动床

Zari is lying on Lily's bed. She's looking up at the ceiling. 扎里躺在莉莉的床上。她正在抬头看天花板。

Lily, your room is boring. You should move your furniture. 莉莉,你的房间太无聊了。你应该移动你的家具。

No. The room looks good now. 不。房间现在看起来不错。

I think your bed would look great in that corner. 我觉得你的床放在那个角落会很好看。

I do not. 我不。

You know, it's really dangerous to have your bed next to the window. 你知道,把你的床放在窗户旁边是很危险的。

Dangerous? 危险吗?

Lightning could hit that tree outside, and it could fall through your window. 闪电可能会击中外面的树,它可能会从你的窗户掉下来。

Or a murderer could climb into your room! 或者杀人犯会爬进你的房间!

Wow, Zari. You've thought a lot about this. 哇,扎日。你已经想了很多了。

I'm trying to be a good friend,  我只是想做个好朋友,

Lily. I want you to be safe. 莉莉。我希望你安全。

I'm fine. My bed has always been next to the window. 我很好。我的床一直挨着窗户。

Always? Then don't you want to try something new? 总是?那你不想尝试点新东西吗?

You know I hate new things. 你知道我讨厌新鲜事物。

Well… I read a book once that said it's good to sleep with your head on the north side of your room. 我读过一本书,上面说头朝北睡觉很好。

This is the north side of my room. 这是我房间的北面。

Oh, did I say north side? I mean south side. 哦,我说的是北边吗?我是说南边。

Ugh, Zari! Why do you want me to move my bed? 啊,扎日!你为什么要我搬床?

I think it will look so nice! 我想它看起来会很漂亮!

Fine. Help me move it. 很好。帮我搬一下。

They start to move Lily's bed, but Lily sees something on the carpet… 他们开始移动莉莉的床,但是莉莉看到地毯上有什么东西……

Zari, did you spill coffee on my carpet? 扎里,你把咖啡洒在我的地毯上了吗?

Yes. But don't worry. You won't see it after we move your bed. 是的。但是别担心。我们搬走你的床后,你就看不到了。


The New App 新的应用程序

Lucy is exercising. Lin walks in the room with her cell phone. 露西是锻炼。林拿着她的手机走进房间。

Grandma! Look, I have a new app on my phone! 奶奶!看,我手机上有个新应用!

You always have a new app on your phone. 你的手机上总是有新的应用。

But this app tells you if you're healthy! 但是这个应用程序会告诉你你是否健康!

I already know I'm healthy. 我已经知道我很健康了。

Question one: How many steps did you take today? 问题一:你今天走了多少步?

Ten thousand. 一万年。

Wow, really? I only took… twenty-seven steps today. 哇,真的吗?我今天只走了27步。

Question two: Do you eat healthy food? 问题二:你吃健康的食物吗?

Yes, and I only eat dessert on special occasions. 是的,我只在特殊场合吃甜点。

I always eat dessert…. 我总是吃甜点....

Question three: How many glasses of water do you drink every day? 问题三:你每天喝多少杯水?

Nine! 九个!

I love water! I'm like a fish. 我爱水!我就像一条鱼。

Nine? I only drink two glasses of water every day… 九吗?我每天只喝两杯水。

Question four: How many hours do you sleep every night? 问题四:你每晚睡几个小时?

I usually sleep for ten hours. But if I go dancing, I only sleep for eight hours. 我通常睡十个小时。但是如果我去跳舞,我只睡8个小时。

Eight hours?! 八个小时? !

Question five: Do you feel stressed? 问题五:你感到有压力吗?

Only when my granddaughter asks too many questions! 只有当我孙女问太多问题的时候!

But Grandma, you're getting older! 但是奶奶,你老了!

Maybe you should take the test. 也许你应该参加测试。

Me? Why? 我吗?为什么?

Because you don't sleep enough, you don't eat healthy food, and you don't drink enough water! 因为你没有足够的睡眠,你没有吃健康的食物,你没有喝足够的水!


The Reunion 的团聚

Lucy is getting ready for a date. Her granddaughter, Lin, walks in the room. 露西正在为约会做准备。她的孙女,林,走进了房间。

Lin! Should I wear the black dress or the green dress? 林!我应该穿黑色的还是绿色的?

The black dress is a little… short. 这件黑色的连衣裙有点……短。

Perfect! I'll wear the black dress! 完美!我要穿黑色的裙子!

Well, you do have great legs. 你的腿确实很美。

Where are you going? 你要去哪里?

I have a date tonight! 我今晚有个约会!

Did you meet him on the Internet? 你是在网上认识他的吗?

Actually, I have known him for fifty years. 事实上,我认识他有五十年了。

Fifty years?! 五十年? !

Yes! We went to high school together.  是的!我们是高中同学。

I remember he had the most beautiful brown hair. 我记得他有一头最漂亮的棕色头发。

I haven't seen him since then…. 从那以后我就没见过他....

Wait… are you nervous? I can't believe it! 等等,你紧张吗?我真不敢相信!

I'm not nervous! Do I look nervous? 我不紧张!我看起来紧张吗?

A little, yes. Why are you nervous?! 一个小,是的。你为什么紧张?

Well… so much has changed in fifty years! 五十年来发生了这么多变化!

I know! The Internet, cell phones, frozen yogurt— 我知道!互联网,手机,冷冻酸奶

No, no… we are not young anymore. 不,不,我们不再年轻了。

Grandma, you are still very beautiful! 奶奶,你还是很漂亮的!

I'm not talking about me! I'm worried about him! 我不是在说我自己!我很担心他!

Maybe he lost all of his beautiful hair! 也许他的头发都掉光了!

