

 名品汇 2022-03-25


Since time immemorial,pearls have been considered as one of the most precious and desirable of gemstones.The pearl is a universal symbol of seduction,perfection,mystery,beauty and purity in many different cultures.According to Persian mythology,pearls were actually tears from the gods.In ancient China,it was said they were created with moonlight.The origin of this divine creation,however,lies in a sontaneous reaction which is the natural defensive reflex of an oyster or shellfish when it comes into contact with a grain of sand.

The result is the most perfect gem produced by nature.To celebrate the Classique pen's 30th anniversary,S.T.Dupont has created two elegant ballpoints pencils.They are beautifully decorated with a delicate row of natural pearls on the clip-16 pearls on the powder compact decor solid gold version and 9 pearls on the platinum finish model.

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