
悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

 世界建筑报道 2022-04-23

In Memoriam Harold L. Adams


悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

Harold L. Adams是美国建筑师协会资深会员(FAIA)、日本建筑师协会(JIA)会员以及英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)会员,作为建筑师和企业家,他一生获奖无数,并长期担任RTKL(现CRTKL)董事长、总裁兼首席执行官。在Harold的带领下,RTKL从巴尔的摩市小小的建筑设计事务所发展成为一家全球性建筑设计公司,Harold的影响力不仅限于专业领域,他还致力于倡导跨学科教育,推动建筑设计的学术发展。

An award-winning architect and keen businessman, Harold L. Adams FAIA, JIA, RIBA, was the long-time chairman, president and CEO of RTKL (now CRTKL). Harold transformed a small Baltimore architecture office into a global design practice. Adams influence did not rest at the professional level, his advocacy of interdisciplinary education and advancement of architecture within academia cannot be overlooked.


In many ways, Harold wrote the rules for how a large architecture practice operates, laying the foundation of what the firm is today and mentoring at least three generations of professionals.It is our distinct honor to share these remembrances in appreciation of his legacy.

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

作为得克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M)的毕业生,Harold在母校设立了跨学科专家研讨会,并捐赠了Janice L. & Harold L. Adams ’61报告厅,为学院的跨学科教育和多元化工作提供支持。他于2018年加入了母校的建筑设计学院,并在校长委员会和学院发展咨询委员会等多个董事会任职。

As a graduate of Texas A&M, Harold established the Interdisciplinary Charrette and developed the Janice L. and Harold L. Adams ’61 Presentation Room, a space dedicated to the college’s interdisciplinary and diversity efforts. Additional commitments to his alma-mater include joining the College of Architecture faculty in 2018 and serving on several boards, including the Chancellor’s Council and the college’s development advisory council.

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

前排右二(front row , 2nd from right):Harold L. Adams

在进入RTKL之前,Harold移居到华盛顿特区,加入了John Carl Warnecke建筑事务所,期间曾参与美国国会大厦的结构设计。Harold曾长期与肯尼迪家族合作,包括参与其家庭住所扩建项目,并担任阿灵顿国家公墓约翰·肯尼迪纪念馆项目的项目经理。

Prior to joining RTKL Harold moved to D.C., joining John Carl Warnecke and Associates, working on notable public buildings that shaped the fabric of the capitol. Noteworthy highlights included a longstanding collaboration with the Kennedys, from new additions to family homes to serving as project manager for the John F. Kennedy Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery.

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

右二(2nd from right):Harold L. Adams


Just in his late 20s, Adams joined RTKL. Adams brought a keen business acumen leading the transformation from a single Baltimore office to a global design practice with projects in more than 60 countries as it is known today.


Under his tenure, RTKL became one of the first American architecture firms to practice in China. RTKL also was an early adopter of innovative technology, introducing CAD far ahead of other practices. Adams became president at only 29 years old. He continued to excel, becoming CEO and chairman.

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

CRTKL早期在中国大陆的商业建筑类优秀作品 CRTKL’s early commercial projects in China(左右滑动查看)

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

CRTKL同期在中国大陆的文化公建类优秀作品 CRTKL’s early civic & cultural projects in China(左右滑动查看)

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams


RTKL amassed a significant roster of projects under Harold’s tenure, including the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center, the Rebuilding of the Pentagon following the September 11 attacks, the Hayashibara Cultural District in Japan and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams


悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

美国国会大厦游客中心 U.S. Capitol Visitors Center(左右滑动查看)

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

卡姆登球场综合体育馆总体规划 Camden Yards Sports Complex Master Plan © J. Brough Schamp (左右滑动查看)

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

美国海军学院班克罗夫特大厅 Bancroft Hall at the U. S. Naval Academy © Alan Karchmer (左右滑动查看)

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

沙特阿拉伯王国大使馆 Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia(左右滑动查看)

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

右一(1st from right):Harold L. Adams

美国建筑师协会(AIA)曾将两项最高荣誉授予了Harold。第一个是Edward C. Kemper奖,旨在表彰他在专业领域的领导能力,以及他在1997-1998年担任院士团负责人期间所做的贡献。2014年,他获得院士团最高荣誉——Leslie N. Boney Spirit of Fellowship,以嘉奖他多年来为院士团所做的贡献。此外,他还获得了美国军事工程师协会颁发的首届Max O. Urbahn Medal奖章,以表彰他在建筑设计领域所取得的成就,Harold并借此入职美国国家建筑学院。

The AIA awarded Adams two of its highest honors, the Edward C. Kemper Award, for his leadership in the profession, and membership in its College of Fellows, serving as chancellor of the College of Fellows in 1997–1998. In 2014, he received the College of Fellows’ highest honor, the Leslie N. Boney Spirit of Fellowship Award, for his years of service. He was also honored with the Society of American Military Engineers’ inaugural Max O. Urbahn Medal for achievement in architecture and inducted into The National Academy of Construction.

悼念 | CRTKL荣休主席Harold L. Adams

Harold是得克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M)杰出校友和建筑学院杰出校友,并于2019年获得该校荣誉文学博士学位。同时,Harold还是第一批持有一级Kenchikushi执照(日本建设部颁发的建筑设计执照)的美国公民之一。

Other acknowledgments include a Texas A&M University Distinguished Alumnus and an Outstanding Alumnus of the College of Architecture. He also received an honorary doctor of letters degree from Texas A&M in 2019. Adams was one of the first United States citizens to hold a first-class Kenchikushi license, an architecture license awarded by Japan’s Ministry of Construction.

Harold Lynn Adams因罹患癌症于2022年4月12日(星期二)凌晨在得克萨斯州布赖恩的家中去世,去世时家人陪伴在侧。

Harold Lynn Adams FAIA, JIA, RIBA died in the early morning of Tuesday, 12 April 2022, at his home in Bryan (College Station), Texas, surrounded by his family. His death came after a short battle with glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer.

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