46--------------------- 46 ---------------------

That's Not Dinner 这不是晚餐

Vikram runs into his neighbor's apartment. 维克拉姆跑进邻居的公寓。

Eddy, I'm here! What's the emergency?! 艾迪,我在这里!有什么紧急? !

I have a date, but I forgot she is a vegetarian… like you! 我有个约会,但我忘了她和你一样是素食主义者!

That is not an emergency! 这不是紧急情况!

But I really like her! 但我真的很喜欢她!

OK, I'll help you. 好的,我来帮你。

A vegetarian dinner is easy to make! 素食晚餐很容易做!

Vikram opens the refrigerator. 维克拉姆打开冰箱。

Hmm… your refrigerator is full of meat. 你的冰箱里都是肉。

Chicken, beef, pork… Why do you have so much meat?! 鸡肉、牛肉、猪肉……你为什么有这么多肉?

Because I exercise a lot! I need to eat meat for my muscles! 因为我经常锻炼!我需要吃肉来锻炼我的肌肉!

Do you have anything else? 你还有别的东西吗?

Yogurt! 酸奶!

Eddy, yogurt is not dinner. 艾迪,酸奶不是晚餐。

I also have… cereal? 我还有…麦片?

Eddy, cereal is not dinner! Where are all the vegetables? 艾迪,麦片不是晚餐!蔬菜都到哪儿去了?

Did you look in the back of the refrigerator? 你看过冰箱后面吗?

Oh! I see something green! 哦!我看到了绿色的东西!

Actually, I think that's Junior's science experiment. 其实,我觉得那是小詹姆斯的科学实验。

You should go to the supermarket. 你应该去超市。

She'll be here in thirty minutes! 她三十分钟后到!

I don't have time to go to the supermarket! 我没有时间去超市!

Junior walks into the kitchen. Junior走进厨房。

Hi, Vikram. Hi, Dad. 嗨,维克拉姆。嗨,爸爸。

What's wrong? 怎么了?

He's worried because his date is a vegetarian. 他很担心,因为他的约会对象是个素食者。

So? 所以呢?

We don't have any food to make a vegetarian dinner! 我们没有任何食物来做素食晚餐!

That's not true. We have ice cream. 那不是真的。我们有冰淇淋。

Junior, that's not dinner. 小詹姆斯,那不是晚餐。

Yes, it is! Dad and I eat ice cream for dinner all the time! 是的,它是!爸爸和我晚餐总是吃冰淇淋!


The Wedding Present 的结婚礼物

Vikram is dancing in his living room. 维克拉姆正在他的客厅里跳舞。

Oh, yeah! Step to the left! Step to the right! I love this song! 哦,耶!向左走!向右走!我喜欢这首歌!

He accidentally hits a vase. It falls on the floor and breaks. 他不小心撞到了花瓶。它掉在地板上摔碎了。

Oh no! Maybe I can fix it! 噢,不!也许我能修好它!

He picks up the pieces of the vase. 他捡起花瓶的碎片。

This piece goes here… this piece goes there… oh no. This looks terrible. 这首在这里,这首在那里,哦,不。这看起来很糟糕。

His wife, Priti, walks into the room. Vikram tries to hide the vase. 他的妻子普里蒂走进房间。维克拉姆试图把花瓶藏起来。

Vikram! Did you break that vase? Vikram !你打碎那个花瓶了吗?

Were you dancing again? 你又跳舞了吗?

Yes. But don't worry! I can fix it! Look! 是的。但别担心!我能修好它!看!

Vikram shows her pieces of the vase. 维克拉姆向她展示了花瓶的碎片。

Oh, honey. I don't think we can fix it. 哦,亲爱的。我不认为我们能修好它。

I know, I'm so sorry. I know it was your favorite. 我知道,我很抱歉。我知道那是你的最爱。

My favorite? 我最喜欢的?

Yes. Because it was a wedding present from your sister. 是的。因为那是你姐姐送你的结婚礼物。

She didn't give us this vase. She gave us a picture frame. 这个花瓶不是她给我们的。她给了我们一个相框。

Oh, right! Did your mother give us the vase? 哦,对了!花瓶是你妈妈给我们的吗?

No, she gave us that clock you broke last month, when you were doing yoga. 不,她给了我们你上个月弄坏的那个钟,当时你在练瑜伽。

Oh, right. 哦,对了。

Maybe it's from your cousin. 也许是你表哥送的。

But the vase is so ugly! 但是花瓶太丑了!

I know. That's why I thought your cousin gave it to us. 我知道。所以我以为是你表弟给我们的。

Ha! Wait, you also think the vase is ugly? 哈!等等,你也觉得花瓶很丑吗?

It's terrible. 这是可怕的。

Now I'm not sorry that I broke it! 现在我不后悔打碎了它!

Yes, the living room looks much better without it. 是的,客厅没有它看起来好多了。

And now we have more space for dancing! 现在我们有更多跳舞的空间了!

Vikram turns on the music, and they start dancing. 维克拉姆打开音乐,他们开始跳舞。

Step to the left… Oh yeah! 往左走…哦耶!


Bea's Date Bea的日期

Bea walks into a restaurant. She's meeting someone for a first date. 碧走进一家餐馆。她是第一次约会。

Hi! Are you Nadia? 这就跟你问声好!你是纳迪娅吗?

Oh. Yes. You must be Bea. 哦。是的。你一定是碧吧。

Yes! Nice to meet you! Have you been to this restaurant before? 是的!见到你很高兴!你以前来过这家餐馆吗?

I used to eat here often. I stopped coming after I saw a man die here. 我过去常在这里吃饭。我看到一个人死在这里之后就不来了。

Um, oh. 嗯,哦。

But their tacos are alright. 但是他们的玉米饼还不错。

Wow, OK. 哇,好吧。

Have you seen any good movies lately? 你最近看过什么好电影吗?

