

 译品译味 2022-04-27







The school education and the community education should be separate. Kids should receive education not only from schools but also from communities and families. But now, nearly all educational resources are distributed in the education bureau and schools, while communities enjoy no educational resources. So if we want to balance the uneven distribution, social organizations are expected to play a big role in developing the community education. When this goal is achieved, the community education can take further steps, like requiring students or just primary school students to take courses and get credits in communities.


Community education should not be mixed with school education, and children should receive education not only from schools but also from communities and families. But now, the education bureaus, and the schools, I mean the school as an educational institution, monopolize all the educational resources, while communities enjoy no educational resources. But if we want to improve the children education, or to balance the resource distribution, social organizations should play a role, and communities are where these organizations can make some contributions. Therefore, we must make community education stronger, and this way… for example, children, or the students, such as the primary school students, can take courses and get credits in community education programs. In other words, they are required to join the community education programs to graduate. If this is to be done, community education needs to further develop.

考虑到原文的特殊性——采访录音,这里首先就存在一个解读问题。翻译猿在初译时自作聪明,以为受访者说话颠三倒四,所以就把很多信息整合了,似乎摆脱了“换字游戏”的束缚,但却不太忠实于原文的语境。相比之下,审校稿就能让人读出口语的感觉,比如“I mean the school as an educational institution”,既能起到解释说明的作用,又能体现出原文的口语特征。而原文最后一句话,翻译猿更是出现解读失误,以为说的是社区教育壮大之后应该努力的方向,所以语气上处理得难免有些斩钉截铁。其实这里受访者是对社区教育壮大之后所做的一种假设,审校猿的“this way…for example, children, or the students, such as the primary school students”,既体现出受访者说话时的断断续续,又符合英文行文逻辑,内容也忠实于原文。

拒绝“换字游戏”应该是拒绝用中文逻辑写英文,如果只是改改句子结构,其实还是换汤不换药。译猿需要不断训练,学会抓住原文的key info并结合背景知识作出合理判断,最终写出符合英文逻辑和原文语境、语气的译文。



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