

 新概念英语教学 2022-03-26




26. Because they themselves are old.

27. Because the Chinese government is trying to keep as much of its ancient heritage in the country.

28. Do not expect to pay more than 50-60 per cent of the original marked price.

29. Just leave and go elsewhere.

30. Enlist the help of an interpreter or a local.



第35课讲的是有关珠宝盗窃(Jewel theft)的故事,为此我选了一篇同样有关珠宝盗窃的文章。



Jewel thieves have always been considered to be a cut above ordinary criminals. Perhaps it’s because they tend to rely on brains more than brawn. Defeating an impossible security system and getting into, and out of, a locked vault holds many of us in awe. The Pink Pearl Panther was one of them who totally got away with their crimes.

Joseph Grizzard was every inch the glamorous Edwardian jewel thief. He was rich and debonair and liked to taunt the police with his cleverness. Knowing that law enforcement suspected him of being involved in a diamond heist, he still arranged a dinner party for potential buyers. The police searched his premises while the guests were eating the first course, and Grizzard welcomed them in with a smile.

The officers searched thoroughly but found nothing, to the amusement of Grizzard and his guests. As soon as they left, Grizzard returned to eating his soup and pulled a long string of diamonds from the bottom of the bowl. He was also rumored to serve punch from the Ascot Cup, which had been ordered to be made by King Edward VII before its theft from the famous racecourse.

His final exploit should have been his crowning glory. In 1913, he masterminded the theft of a string of flawless pink pearls, worth around $18 million. The theft itself was worthy of a Sherlock Holmes novel. The pearls were sent through the post, which was considered to the safest way to transport them. The jewel case was placed inside a mailbag, alongside 300 other identical mailbags. At some point, Grizzard identified the bag, extracted it from the rest, removed the pearls, and, for no good reason, replaced them with a string of sugar cubes, decoupaged with newspaper.

The theft was only discovered after the package was delivered. And that would have been that if one of his accomplices hadn’t had loose lips. Grizzard was placed under surveillance, and, with the net closing in, the accomplice threw the necklace away. It was found by a piano maker who, assuming the pearls to be paste, gave one to a child for a marble before handing the rest into the police. Though Grizzard was finally arrested, his charm never left him. The detective in charge of his case, Alfred Ward, even visited him in prison and campaigned for his early release, which Grizzard got.


1. a cut above:更高一等

2. brawn:强壮的肌肉

3. vault:金库

4. awe:畏惧;敬畏

5. panther:黑豹

6. glamorous:富有魅力的

7. debonair:温文尔雅的

8. heist:盗窃;抢劫

9. premises:房屋

10. serve punch:上菜

11. the Ascot Cup:阿斯科特金杯(马赛)

12. exploit:引人注目的行为

13. crowning glory:至高无上的荣耀

14. mastermind:策划

15. flawless:完美无瑕的

16. taunt:嘲弄

17. identical:相同的

18. extract:设法得到

19. decoupage:(剪纸)装饰

20. accomplice:同谋

21. surveillance:监控

22. paste:人造宝石



1. Jewel thieves are superior to other criminals because they are stronger.

2. Grizzard arranged a dinner party for the police officer in return for their help.

3. Grizzard stole the Ascot Cup from the racecourse.

4. Grizzard replaced the pearls in the case with a string of sugar cubes.

5. The piano maker thought the pearls were not real jewels.


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