I don't watch movies. They're boring. 我不看电影。他们是无聊的。

Oh… then you probably like to read. 哦,那你可能喜欢看书。

Books? Ew. No. They're like movies that I have to carry. 书吗?电子战。不。它们就像我必须随身携带的电影。

Uh… do you like to cook? 你喜欢烹饪吗?

No, I like when people cook for me. 不,我喜欢别人给我做饭。

OK… So… tell me about yourself. 跟我说说你自己吧。

No, not on a first date. I like to wait until we know each other better. 不,不是第一次约会。我喜欢等到我们更了解对方。

Oh… do you go on a lot of dates? 你约会过很多次吗?

I go on a lot of first dates… but not many second dates. I don't know why. 我有过很多第一次约会,但第二次约会并不多。我不知道为什么。

I might know why. 我可能知道为什么。

I think I'm going to go. 我想我该走了。

Bea stands up to leave, but then she sees a woman. 碧站起来准备离开,但她看到了一个女人。

Oh no! It's my ex-girlfriend! 噢,不!这是我的前女友!

Nadia looks at the woman. Nadia看着那个女人。

Oh no! It's my ex-girlfriend! 噢,不!这是我的前女友!

You dated Melissa? 你约会梅丽莎?

Yes! She's terrible! She sneezes so loudly! 是的!她真是太可怕了!她喷嚏打得那么响!

I know! 我知道!

And if you don't laugh at her jokes, she says them again, but louder. 如果你不笑她的笑话,她又说了一遍,但声音更大。

That's very true! 那是千真万确的!

Maybe we do have some things in common. Do you want to order dinner? 也许我们确实有一些共同点。你要点菜吗?

No. You seem a little negative. 不。你看起来有点消极。

I don't date negative people. 我不和消极的人约会。

_______________ _______________

Eddy's New Haircut 艾迪的新发型

Eddy sees Lucy outside their apartment building. 艾迪在他们的公寓大楼外面看到了露西。

Whoa, Eddy! What happened to your hair? 哇,艾迪!你的头发怎么了?

Oh, I got a new haircut! 哦,我换了个新发型!

Well, you need to fix it. 你得把它修好。

Can you go to a hairstylist? 你能去做个发型师吗?

No, I have a date right now… 不,我现在有个约会…

Oh no! 噢,不!

This is really bad! 这太糟糕了!

Actually, maybe the haircut is OK… 事实上,也许这个发型还可以……

Turn your head to the right. 把头向右转。

Eddy turns his head. Lucy looks closely. 艾迪转过头去。露西看起来密切。

No. Turn your head the other way. 不。把你的头转过去。

Eddy turns his head the other way. 艾迪把头转向另一边。

No, sorry, it looks bad from every angle. 不,抱歉,从各个角度看都很糟糕。

I hope you can get your money back from your hairstylist. 我希望你能从发型师那里拿回你的钱。

It was free. 它是免费的。

Someone should tell your hairstylist to find a new career. 应该有人告诉你的发型师换个新职业。

You just told him. 你刚告诉他了。

What? 什么?

I cut my own hair. 我自己剪头发。

I watched a video on the Internet. 我在网上看了一段视频。

It looked easy. 它看起来很容易。

Eddy, you have to cancel your date. 艾迪,你得取消你的约会。

It's OK. I brought my favorite hat! 没关系。我带了我最喜欢的帽子!

Eddy puts on his hat. Lucy looks worried. 艾迪戴上他的帽子。露西看起来忧心忡忡。

What's wrong now? 现在有什么问题吗?

Uh… well… 嗯…嗯…

Do you have a different hat? 你有不同的帽子吗?

Why? 为什么?

That hat is worse than the haircut. 那顶帽子比发型还糟糕。

Eddy's New Haircut 艾迪的新发型

Eddy sees Lucy outside their apartment building. 艾迪在他们的公寓大楼外面看到了露西。

Whoa, Eddy! What happened to your hair? 哇,艾迪!你的头发怎么了?

Oh, I got a new haircut! 哦,我换了个新发型!

Well, you need to fix it. 你得把它修好。

Can you go to a hairstylist? 你能去做个发型师吗?

No, I have a date right now… 不,我现在有个约会…

Oh no! 噢,不!

This is really bad! 这太糟糕了!

Actually, maybe the haircut is OK… 事实上,也许这个发型还可以……

Turn your head to the right. 把头向右转。

Eddy turns his head. Lucy looks closely. 艾迪转过头去。露西看起来密切。

No. Turn your head the other way. 不。把你的头转过去。

Eddy turns his head the other way. 艾迪把头转向另一边。

No, sorry, it looks bad from every angle. 不,抱歉,从各个角度看都很糟糕。

I hope you can get your money back from your hairstylist. 我希望你能从发型师那里拿回你的钱。

It was free. 它是免费的。

Someone should tell your hairstylist to find a new career. 应该有人告诉你的发型师换个新职业。

You just told him. 你刚告诉他了。

What? 什么?

I cut my own hair. 我自己剪头发。

I watched a video on the Internet. 我在网上看了一段视频。

It looked easy. 它看起来很容易。

Eddy, you have to cancel your date. 艾迪,你得取消你的约会。

It's OK. I brought my favorite hat! 没关系。我带了我最喜欢的帽子!

Eddy puts on his hat. Lucy looks worried. 艾迪戴上他的帽子。露西看起来忧心忡忡。

What's wrong now? 现在有什么问题吗?

Uh… well… 嗯…嗯…

Do you have a different hat? 你有不同的帽子吗?

