

 译品译味 2022-04-27


      1. Third wheel 

“Third wheel” is a term for the feeling a person experiences when he or she feels left out. It commonly occurs when a person is hanging out with two other people who are acting more intimate and romantic.

Eg: I will not go out with you two because I don’t want to be a third wheel.

解析:该俚语出现较早,那时常用的交通工具是自行车,而自行车一般只有两个车轮,因此第三个车轮就成了多余的,所以“third wheel”其实也就是我们常常说的“电灯泡”的意思。后来,随着四轮汽车的普及,该俚语也与时俱进,从“third wheel”变成“fifth wheel”。

2. Excuse/Pardon my French.

The phrase is uttered in an attempt to excuse the user of profanity, swearing, or curses in the presence of those offended by it under the pretense of the words being part of a foreign language.

Eg: Pardon my French, but they are complete garbage.

解析:我们都知道,英美很推崇法国文化,甚至以会说法语为荣,为何这里的“French”却带有贬义呢?这其实是因为以前的英国贵族们认为说话时掺点法语,可以显示自己的高贵,所以当他们骂人或说一些粗俗的话时,为了礼貌,就会使用法语。慢慢地这也就成为了一种约定俗成的行为。如果有人对你说“Pardon my French”,那就意味着他要恶言相向了。但是,如今使用这个表达,后面跟的仅仅是一些负面的话,并不一定是法语。

3. Van Gogh's ear for music

Van Gogh was a painter who cut his ear off and this phrase is a pun intended one referring to being tone deaf. When referred to a singer it implies that they are not good and tend to go off key a lot.

Eg: He can’t be a singer because he has Van Gogh’s ear for music.



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