

 译品译味 2022-04-27
学习翻译,就像是玩《超级马里奥兄弟》,译者要时刻躲避翻译的雷区,还要奋勇击败各种顽固的小怪兽。不过,只要肯用心肯努力,就会得到各种小奖励。吃货君就常常以赢取小奖励为乐。有了奖励,当然要分享,今天吃货君就和大家分享一个exotic的小奖品:vivre d’amour et d’eau fraîche。
吃货君上法语课时学了“vivre d’amour et d’eau fraîche”,便在朋友圈发了条状态,用中文介绍了这个法语短语,没想到评论区就炸开了,会粤语的朋友马上回应:这不就是粤语的“有情饮水饱”?吃货君不禁感叹人类情感果然是相通的,不同的语言外壳下,或许流淌着同样一种古老的情愫。
后来,吃货君看中国人写的英文书时,无意间看到了这样一句话:“If you have love, even plain cold water is sweet.”哎,这不就是“有情饮水饱”的英译吗?同样一种情感,穿越了三个时空,换了三套衣服,见面的那一刻,仍是无比亲切。

Vivre d’amour et d’eau fraîche: to live a carefree life. (Literally: live on love and water alone). The expression emphasizes the unsustainability of the lifestyle. It is often used in the negative to chide children, as below.
On ne peut pas vivre d’amour et d’eau fraiche.
You can’t live off love and water alone.
The implication is that you need to work to earn a living.(查自Wikitionary)
Vivre d’amour et d’eau fraîche
Literally: to live on love and fresh water.
Meaning: to be in love and not care about anything else.
When you meet someone you are crazy in love with, you tend to become careless, you forget everything around you and fully live your love.
Until you realize you still need to work and care about the world. Because as powerful as love is, it’s not going to pay your bills.(查自https:///french-love-dating-idioms/)

PS:由此可以看出,“vivre d’amour et d’eau fraîche”与“有情饮水饱”在使用上还是有点差别。中国人说“有情饮水饱”时,常常带有一种认可的态度。这也提醒我们,看到形式对应的说法,不要盲目使用,例如“It takes a wise father to know his child”不能译成“知子莫如父”噢!

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