Why? 为什么?

That hat is worse than the haircut. 那顶帽子比发型还糟糕。

47------------------------- 47 -------------------------

Waiting for George 等待乔治

Lucy is leaving a nice restaurant. 露西正要离开一家不错的餐厅。

She sees her friend, Julia, sitting at a table by herself. 她看到她的朋友朱莉娅独自坐在一张桌子旁。

Julia! What's wrong? You look sad! 茱莉亚!怎么了?你看起来悲伤!

Oh Lucy, it's awful! It's my anniversary, but I don't think George is coming. 哦,露西,太可怕了!今天是我的结婚纪念日,但我想乔治不会来了。

What? Why not? 什么?为什么不呢?

I forgot our anniversary last year, and I think he's still angry about it. He's very late. 我去年忘了我们的结婚纪念日,我想他还在为此生气。他很晚了。

But that was a year ago! 但那是一年前的事了!

He's probably late because of traffic. 他可能因为交通堵塞而迟到。

No, he's not coming… 不,他不来了……

And look at everything I did for him this year. I got his favorite flowers. 看看今年我为他做的一切。我收到了他最喜欢的花。

And I hired a musician to play his favorite song. 我雇了一个音乐家来演奏他最喜欢的曲子。

Julia points to a violin player at a nearby table. 茱莉亚指着邻桌的一个小提琴手。

The musician has been waiting for an hour. 那位音乐家已经等了一个小时了。

George is an hour late?! Maybe he isn't coming… 乔治迟到了一个小时?!也许他不来了……

He was so angry when I forgot our anniversary last year. 去年我忘了我们的结婚纪念日,他非常生气。

This year, I remembered everything.  今年,我记得一切。

But he's not here! Now I know our relationship is finished. 但他不在这儿!现在我知道我们的关系结束了。

Julia, George is terrible.  茱莉亚,乔治很糟糕。

You can find five men in this restaurant who are better than him. 在这个餐厅里你可以找到五个比他强的人。

You don't like George? 你不喜欢乔治?

I have never liked George! He talks too much. 我从来就不喜欢乔治!他话太多了。

Julia gets a text message. 茱莉亚收到了一条短信。

Oh, George just texted me! 乔治刚给我发短信了!

He says, "I'm so excited for our anniversary tomorrow." 他说:“明天是我们的周年纪念日,我很兴奋。”

What?! Our anniversary is the fifteenth! 什么? !我们的结婚纪念日是第十五!

Julia, tomorrow is the fifteenth. 茱莉亚,明天是十五号。

Oh! My anniversary is tomorrow! 哦!明天是我的结婚纪念日!

I feel much better now! 我现在感觉好多了!

Oh, great! Everything is OK with you and George! 哦,太棒了!你和乔治一切都好!

Yes! I'm so happy. But wait, do you really think George talks too much? 是的!我很高兴。等等,你真的觉得乔治话太多了吗?


Space Viking 太空海盗

Lily and Zari are in art class. 莉莉和扎里在美术课上。

I'm so excited to see Space Viking 2 tonight! 今晚要看《太空海盗2》我太激动了!

Their teacher, Oscar, hears them talking about the movie. 他们的老师,奥斯卡,听到他们谈论电影。

Space Viking?! 太空海盗? !

Please don't tell me you are going to see that movie! 别告诉我你要去看那部电影!

Yes. Tonight. 是的。今晚。

Tonight?! You're artists. You shouldn't watch action movies. 今晚? !你是艺术家。你不应该看动作片。

We enjoy action movies. 我们喜欢动作片。

They're stupid, but they're fun. 它们很蠢,但很有趣。

When you watch those kinds of movies, you don't learn anything. 当你看这类电影的时候,你什么也学不到。

You should watch artistic and intelligent movies. 你应该看有艺术感和智慧的电影。

That sounds boring. 那听起来无聊。

I have two tickets to the international film festival tonight. Please, take them! 我有两张今晚国际电影节的票。请把它们!

OK, we'll think about it. 好的,我们会考虑的。

Later, Zari and Lily are outside the movie theater. 稍后,扎里和莉莉在电影院外面。

Wow, look at all the people here to see Space Viking 2! 哇,看看这么多人来这里看《太空海盗2》!

Is that… our teacher? 那是……我们的老师吗?

Oscar is outside the movie theater, wearing a Space Viking costume. 奥斯卡在电影院外,穿着太空维京人的服装。

The girls walk over to him. 女孩们走向他。

Sir! Are you here to see Space Viking 2? 先生!你是来看太空海盗2的吗?

Uh… No? 嗯…没有?

Then why are you wearing that costume? 那你为什么穿那套戏服?

You're a Space Viking fan! 你是太空维京人的粉丝!

Maybe I am. 也许我。

You said we wouldn't learn anything. 你说我们什么都不会知道的。

But we learned that our art teacher likes action movies! 但是我们知道我们的美术老师喜欢动作片!

I just wanted to watch my movie alone. 我只想一个人看我的电影。

OK. See you on Monday, Space Viking… 好的。周一见,太空维京人…


Marathon Runner 马拉松运动员

Eddy is on a date with Mimi at a restaurant. 艾迪和咪咪在一家餐厅约会。

The dinner was very delicious. 晚餐非常美味。

Yes, it was! 是的,它是!

Have I told you I'm going to run a marathon in the fall? 我告诉过你秋天我要去跑马拉松吗?

Yes. You told me three times. 是的。你告诉我三次了。

I'm running a marathon in the fall! 我秋天要跑马拉松!

Now, you've told me four times. 你已经告诉我四次了。

Maybe our next date should be at the park! 也许我们下次约会应该在公园!

That sounds romantic!  这听起来浪漫!

We can look at the birds, and drink wine and 我们可以看鸟,喝酒,还有

And we can run together! 我们可以一起跑!

Or we can go to the new Italian restaurant downtown! 或者我们可以去市中心新开的意大利餐厅!

I don't like that restaurant. I'm not allowed to wear my sneakers there. 我不喜欢那家餐馆。那里不允许我穿运动鞋。

Have you seen my new sneakers? I bought these for the marathon. 你看到我的新运动鞋了吗?我买这些是为了看马拉松比赛。

Yes… you already showed me your sneakers. 是的,你已经给我看过你的运动鞋了。

These are perfect for running in any kind of weather! 这是在任何天气下跑步的完美选择!

Interesting… 有趣的…

I hope it doesn't rain on the day of the marathon. 我希望马拉松比赛那天不会下雨。

Well, it's late. I think I'm ready to go home now. 这是晚了。我想我现在可以回家了。

This was fun! Do you want to get coffee tomorrow? 这是有趣的!你明天想去喝咖啡吗?

Hmmm… Yes, come to the coffee shop tomorrow. I have a surprise for you. 嗯……是的,明天来咖啡店吧。我有个惊喜给你。

The next day Eddy is at the coffee shop. He's waiting for Mimi, but she doesn't arrive. 第二天艾迪在咖啡店。他在等咪咪,但她还没到。

A woman runs over to Eddy. 一个女人跑向艾迪。

Hi! Are you Eddy? 这就跟你问声好!你是艾迪吗?

Yes… 是的……

I'm Deborah. My friend, Mimi, said we should meet! 我是黛博拉。我的朋友,咪咪,说我们应该见面!

Hi, I'm Eddy. I like your sneakers! 嗨,我是埃迪。我喜欢你的运动鞋!

Thanks! I'm running a marathon in the fall! 谢谢!我秋天要跑马拉松!


Aliens Are Real 外星人是真实的

Eddy and his son, Junior, are in their apartment. 艾迪和他的儿子朱尼尔在他们的公寓里。

They are arguing. 他们在辩论。

I think believing in aliens is crazy. 我觉得相信外星人是疯狂的。

Crazy? 疯了吗?

Thousands of people have seen aliens. 成千上万的人见过外星人。

Thousands of people can be wrong. 成千上万的人都可能是错的。

The government says aliens are real. 政府说外星人是真的。

The government is wrong about a lot of things. 政府在很多事情上都是错的。

Do you know how big the universe is? 你知道宇宙有多大吗?

It's pretty big. 这是相当大的。

Pretty big? 相当大的吗?

There are billions of planets. 地球上有数十亿颗行星。

So? 所以呢?

There are definitely aliens on one of those planets. 其中一个星球上肯定有外星人。

We'll never know. 我们永远不会知道。

All the smartest scientists believe aliens are real. 所有最聪明的科学家都相信外星人是存在的。

None of the scientists I know believe in aliens. 我认识的科学家都不相信外星人。

How many scientists do you know? 你认识多少科学家?

OK, I don't know any scientists… 好吧,我不认识什么科学家…

Dad, you know it's possible that aliens are real. 爸爸,你知道外星人可能真的存在。

Fine, maybe it's possible. 好吧,也许有可能。

But I still don't believe that aliens ate all of my favorite cereal. 但我还是不相信外星人把我最喜欢的麦片都吃了。

How do you know that, Dad? 你怎么知道的,爸爸?

I believe in what I see. And I see milk on your shirt. 我相信我所看到的。我还看到你衬衫上有牛奶。

What? 什么?

Junior looks down at his shirt. Junior低头看了看他的衬衫。

OK, you win. I ate your cereal. 好吧,你赢了。我吃了你的麦片。

But I still think aliens are real. 但我仍然认为外星人是真实存在的。

48-------------------------- 48 --------------------------

Bad Reception 糟糕的信号

Eddy and Oscar are in Oscar's apartment. They are watching a soccer game on TV. 艾迪和奥斯卡在奥斯卡的公寓里。他们正在看电视上的足球比赛。

Yes! Amazing! 是的!神奇的!

Did you see that goal? 你看到那个进球了吗?

No. Eddy, you asked to come into my apartment for one minute to check the score. 不。艾迪,你说要来我公寓一分钟看看比分。

But you've been here an hour! 可你已经来了一个小时了!

I know. Aren't you glad I stayed? 我知道。我留下来你不高兴吗?

Eddy, I am very tired. 艾迪,我很累。

Some pizza will wake you up. 吃点披萨会让你清醒。

No, it's too late for pizza! 不,现在吃披萨太晚了!

Don't worry! I know an amazing pizza place that's open late. 别担心!我知道有家很棒的披萨店营业到很晚。

Eddy takes out his phone. 艾迪拿出他的手机。

Hmm… I don't have any reception. Does your phone have reception? 嗯,我的电话没有信号。你的手机有接收信号吗?

Oscar looks at his phone. It has great reception. 奥斯卡看着他的手机。它的接收效果很好。

No, sorry. 不,对不起。

But there's good reception near my front door. 但我家前门附近的信号很好。

Eddy walks over to the door. 艾迪走到门口。

There's still no reception here. 这里还是没有信号。

Can you try walking out the door? 你能试着走出去吗?

You want me to go into the hall? 你想让我去走廊吗?

Yes! The reception is great there. 是的!那里的接待很好。

Eddy opens the door and walks out of the apartment. 艾迪打开门,走出了公寓。

There is great reception in the hall! 大厅里的接待很热烈!

Oscar runs to the door, shuts it quickly, and locks it. 奥斯卡跑到门口,迅速关上了门,锁上了门。

He's finally gone! 他终于走了!

Oscar's phone rings. 奥斯卡的电话响了。

Oscar answers his phone. It's Eddy calling from the hall. 奥斯卡接了电话。是艾迪从大厅打来的。

Oscar? Your door is locked. Can you let me in? 奥斯卡?你的门锁上了。你能让我进去吗?

Sorry, I can't hear you. I have bad reception. 对不起,我听不清。我的信号不好。


Front Window 前窗

Lily and Zari are watching their new neighbor, Stewart, from Lily's window. Lily和Zari从Lily的窗户看着他们的新邻居Stewart。

Zari, have you seen Mrs. Harper's dog recently? 扎里,你最近看到哈帕太太的狗了吗?

I haven't seen that dog since Monday. Why? 我周一之后就没见过那只狗了。为什么?

I haven't seen the dog either. 我也没见过那只狗。

But on Monday night, I heard Stewart telling Mrs. Harper, "I'll make sure that dog is quiet." 可是星期一晚上,我听见斯图尔特对哈帕太太说:“我会保证让那只狗安静下来的。”

And last night, I saw him carrying a large garbage bag… 昨晚,我看到他提着一个大垃圾袋……

Maybe he had a party. 也许他开了个派对。

He didn't have a party. Who would he invite? He doesn't have any friends. He just moved here. 他没有开派对。他会邀请谁呢?他没有朋友。他刚搬来。

So the dog is missing, and you saw Stewart throw away a bag of garbage? 狗不见了,你看到斯图尔特扔了一袋垃圾?

Do you think… Stewart killed the dog? 你觉得是Stewart杀了狗吗?

No. Yes. Maybe. 不。是的。也许吧。

We need to look in that garbage bag. 我们得看看那个垃圾袋。

Yes, we do. 是的,我们做的。

The girls walk quietly past Stewart's apartment… 女孩们悄悄地走过斯图尔特的公寓……

We have to be quiet! We don't want Stewart to hear us! 我们必须安静!我们不想让斯图尔特听到我们!

Then stop talking to me. 那就别再跟我说话了。

Here's the bag! 这是秘密!

Open it! 打开它!

Lily starts to open the garbage bag… 莉莉开始打开垃圾袋。

Don't touch that! 别碰!

Stewart is standing behind Zari and Lily. Stewart站在Zari和Lily后面。

If you open that garbage bag… 如果你打开那个垃圾袋…

What will we see?! 我们会看到什么?!

There will be feathers everywhere. 到处都是羽毛。

Feathers? 羽毛?

Mrs. Harper's dog destroyed my feather pillows, so I had to throw them away. 哈帕太太的狗把我的羽绒枕头弄坏了,我只好把它们扔掉。

You have Mrs. Harper's dog? 你养了哈帕太太的狗?

Yes, of course. She's away, so I'm taking care of him. 是的,当然。她不在,所以我来照顾他。

Wow. 哇。

Now I need to buy new pillows for the dog to sleep on. 现在我需要买新的枕头给狗睡觉。

And maybe a little sweater so he doesn't get cold.  再穿件小毛衣,这样他就不会冷了。

Do you think he will look nice in blue? 你觉得他穿蓝色好看吗?


Without a Paddle 没有明

Lucy and Lin are spending a day at the lake. 露西和林在湖边玩了一天。

They decided to rent a boat. 他们决定租一条船。

This is so nice. 这太好了。

Hmm… I'm not sure. 嗯……我不确定。

Aren't you glad we rented this boat? 你不高兴我们租了这艘船吗?

No. I wanted to go swimming. 不。我想去游泳。

But we're still enjoying the lake. 但我们还在享受湖上的美景。

You're right, it's nice. 你说得对,很不错。

And now we have everything we need for the perfect afternoon: a great view, beautiful weather, wine, cheese… 现在我们有了完美下午所需的一切:绝佳的风景、宜人的天气、葡萄酒、奶酪……

Wait, where are our paddles? 等等,我们的电浆呢?

Oops, I think I dropped them in the lake. 哎呀,我好像把它们掉湖里了。

Did you do that on purpose?  你是故意的吗?

Without paddles, we can't get out of the lake! 没有船桨,我们就出不了湖!

That's not a problem. 这不是问题。

Lucy takes two swimsuits out of her bag. 露西从包里拿出两件游泳衣。

Because we have these! 因为我们有这些!

You brought our swimsuits?! You planned this! 你把我们的泳衣带来了?!你计划这个!

I told you I wanted to go swimming. 我告诉过你我想去游泳。

We went for a boat ride, like you wanted. 我们去划船了,像你想的那样。

And now we're going for a swim, like I wanted! 现在我们要去游泳了,就像我想的那样!


A Perfect Anniversary 一个完美的纪念日

Vikram walks into a jewelry store. 维克拉姆走进一家珠宝店。

Hello, how can I help you? 你好,我能帮你什么忙吗?

Hi! I need help with something very special. 这就跟你问声好!我有件很特别的事需要帮助。

I just drove all the way to this city. Twenty years ago, 我一路开到这个城市。二十年前,

 I met my wife here! 我在这里遇到了我的妻子!

Wow! Twenty years is such a long time! 哇!二十年是一段很长的时间!

Yes, it is! I'm planning the perfect anniversary. 是的,它是!我在计划完美的周年纪念。

Great, I can help you with that! 太好了,我可以帮你!

Thanks! So, I'm looking for— 谢谢!我在找

Don't tell me! I already know. 别告诉我!我已经知道了。

You do? 你会怎么做?

Yes! You need a silver necklace!  是的!你需要一条银项链!

You can take your wife on a boat at sunset and give it to her. 你可以在日落时分带你的妻子乘船,把它送给她。

 That will be very romantic. 那会很浪漫的。

Actually, no— 实际上,不,

You're right. The anniversary has to be perfect. 你是对的。周年纪念一定要完美。

 A gold necklace is much better! 金项链要好得多!

No, no— 不,不,

Earrings? Look at these beautiful diamond earrings here. 耳环吗?看看这些漂亮的钻石耳环。

Diamond earrings?  钻石耳环吗?

No. We don't usually spend more than five dollars on anniversary presents. 不。我们买周年纪念礼物通常不会超过五美元。

What? 什么?

We love each other and we don't care about fancy presents. 我们彼此相爱,我们不在乎花哨的礼物。

Then why are you in a jewelry store? 那你为什么在珠宝店?

Vikram takes a napkin out of his pocket. 维克拉姆从口袋里拿出一张餐巾。

 It has the name of a sandwich shop on it. 上面有一家三明治店的名字。

Do you know where this sandwich shop is? 你知道这家三明治店在哪儿吗?

 I can't find the address online. I need to buy my wife a sandwich there for our anniversary. 我在网上找不到地址。我要给我老婆买个三明治庆祝我们的纪念日。

A sandwich? That's not very romantic. 一个三明治吗?这可不怎么浪漫。

Well, we shared a sandwich there on our first date. 我们第一次约会就在那里吃了三明治。

You kept this napkin for twenty years?! 这张餐巾你留了二十年?!

Yes! I have loved her since we shared that sandwich. 是的!自从我们分享了三明治,我就爱上了她。

OK… maybe that is romantic. 好吧,也许这很浪漫。

49------------------------- 49 -------------------------

Whatever Junior Wants 无论小希望

Eddy is getting ready to leave for his date. 艾迪正准备去约会。

Lin arrives. 林的到来。

Hi, Lin! Thank you for watching Junior. 嗨,林!感谢收看《少年》。

When the babysitter said she couldn't come tonight, I didn't know what to do. 当保姆说她今晚不能来时,我不知道该怎么办。

I've never been a babysitter before, but it's probably pretty easy, right? 我以前从没当过保姆,但这可能很简单,对吧?

Never? 从来没有吗?

What are you going to do with Junior? 你打算拿小詹姆斯怎么办?

Whatever Junior wants. 无论初级希望。

Please don't do whatever Junior wants. 请不要做朱尼尔想做的事。

He just likes to sit inside and play video games. 他只是喜欢坐在屋里玩电子游戏。

Should I take him outside? 要我带他出去吗?

Yes, great idea. 是的,好主意。

We can go for a ride on my motorcycle! 我们可以骑我的摩托车去兜风!

No! No motorcycles. 不!没有摩托车。

Hmm. OK, no motorcycles. 嗯。好的,没有摩托车。

We can go to my friend's rock concert. It's in an old, abandoned building. 我们可以去听我朋友的摇滚音乐会。在一个废弃的老房子里。

An abandoned building? 一个废弃的建筑物?

And if Junior gets hungry, the building is near a bar that has free fries. 如果小詹姆斯饿了,那栋楼附近有一家提供免费薯条的酒吧。

A bar? 一个酒吧吗?

But you don't have to drink a beer to get the fries. 但你不需要喝啤酒来吃薯条。

Maybe you should stay here and play video games. 也许你该留下来玩电子游戏。

OK, but that's less fun. 好吧,但那就没那么有趣了。

Oh no, I'm late! 哦,不,我迟到了!

Have fun. Please don't leave the apartment. Bye. 玩得开心。请不要离开公寓。再见。

Eddy leaves. Junior walks into the room. 艾迪树叶。Junior走进房间。

You were right. Your plan was perfect! 你是对的。你的计划太完美了!

You really scared my dad. 你真的吓到我爸了。

And now I can play video games all night! 现在我可以整晚玩电子游戏了!

You mean we can play video games all night. 你是说我们可以整晚玩电子游戏。


The Password 的密码

Lucy is looking at her computer. 露西正在看她的电脑。

Lin! I can't log into my computer! I forgot my password. 林!我不能登录我的电脑了!我忘记密码了。

OK, I'll look at it… The password hint is "The name of your first love." 密码提示是“你初恋的名字。”

Hm… 嗯……

Well, when I was a spy… 我当间谍的时候…

I had to bring some medicine over the border… 我得带些药过来…

What? 什么?

At the time, I was working with a man named Eduardo… 当时,我和一个叫爱德华多的人一起工作。

"Eduardo?" … “爱德华多?”...

Lin types the name into the computer. 林把名字输入电脑。

That's not the password. 那不是密码。

No, I never loved Eduardo. He was stupid. 不,我从没爱过爱德华多。他是愚蠢的。

Because of Eduardo, the enemies caught us. 因为爱德华多,敌人抓住了我们。

They took us to a secret room in the embassy. 他们把我们带到大使馆的一间密室。

Uh-oh. 哦。

The enemy leader came to see me.  敌人的首领来见我。

We spent days talking. Finally, he let us leave. 我们聊了好几天。最后,他让我们离开了。

Oh, really? 哦,真的吗?

We became good friends. 我们成了好朋友。

What was his name? 他叫什么名字?

Jean-Luc. 让-吕克·。

Lin types the name into the computer. 林把名字输入电脑。

That's not the password. 那不是密码。

He gave me money to get on a plane. 他给我钱让我坐飞机。

Then what happened? 然后发生了什么?

Well… The pilot was a very handsome young man. 飞行员是个非常英俊的年轻人。

Kind, funny, smart… his name was Rafael. 善良,风趣,聪明,他叫拉斐尔。

I'll try "Rafael"… no. That's not the password. 我试试"拉斐尔"不。那不是密码。

No, Rafael died. 不,拉斐尔去世了。

What? 什么?

He had a heart attack while we were flying. 他在飞行途中心脏病发作了。

Oh no! 噢,不!

His last words were, "Take care of the Black Rose." 他的临终遗言是"干掉黑玫瑰"

And I did. 我所做的。

What's the Black Rose? 什么是黑玫瑰?

The airplane. It was the most beautiful plane in the world. 这架飞机。那是世界上最漂亮的飞机。

"Black Rose…" Yes! That's the password! “黑玫瑰…”是的!这就是密码!


Junior Makes a Mess 年轻人搞得一团糟

Eddy comes home from work. 艾迪下班回家。

Junior! I'm home! 初级!我回来了!

I'm in my room, Dad! 我在我的房间里,爸爸!

Eddy goes to Junior's room. There is paint everywhere. 艾迪走进朱尼尔的房间。到处都是油漆。

Junior! What are you doing? You made a mess! 初级!你在干什么?你搞得一团糟!

I know! I'm working on something special. 我知道!我在做一件特别的事。

Ugh, Junior. 呃,初级。

 We need to clean this room. 我们需要打扫这个房间。

OK, Dad… 好的,爸爸……

But let's make dinner first. 但我们还是先做晚饭吧。

Eddy and Junior walk to the kitchen.  艾迪和朱尼尔走到厨房。

There's paint and chocolate everywhere. 到处都是颜料和巧克力。

Junior! What did you do?! 初级!你做了什么?!

Why is there paint in here too?  为什么这里也有油漆?

And what is this on the walls? Chocolate?  墙上这是什么?巧克力吗?

How did you get chocolate on the walls? 你怎么把巧克力弄到墙上去的?

I was baking! It was messy. 我是烘焙!这是混乱的。

Junior, please help me clean now. 小詹姆斯,现在请帮我打扫。

But, Dad… 但是,爸爸…

I had a difficult day. No one at work remembered my birthday. 我度过了艰难的一天。公司里没有人记得我的生日。

I just wanted to come home and have a nice dinner with my son. 我只想回家和我儿子吃顿美好的晚餐。

 But now we have to clean your room and the kitchen! 但是现在我们必须打扫你的房间和厨房!

Dad… 爸爸……

I have a headache. I'm going to lie down on the couch. 我头疼。我要躺在沙发上。

Eddy goes to the living room. Junior runs behind him. 艾迪去了客厅。Junior跑在他后面。

Wait, Dad! 等等,爸爸!

Junior! There's paint and chocolate in here too!  初级!这里还有颜料和巧克力!

You're in trouble now! 你现在有麻烦了!

Wait… is that a birthday cake? 等等,那是生日蛋糕吗?

Yes! 是的!

And is that a painting of … a clown? 那是一幅小丑的画吗?

No, that's a painting of you. Happy birthday, Dad! 不,那是你的画像。生日快乐,爸爸!

Oh. Thank you for remembering, Junior. I love it. 哦。谢谢你还记得,小詹姆斯。我爱它。

Eddy hugs Junior. 艾迪拥抱初级。

Do you want to eat some cake now? 你现在想吃蛋糕吗?

Uh… maybe later, Junior. This cake is covered in paint… 等会儿吧,小詹姆斯。这蛋糕上覆盖着一层油漆。


Lin's High School Reunion 林的高中同学聚会

Lin is at her high school reunion.  林正在参加她的高中同学聚会。

She's waiting in line to get food. 她在排队取食物。

One of her former classmates walks over. 她以前的一个同学走过来。

Lin! It's so good to see you! 林!见到你真高兴!

It's good to see you, too, Ken. 我也很高兴见到你,肯。

My name is Ben. 我的名字叫本。

Oh, sorry. 哦,对不起。

I'm surprised you came to the reunion! 我很惊讶你会来参加同学会!

I'm here because they have free food. 我来是因为他们有免费食物。

 The shrimp is delicious. 这虾很好吃。

Hey, do you remember when we all drove down to the lake? 你还记得我们一起开车去湖边吗?

 And then we jumped in wearing our clothes. 然后我们穿着衣服跳了进去。

I don't think I was there. 我想我当时不在那里。

Yes you were! I rode on your grandmother Lucy's motorcycle. 是的,你是!我骑过你祖母露西的摩托车。

My grandmother was there, but I wasn't.  我祖母在那里,但我不在。

She did a lot of crazy things when I was in high school. 我上高中的时候她做了很多疯狂的事。

Your grandmother was so cool! 你奶奶太酷了!

Do you remember when Lucy took us to see the band Small Hungry Monsters? 你还记得露西带我们去看“小饥饿怪物”乐队吗?

Uh… 嗯…

She got on the stage! The band let her play that amazing drum solo! 她上了舞台!乐队让她独唱了那支令人惊叹的鼓!

I wasn't at that concert. 我没有去那个音乐会。

Are you going to eat that shrimp or can I have it? 你要吃那只虾还是给我吃?

Sure! 当然!

Were you with us when we stole a pig from that old farm?  我们从老农场偷猪的时候你和我们在一起吗?

And then we let it out during the basketball game? 然后我们在篮球比赛时发泄出来?

No. But I did let her borrow my truck for that. 不。但我确实让她借了我的卡车。

Thanks! How is Lucy? 谢谢!露西怎么样?

You can ask her yourself… she's here! 你可以自己问她,她在这里!

Ben! What's up? 本!有什么事吗?

Lucy! It's great to see you! 露西!见到你真高兴!

I'm happy you're here! 我很高兴你在这里!

 This reunion is boring. Do you want to steal another pig?! 这次聚会真无聊。你想再偷一头猪吗!

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